Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 560 - Five Hundred And Sixty: Pedros Proposal

Chapter 560 - Five Hundred And Sixty: Pedro's Proposal

The third point of view:

With the smug smile on Jacqueline's face, it became obvious to everyone around that this breakfast was never meant to be in the first place. Although Jacqueline claimed that they were forgiven for coming to breakfast late, the truth is that they had never been forgiven at all. She merely tricked them knowing none of them would be able to keep up to the rules - they were not used to the royal formalities.

"This marks the end of our lesson this morning," Jacqueline limped over to Isabella, staring her straight in the eyes, and had a look that said, "victory is mine".

She had won over Isabella. Now, they would have no choice but to listen to her because she held the authority - they would recognize that. As humans were adaptational creatures, they would surely try to survive and that meant playing by her rules.

Jacqueline went on, "Don't think you can order a food or command the royal palace to serve you one, because they won't,"

"You ordered them not to," Anabelle learned, scowling at her.

"You failed your test, your failure comes with consequences you're expected to carry out,"

"Who even gave you the right?" Julie challenged her, gaze burning into hers.

Jacqueline laughed, "The queen of course. As you can see, I'm your instructor and overseer for the rest of your stay here. Unless you want a smooth stay, I suggest you all be good and get along with me," She told them confidently.

They could report her, the kids knew that. However, they all knew their parents would dismiss their complaints as tantrums and inability to adjust to the palace. Nor could they complain about the meal as well, their parents would probably think they purposely ganged up on the "poor" woman - if only they knew.

And Jacqueline knew that, which was no wonder she was all sassy and brave. Hence, at the moment, they were on their own and had to deal with it in their own ways - the same way that would attract punishments from their parents.

"Have a great time," Jacqueline waved, straightened her clothes, and picked her crutch, about to hobble away when she tripped and fell to the ground with a thud.

The whole room fell silent at the sound of that fall. Although disabled at the moment, they were not fools to think that Jacqueline had fallen on her own with Isabella beside her.

It was definitely Isabella's doing. This was her vengeance. All this while, she had been silent, letting Jacqueline think she had the upper hand here when in reality she didn't. They weren't just kids, they were different from the average kids. They were special.

"Oops," Isabella said, faking concern, "You should look carefully where you step your foot in the future. Today you tripped, tomorrow might be a mousetrap," Isabella had an amused look.

Isabella might be joking but Jacqueline read between the lines, recognizing the threat in those words. It seems she underestimated the kids.

At once, Isabella eased out of her seat and sat on her heels, facing Jacqueline who didn't even realize she was still on the floor, "I'm not going to repeat my warning once again. Play your role as an instructor and teach us the fuck what we're supposed to know about this goddamn place, but never you try to change who we are,"

As if recovering her senses, Jacqueline finally got to her feet, although with difficulty. She glared at Isabella, who does she think she is? She's her instructor! They were supposed to obey her!

Finally, the control Jacqueline had been holding on to vanished and she shouted at her, "Who do you think you -!" The woman didn't get to finish the rest of her words because Isabella grabbed her hair, fisting her hand around it. Her root throbbed like hell.

Jacqueline cried out in pain, this girl was crazy.

"Isabella!" Pedro tried to interfere, but the warning look from her told him otherwise. No one was to interfere - not even him.

Isabella went on, "There are two categories of people I respect in this world, my loved ones and elders. Sadly, you don't belong in either,"

"You crazy girl! Let go of my hair!" Jacqueline cursed out.

"Oh," Isabella laughed, yet the smile didn't touch her face, "Guess you're finally one of the barbarians," Isabella hinted Jacqueline was no different from them amid the fact she hid beneath her crease-free suit - currently, there were lines on her clothes -?and politeness.

Jacqueline froze, realizing this was Isabella's plan all along - she made a fool of herself. She had claimed to be perfect, polished, and cultured, yet in seconds, she became uncivilized.

Jacqueline attempted to threaten her, "The queen must hear of this -! "

"Sure, go ahead" Isabella was not scared, "Let's go to her. I do have a lot of things to say to the queen as well...." she stepped closer towards Jacqueline who unconsciously took a step back,

"concerning you. Let's see then, between the both of us - a salary earner and the niece to the future queen of Lincolnshire and an honorable guest, who would the queen believe? Shall we?" she smirked.

Jacqueline gulped as it dawned on her, she was indeed dealing with the daughter of a devil. The profile didn't lie and she had underestimated it, classifying Isabella under the category of problematic kids she had dwelt with in the past. Because the truth was, none of these kids were normal.

"What do you want?" Jacqueline finally asked. She had tasted fear, sensing a predator, and knew she was down on the food chain. She had to make amends before she's consumed.

Isabella smiled, now she was talking business.

But to Jacqueline, that smile made her look like the grim reaper from hell. She didn't want to be near the kids anymore!

"For starters, we want breakfast - freshly prepared and bountiful. Then we can make negotiations later on how to go about our lessons," Was Isabella's orders.

"Sure, sure," Jacqueline nodded and left to go process her orders.

After Jacqueline left, the dining room became eerily quiet with no one saying a word. They had seen what Isabella had done and though Jacqueline had been a pain in the ass, Isabella might have taken it too far.

Even Julie finally realized why his grandfather wanted her with him. Isabella was a woman of action, unlike him who was tender-hearted. She was perfectly suited for their mob job.

"Sister!" Neon was the first to speak, giving her a thumbs up, "You were so cool,"

Isabella snorted with laughter knowing Neon was only happy at the thought of food. Her main concern was Pedro who hasn't spoken to her since the incident.

Hands propped up on her chin, she turned to him, "Why? You don't like me anymore?"

Pedro's gaze narrowed at her, what games was she playing this time?

"What are you talking about?" he asked, still refusing to look at him.

"Oh, is this the silent treatment, now?" She attempted a joke but it wasn't amusing to Pedro.

Isabella told him, "Pedro, look at me,"

He didn't.

She then grabbed his chin, turning his face towards her gently and rubbing her thumb over his cheeks.

"Hold a grudge against me all you want but don't ever hide your face away from me," She proclaimed, stunning everyone.

"A-hem," Julie intentionally coughed to remind them that people were around but Isabella didn't give a fuck.

Pedro took a deep breath, "You went too far,"

"That was the only way to deal with her,"

"Violence is never the answer," Pedro retorted.

"It answers my problems," Isabella then asked him, "Didn't it answer this one?"

"I'm just saying there could have been another way,"

"So then, you're going to break up with me over this?" Isabella asked him.

"What?" Pedro couldn't believe her, "Why are you always bringing 'break up' into our argument?"

"Because people who don't like my attitude always leave? Besides, it always pays to be mentally prepared for the big let's-break-up bomb,"

Pedro sighed, pinching the space between his brows. He told her pointedly, "I'm never going to break up with you, Isabella, not in this life nor the next. You're the only woman I'm going to love and marry till death does us apart,"

Isabella replied, "Don't make promises you won't be able to -"

"Seriously?" Anabelle interrupted her, "Are you fucking kidding me?" she glared at her cousin.

Isabella looked around in confusion, "Did I do anything wrong?"

"Oh my gosh," Even Ailee facepalmed while her brothers were as clueless as Isabella.

Alright, she definitely did something wrong, Isabella could guess from their expression.

"Pedro just proposed to you and this is your reply?" Anabelle gave her a dirty look.

Pedro in question, scratched the back of his head awkwardly, he didn't really mean it in that way. But if so, he was cool with it.

However, was he really ready to spend the rest of his life with Isabella because the truth be told, he was scared of her tendencies.

However, he was confident in his power to influence her. He can't change Isabella nor who she was, but he would fill her with so much light she would never remember the darkness inside of her. Yes, he would fill her with love

"Huh?" Isabella was stunned. Then she looked towards Pedro just as a blush warmed her cheeks. She wouldn't mind marrying him as well - just that she didn't want children.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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