Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 642 - Six Hundred And Forty-two: The Goddess Nemesis

Chapter 642 - Six Hundred And Forty-two: The Goddess Nemesis

The third point of view :

Andrew hugged her so tightly that Maggie thought her lungs were being crushed.

"Andrew, let go," She tried to push him away but he was very strong.

God, she couldn't do this.

She prepared to attack by kneeling him in the guts but Andrew read her body language and shifted his body slightly such that she ended up kicking the air.

However, that opening was everything Maggie needed to release her arms and Andrew knew that. So, they began to

And that scuffle quickly became a duel.

During the five years, she had stayed with them, Andrew had been her personal trainer and they had been quite close. Although they didn't have sex, everyone in the organization seemed to think otherwise and it wasn't until she left, they finally believed nothing happened between them - they had been shocked by her decision.

With the harmony between them, they all thought Maggie would settle down with Andrew, and then, he would help her with her mission. But that wasn't the case, she vanished without even a goodbye. No one knew about her location except Sakuzi and the old man was not willing to spill the beans. And it wasn't until months later, they started hearing of her exploits.

Nemesis was what they called her, the inescapable, meting out punishment for the crime of human trafficking. In a way, she became some sort of superhero - only the police don't think so. Her mode of punishment wasn't exactly compatible with the law. In one word, she's one of the most wanted criminals alive.

Having gotten her location, Andrew could have gone after her. But then, what was the use? To Maggie, nothing was more important than her mission - not even him.

"Aah!" Maggie groaned as she and Andrew exchanged blows.?Andrew had once been her teacher, so the both of them were evenly matched as Maggie had gotten experienced and stronger with the years gone by.

Her moves were fast and lethal while Andrew's were defensive and calculated as if he didn't want to hurt her. But Maggie didn't care. It was almost as if she was trying to prove a point. But then, what point?

"Why are you not fighting me? You're going easy on me?!" Maggie found out and it pissed her. She didn't need his pity or for him to look down on her. She doesn't need him, he should just give up on her. Go find someone else that deserves him, right? Maggie didn't want to lead him on.

"Tsk," Andrew clicked his tongue, catching her fist she sent his way, "Is this the way you welcome someone you haven't seen for years?"

"If she doesn't want to greet you, then give up on her," Maggie retorted and tried to launch a sneak attack with her other palm while keeping him distracted, he caught that fists as well. Shit, she was trapped. Well, not for long.

Maggie could head him but that would be bloody nor would she spared either, a splitting headache was sure to follow. So she tried to lift herself and kick him in the chest. Unfortunately, Andrew premeditated that and made a move at the same time.

She only ended up getting pressed against Andrew's chest while her hands were wrapped around her from behind. It caused her pain but Maggie was too proud to admit that. She struggled against him knowing there was no other way to get out of this hold except she wanted to get injured - and that she would do in a death situation with her opponents, not in a friendly match.

"Tell me you missed me," Andrew asked her knowing this was the best opportunity to elicit information now she was incapacitated. She was a tough ass. He had never seen a stubborn woman. Well, for someone who killed the man who abused her, she was incredibly strong-willed.

"In your dreams!" Maggie spat back.

"We'd find that out then," Andrew said and then spun her around. Before she could take advantage of the opening, his hands wrapped around her waist and then pressed her against his chest and crushed her lips with his.

Maggie's eyes grew to the size of saucers, what was he doing? She pushed against him but he was very strong and didn't want to let go. And when he deepens the kiss, her hands moved from his chest to his hair while the other wrapped around his neck, kissing him back

Alright, Maggie was not going to deny it, she missed him. No, there was no night when she laid down on her bed that she didn't think of him but she purposely pushed aside the feelings. Maggie was afraid that if she acted upon her feelings, she would forget all about her mission and the promise she made to help people like her.

She couldn't let another young girl fall into the same situation she did with Sakuzi. Women and children, regardless of gender, were to be protected.

They pulled away for air, and Andrew rested his forehead on hers before saying, "Marry me,"


"Marry me, please, Maggie,"

Oh no, this was exactly why she had been avoiding him.

She tried to pull away but Andrew grabbed her tighter, saying, "I promise you that I won't interfere with your work. You will carry on with your mission, no, I will help you carry the cross,"

Maggie pushed the lump down her throat, it was a very tempting offer. She could be with him and as well, go on with her work? It seemed too good to be true. Unfortunately, Maggie had seen too many marriages and promises were easily broken as it was made.

"I'm sorry, Andrew," She told him apologetically, "But marriage is too much time and emotion and I can't afford that at the moment,"

Andrew's grip on her loosened and she took it that he finally accepted the reality that the both of them would never be together.

However, just as she was about to leave, Andrew grabbed her and made an atrocious request,

"Give me a child then,"


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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