Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 559 - Five Hundred And Fifty-Nine: Isabella Gave Her The Middle Finger

Chapter 559 - Five Hundred And Fifty-Nine: Isabella Gave Her The Middle Finger

The third point of view:

"Huh?" Julie asked when he sensed everyone's gaze on him, "Why are you all staring at me like that?" he, of course, didn't know what he did wrong because he was busy staring at his impressive girlfriend.

Jacqueline placed her hand on his shoulder, squeezing the muscle there to make her point, "Hold your cutlery properly…" her gaze rested on his cutlery held in the wrong hands.

"Sorry," Julie winced, embarrassed.

"Your fork should be in your left hand, with the tines facing down. Hold your knife with your right hand. Always use your fork to spear your food and lift it to your mouth, instead of your knife. When using a spoon, dip your spoon into the center of the bowl, then scoop the liquid by moving the spoon away from you toward the farthest side of the bowl. Bring the spoon to your mouth and sip from the spoon. How's that for etiquette?" Jacqueline said confidently, almost posing amid her injured ankle.

"Wow," Pedro couldn't help but exclaim in admiration - he was almost close to clapping. He was so carried away by her composure that he leaned to his right, whispering?into Isabella's ears, "Jacqueline might be a witch but I have to admit she's pretty cool, right?"

At once, Isabella's grip around the knife tightened while her eyes darkened, "Really?" her voice dripped with the venom he had failed to notice.

Pedro had turned around to look at the stunning Jacqueline when Isabella didn't give him a quick reply. Suddenly he felt goosebumps on his back. It was almost as if a beast was breathing down on his neck and if he turned around, he would be swallowed alive immediately.

But then, Pedro couldn't remain ignorant as well, so the poor boy turned to meet Isabella's burning amber eyes. He gulped, a lump stuck in his throat. What has his mouth led him into?

"But no matter how cool she is, she can't be cooler than you," Pedro found himself saying immediately. He had started a fire and had to douse it became an inferno.

"You're my best, Isabella," Pedro gave her a thumb up and it wasn't until a smile cross her face that he could finally relax.

Phew, that was close.

"Resume," Jacqueline commanded them to continue eating once again.

However, this time, the kids were much smarter and careful (including Neon) making sure not to repeat their past mistakes. They lasted for about a minute and Fifty-six seconds before Jacqueline clapped her hands and a set of food vanished from the table.

Simultaneously, they all turned to her, waiting for her great judgment.

"Don't reach across the table. If you can't reach the bread basket or table seasoning, do not reach across the table to fetch it yourself. Instead, you should politely ask someone to pass it to you,"

They all turned to Pedro at once.

"Oops," Pedro breathed. He was the one who failed them this time.

"Always pass items to the right, rather than the left, if you're not passing a dish to a specific person," Jacqueline rubbed his failure all over his face and tried to squeeze his shoulder as she had done to Julie but Isabella growled a warning to her at once.

Jacqueline's hand hung awkwardly in the air while Isabella's body was taut and ready for a fight. The girl was almost like a possessive alpha she-wolf and Jacqueline knew better than to piss one off.

"Resume," the woman simply said to save her face. The kids had been looking at her, waiting antipatedly for something to happen. Unfortunately, she wasn't that kind of person, she was well-groomed, elegant, and dignified. A bunch of wild kids would not make her lose calm. It was a promise.

As expected, the kids dug into their meal once again. They already knew this was a game to Jacqueline, survival of the fittest. However, instead of them getting eliminated, their food suffered the terrible fate. It was torture.

Unfortunately for them, they didn't last this round. In fact, their spoon barely touched the omelet when miss devil aka Jacqueline clapped her hands and their food was snatched away as usual.

Jacqueline turned to Isabella, "Always taste the food before seasoning. Most chefs pride themselves on perfectly seasoning their dishes. As a result, it can be seen as a rude gesture to season your food before tasting it,"

But then, Isabella gave her the middle finger.

Anger flooded Jacqueline and she was almost tempted to lose control but she reined in her emotions. She took a deep breath in and out, counting down to ten mentally. The kid would not ruffle her, she would surely win this war.

Unlike what everyone thought, Isabella had not flipped the table when she was blamed for their failure. They had all held their breath, especially when she gave Jacqueline the middle finger, waiting for World War three to begin. But then nothing happened. Strange, right?

"Resume!" Rang out as usual.

Honestly, the nerves were all-time high currently. The kids barely had anything to eat and if they lost this round, their food was gone. Until lunch.

Except for Isabella, everyone ate cautiously. Left alone for them, they would have hurried the food but that was against dining etiquette, Jacqueline would fail them instantly. Hence, they had no choice but to pray they survived this round. But then, Fate always had its plan.

Pah! Pah!

Jacqueline clapped her hands twice and the maids hurried in, clearing the rest of the dishes on the table while the kids looked on devastated.

"What did we do this time?" Anabelle was close to crying. She had not even much to eat. She was goddamn hungry.

"Oh, what you did wrong?" Jacqueline smirked wickedly, then walked over to Neon who has his hands hidden under the table.

"Don't bring a plus-one without permission and definitely not a pet," Jacqueline took out the albino mouse from Neon's hands.

"Mr. Smuff!" they shouted, dumbfounded.

"Mr. Smuff Junior," Neon corrected, scowling at them. What has he done wrong? All he did was feed his dear mouse.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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