Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 641 - Six Hundred And Forty-One: A Heartless Woman

Chapter 641 - Six Hundred And Forty-One: A Heartless Woman

The third point of view :

"You're finally home," Sakuzi said to the figure walking up to him.

"Yes, master," Maggie replied with a smile on her face and upon reaching Sakuzi, got on her knees, took his hand, and placed it on her forehead before kissing the back of it as a sign of greeting.

"Seriously," Sakuzi sighed, withdrawing his hand immediately while Maggie smiled up at him.

Even though it's been ten years already, the woman still hadn't given up on her mode of greeting him.

"You should stop calling me Master, you make it sound like I own your life," He grumbled.

"You know you do," Maggie came to stand beside Sakuzi who was playing golf on the green lawn.

She went on, "If you haven't rescued me, I would have been long dead,"

"Emerald was the one who rescued you, if there's anyone you should thank, that's he," the old man said, stretching his hips..

Gosh, old age was not being kind to him.

Although he had tried to dye his strands dark a few times, his grey hairs keep spreading out more, so he decided to give up on them. Also, Nadia was not complaining, she said it made him look sexy or something. A smile crossed his lips at the thought of his wife.

"Yes, he did. I admit it. But then, him saving me would have been for nothing if you had given the orders to get rid of me. Moreover, you gave me a new life and made me everything I am today. I'm highly grateful for that," Maggie smiled at him.

Sakuzi rolled his eyes, this woman was loyal to a fault. She reminded him of those Japanese samurai who chose seppuku to achieve an honorable death.?He bet Maggie wouldn't mind ending her life if he asked for it. So annoying!

He remembered the first time she had asked him to make her stronger, he only did so to give her a purpose because she lacked one. But he never thought she would still go on with her life mission until now. Maggie had broken down uncountable illegal human trafficking organizations even more than the police.

But unlike the police who arrest the culprits and bring them to justice at the court of law, Maggie was Justice herself, the goddess Nemesis.

In every one of her missions, none of the perpetrators escapes her judgment, she made sure of it. Even if they did, she hunts them down. Yes, she was that vengeful.

Her signature move was cutting off of their testicles - for the men.?Since they had the nerve to kidnap young children and women and sell them off for prostitution and hard work, they didn't deserve the chance to have their own children.

And for the women, she badly scarred their faces making sure it was a constant reminder of the lives of millions of children and adults they ruined - that is if they survived it. Due to the massive blood loss, most of her victims die before help (in the form of the police) arrives.

Sakuzi couldn't help but wonder if?Maggie would have taken him out as well if he ventured into human trafficking. Would the dog bite the hand that fed him?

"Instead of wasting your youth on this old man, why don't you make a useful man out of him," Sakuzi said, tilting his head in the direction of a man heading in their direction.

At once, she turned to get a view of Andrew and her heart skipped a beat. He was still here? Not that she was expecting him to leave the organization or something, but he was not yet married?

Maggie has been away for about five years, dedicated to her work and working with her team she had formed by her sheer hard work throughout the years. Cracking down trafficking rings was not easy and was as complicated as the webs of a spider, hence she and her team couldn't stay at a place for long.

With each network she brought down, another sprang up and it seems as if they never end. Nor did it help that it was an organized network that took advantage of people who are vulnerable, and desperate to seek a better life. With each soul she rescued, many others were captured every day.

"Sakuzi, you're needed at the meeting room," Andrew delivered the news to him.

"Sure," Sakuzi said, yet there was a knowing look in his eyes. Of all people who had to deliver the message, he had to be the one.

After Emerald took over the running of the organization from him, Andrew became his right-hand man, and thus, his status increased. In one word, message delivery was not his job at all.

"Come and play a game of chess with me later," Sakuzi said to her.

"Sure," Maggie nodded at him as the man finally left.

An awkward silence fell upon the both of them. Maggie was not a fool to think that Andrew didn't have feelings for her, but then, her mission was more important than any silly emotion. So she left him at that time and never looked back - she didn't even call him for once - so he could forget about her and start up a new life.

Unfortunately, here they are.

"You don't look bad," Maggie finally said and yet no response came from the man in front of her. She scratched the back of her head awkwardly, why was she being the uncomfortable one here? She didn't even do anything wrong - except reject him.

Andrew stood staring at the woman in front of him, how could she be so heartless? He had waited for her even after she left him for five years and yet she returned without informing him. She was a heartless woman!

"Alright," Maggie threw her hands up in the air, "I'm done with you," and attempted to walk past him but Andrew grabbed her arm and pulled her to his chest, hugging her tightly amid her protest.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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