Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 152: Delegation

Chapter 152: Delegation

A/N: - The word orb in this chapter signifies planet. Enjoy~


Above all realms, there reside numerous existences that could not be comprehended by any mortal self regardless of their measurement criteria.

At such a place where no distinctive features could make the place interesting yet at the same time nothing could be more mesmerizing, there could be seen several figures; currently engaged in a deep discussion.

Eight seats, eight existence varying in outer appearance and temperament currently had a mutual stressful matter in hand to deal with.

"That orb is a waste cause. We should have begun assembling a different epicenter a long before. Now nothing that happens would be in our authority."

The one who grumbled was a handsome man with broad shoulders and blonde hair. The God of the Sun—Solius, indeed wasn't too pleased with the things happening regarding the specific orb, about which this meeting was called forth.

"It's too late to think of creating another orb worth handling our divine essence and transmitting to other realms without the threat of crumbling down over the years. We have yet failed billions of times." Replied the gorgeous lady with white hair. The moon goddess—Luna, despite seeming calm as usual from the outside, was actually quite distressed about the untamed and uncontrollable future which could lead to severe devastation.

"It's not entirely hopeless for the orb to retain its prosperity. I wish you all to have some faith in the individual, Goddess Miria has chosen for the job." Rebuking her fellow peers was the Goddess of Health and Fertility—Isis.

The vast space turned dead silent at the statement since the 'individuals' in concern were the major part of why most of the deities have long lost hope of saving the most important nucleus of this world.

"Those punks, eh? How could we trust them when those six aren't even on good terms with each other? How could we relay a task on such a vast scale when the very moment any one of them exposed their vulnerable back, the other one would prey on it? I am aware of the prophecy yet couldn't trust even a single coin worth on those worthless pieces of trash who calls themselves, warriors. At least the previous six chosen ones were better than these and that Ranghaur girl used my blessings in an appropriate way to handle things back then."

The Goddess of war—Aeres nearly yelled those words because of her growing agitation regarding the six particular entities, the Goddess of Reincarnation—Miria has selected to save the Nucleus from its doom.

"Not to talk about...four of those individuals already are in contact with divinity. And except for the one who's been blessed by Ravena, none of the other three could actually be called anywhere near to face what is to come."

Added her opinion or more like mentioned some facts was the God of Wisdom—Alhazar. The old-looking deity has already calculated the outcomes of several possibilities and he could tell that the Nucleus was nearing its doom.

"Maydeath's choice to become stronger is different from what we desire, but at least she's trying to adapt to the Rule of Death and get better using the blessing of a divinity."

Spoke the grim-looking woman who was covered from head to toe with a raven robe. The deity of death—Ravena.

"But is it enough? Can one person handle all those burdens which exhausted those past six warriors? And not to talk about that this time the burden would be ten times heavier."

Spoke the green-haired lady and the twin sister of Isis, Mother Nature, and the one who resides in the Divine Tree—Isil.

The one who has blessed Anabelle with the essence of the Holy Magic and also the one who supports the vegetation along with the flora and fauna of the lower world spoke with a frown.

Another deep silence ensued which lasted for hours before the one who have been silent until now spoke up.

"I still have hope left in those children." Most of the others showed disagreement immediately but the speaker hasn't concluded her statement yet.

"However, since the time is nearing, we have no other option rather than to hand Alfather's essence to one of the six."

The only sisters present inside the room visibly reacted to the statement and even the others didn't give away any expression, they all were equally surprised to hear about the essence belonging to the father of all.

The orb which the deities call 'Nucleus' wasn't an epicenter of so many routes for no reason. There was something residing beneath the surface that makes that orb special.

Several questions and resistance were prepared by the other six deities but the one who spoke first was the God of Wisdom, "Actually, it would work considering how overpowering those tools could be against any mortal threat that would surely arise in due time."

The most calculative and observant amongst them all was the one who spoke just now, and for him to advocate Goddess of reincarnation like this, surely should have a deeper meaning to it.

However, there was a major obstacle in their path which was yet to cross.

"But...who would be the one to possess the power of someone even above us?"


(A/N: - If you find difficulty understanding some of the things, I prefer you read Chapter 6-Discovery- once again)


[Seth's POV:]

"Seriously, mother? For me to remain in Ranghaur you plotted all this, right? This Policy of Servitude wouldn't let me leave the continent unless I didn't want to become a rogue."

Maybe this was the first time I have talked like this with my mother and I have a justifiable reason for it.

During the ceremony after the tournament, it was announced that some selected students from each academy who participated in the event would be assigned to a special school of the military for a year and thereafter they have to serve their land for at least three years before they decide whether to continue or retire.

Undoubtedly I was also one of those special students who were delegates with such a marvelous job.

"First sit here, Seth." My mother who should have been annoyed by my tone by now, was still smiling merrily.

And why won't she? After all, her scheme to trap me with the Dukedom has finally succeeded.

Nevertheless, I sighed to exhale some agitation and sat down on the chair beside her working table.

There was no one else beside us in the office otherwise they would have seen a side of mine known to only this woman.

The freedom to throw tantrums from time to time was limited around only her.

Placing her hand over mine, Mother looked at me before she asked in a serious yet serene tone, "Tell me truthfully, Seth. What's the real reason you want to become an explorer this bad?"

I was taken aback at how she perceived my lies and could tell that I didn't disclose the whole truth.

But since I have already decided to warn her about the upcoming disaster, it's better if I confess right now.



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