The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 148: 148: Fusion (2)

Chapter 148: 148: Fusion (2)

Read the next 17+ chapters ahead on /Master4thWall

Chapter 148: Fusion (2)

Neji headed back to his camp and went inside his small house with Kimi and Kurai.

"You won't take Nejire and Momo out?" asked Kimi, leaning over as she walked beside Kimi. "I think they should also witness the glorious and dazzling fusion of you two."

They stopped at the 'Throne Room' of the house and Neji put Kurai on the floor.

Hearing Kimi's words, Neji opened his mouth to retaliate but stopped midway.

'I was planning to take them inside the dungeon after Summer Camp anyway… but… Let's not clown myself, Summer Camp ain't gonna happen.'

Neji chewed on his lips for a while before sighing softly.

He turned to Kimi, "Since my favourite maid has demanded, I guess I gotta do it."

Neji shoved his hand in empty space as Kimi's eyes widened.

"Wait, you're actually doing it??" She was surprised.

She just suggested the idea as a joke, but for him to actually heed her words on such a serious matter… Kimi felt a bit awkward.

She scratched her arms and looked the other way while Neji shrugged at her and continued pulling Nejire and Momo outside.

The two schoolgirls, one with a tall busty frame and blue-haired girl and another with an elegant figure and dark-hair girl soon laid on the floor, breathing softly as they slept.

Neji guided his arms towards their neck and started to massage their acupuncture points.

After a second, they both jolted upwards with yells.

Momo looked around confused and a bit weary, while Nejire gasped loudly with wide eyes.

"What the heck, is this heaven?!"

"It's not." it was Neji who spoke, bringing both girls' attention towards him as their eyes fell on him, Kimi and Kurai.


Nejire jumped up, hugging him, while Momo started to get up slowly, still looking confused.

"Are you alright? You were hurt terribly before!" She drew her face back to stare at his face with her eyes wide and worried. "Also, what happened before? I saw the villain transforming into a dragon and preparing to fire a Beam like those dragons from games! But everything is blank in my mind after that! Are we dead?"

This was when Momo stepped in.

"Wait what villain?" she asked with a frown. "Don't tell me… was that portal opening in the classroom real? T-that wasn't a dream? Wait, is Aizawa sensei dead for real?"

Her eyes shook as she stumbled back and almost fell on the ground before Kimi caught her by the shoulders.

Neji scratched the back of his head and said slowly, "It's true, Aizawa sensei is dead. Some others also died, but I wasn't there to see who exactly they were. But calm down, we are fine as long as we're in this place."

Momo still looked horrified, but as Kimi patted her head from behind and spoke to her some calming words, she started to nod. Meanwhile, Nejire's ears twitched at his last words.

"In this place? Where is this place anyway?"

"Remember when I said there's a Dimension Gate in UA? The place where I took Kimi in." Neji asked Nejire who nodded. "This place is that. I managed to enter this place just before that beam of fire could hit me."

There was no need to tell them that he was indeed hit by it, and even almost died. Though from the context, Kimi and Kurai could guess by now what had happened before, and why his 'Life Force' suddenly fell down.

"Ohhhhh…" Nejire bobbed her head up and down dazedly before her eyes regained sharpness. "Then let's go out right now! We need to help Mirio and the others in the fight."

"Nope." Neji shook his head and Nejire's expression turned shocked.

Momo also chimed in, walking forward to him. "B-but, this isn't right! We can't just let them fight on their own when we are in good shape!"

'Good Shape'—Neji noticed Kurai frowning and growling at that word but she didn't say anything upon noticing Neji's gaze.


At Neji's short reply, Nejire looked serious. She knew him, and she also knew he wasn't the person who feared danger… but if even he was this unwilling… Nejire shook her head and sighed. He was right, it's not right to go out now. There was no doubt All Might and Mirio together was stronger than every one of them here combined, and if even their strongest punches didn't do much damage, Nejire wasn't going to force her little brother to fight beside her, and she also knew he wouldn't allow her to go out alone.

However, hearing Neji's words, Momo's shock only increased. She only saw Hisashi's hand, and while it seemed dangerous, as it managed to kill someone like Aizawa so easily, she was yet to see his full power.

Momo opened her mouth, but before she could say anything that she might regret later, Neji cut her off.

"Momo." He said in a tone that she wasn't familiar with, a tone so serious that she had never seen him use it before. "I love this life of mine a lot, so I don't plan to die. I dont plan to let any of you die either, so shut the fuck up and understand, this is not a game. Aizawa is dead, and so are some of your classmates. If not for me, you most likely would have been in their place because of that stupid Hero Complex of yours."




The girls looked shocked and were speechless, although Kurai seemed strangely proud. Neji's pupils zoomed out as he realised how he's been glaring at Momo with his Eyes of the Lord active. He immediately deactivated it and facepalmed.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to sound so forceful."

Though he apologised, he wasn't regretful for acting like this. This was a serious situation, and he would hate to see Momo die because of this ridiculous stupidity of this usually smart girl.

Momo slowly nodded after a long time but said nothing. Though from her expression, she was indeed relieved that Neji interrupted her before she could say anything stupid…

"Anyway," Neji shook his head and smiled at her. "By now, the fight has most likely ended or at least moved away from UA, so we can't do anything regardless. Luckily, time here is 10 times faster than the outside world, so we can spend a few days here and get stronger, and not even a day would pass in the outside world."

Momo was surprised at the information and nodded. She then spoke in a much softer voice, "But… um… what do you mean by getting stronger?"

Nejire looked curious too, but this time she held back from asking too many questions for some reason.

Neji's smile widened. "Good question."

Neji gestured to Kurai, who jumped up from the ground and took a spot on his shoulders.

"I don't think you guys are familiar with this thing… Maybe Kimi is since she wastes a lot of time reading manga…" Neji eyed Kimi who gave him a blank stare. "Anyway, there is this one thing between me and Kurai called 'Fusion' where I and she fuse together into a much stronger being. For reference, I would be able to use 'Magic' and it would be quite a few times stronger than Kurai's because of a special case with my body."

It was the magic boost of his High Human race.

His [High Human] race boosted his Mana reserves 50x more than it was when he was a normal human, and if that 50 times got added on top of Kurai's [Nergal] race's buff: 100 times mana, meaning 5000 times more mana than a normal Gamer might have. But his girls didn't need to know about all those details.

Certainly, More Mana didn't always mean more power, as some spells could only grow stronger when levelled up, this was still very powerful indeed.

Though this was all assuming the "Fusion" could indeed fix the curse, something that the system said should be possible, but the system didn't guarantee anything.

It just said– [Since the curse of the primordial is already being suppressed and negated by the Will of the Omniverse's blessing, for the most part, if your fusion can achieve a strong enough divinity, it can negate the bit of part that remains, at least temporarily as long as you're in the state of Fusion.]

'Certainly powerful enough to go against that dragon.'

Neji noticed his girls looking surprised and Kimi… drooling. He ignored the last part and moved on.

"Anyway, if you don't mind, let's get started with this."

Neji said to all of them as they nodded. Then he put Kurai on the floor and crouched down himself.

He already asked the system for the procedure of a fusion. Luckily, there was no weird fusion dance or some unnecessary accessories. The 'Master' and the 'Familiar' just needed to reach out a finger and make them touch each other. They would then need to say "Fuse" at the same time, either out loud or in their minds via telepathy.

The System also mentioned the cases of various different–as in failed or somewhat unsuccessful Fusion, but she didn't elaborate since the cases differ from person to person.

"Kurai, are you ready?"

Neji reached out a finger and asked Kurai who nodded.

Kurai too reached out a finger, following his gesture, as her single paw touched his thumb.

"Now with me, say Fusion."


Neji nodded at her tilt of the head.

Both of them stared at each other for a while before opening their mouths and saying at the same time,


A brilliant red and golden light exploded from the point of their touching fingers and engulfed the whole 'Throne Room'. Dust of similar colour also rose as the three girls almost stumbled.

They coughed, waving their hands and waiting for the fog to clear which happened soon.

Soon, they found someone on the floor, looking baffled and confused.

With wide and shocked eyes, the girls stared at the… 'cat girl' on the floor, who had shoulder-length white hair and blue eyes and for some reason was wearing an entirely different outfit while gawking at them.

[Image Here]

"What's wrong?" the girl spoke in an innocent tone, turning to Kimi. "Mommy?"

The voice was feminine, and Kimi immediately understood who was talking. She covered her nose but failed to hide the blood.

Nejire yelled in surprise as she flew to the girl wearing a huge smile. "Neji? Neji?! Is that you?!"

Neji, seeing everything from within the body of the girl, but unable to control the body, had no choice but to stay silent.

He understood what the system meant by 'Unsuccessful Fusion'.




Author's Note: Neji became a cat-girl 💀 Vote power stones so that he gets his dick back soon. (Legit 👍)

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