Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 690 - 690 PARTY CRASHERS (7)


NERO WAS aware that the woman who claimed to be his twin sister would crash Calyx’s birthday banquet.

But he didn’t expect the woman to enter in a very grandiose way.

[Is she… an attention-seeker?]

The roof was lifted and his father’s Soul Beasts appeared. And the appearance of the previous emperor’s Four Holy Guardians only meant two things.

First, his father was still alive.

And second…

[Neoma is really my twin sister.]

Nero clenched his hands tight.

[If she’s really my twin sister, then does it mean every bad thing she said about Calyx was true? But more than that, how come she’s with Father when Father only disappeared five years ago?]


“Her Imperial Highness, Princess Neoma Roseheart de Moonasterio has arrived!”

The door then “opened.”

He wasn’t sure if we could say that the door “opened” because it just disappeared.

Then long and big roots that looked like they belonged to an old, massive tree appeared out of nowhere. For some reason, the placing of the roots made it look like it was a stair. And it was pretty high since the roof just disappeared like magic.

“Is that the Black Phoenix?!”

One of the nobles who seemed to have forgotten his manners yelled.

Nero clenched his hands tighter while watching the Black Phoenix descend on top of the “staircase” made of tree roots.

Of course, he recognized the Black Phoenix as the former Princess Royal’s Soul Beast, but he didn’t care about that. His eyes were focused on the lady in red riding on the back of the Black Phoenix.


As soon as Neoma’s feet landed on the root, the Black Phoenix transformed into his human form. He heard the former Princess Nichole’s Soul Beast looked like his mother. But he couldn’t remember his mother’s face clearly, so he couldn’t tell.

At least, the Black Phoenix in his human form was wearing a type of clothing he was familiar with.

Unlike the people surrounding Neoma.

There were six people dressed strangely walking behind the royal princess and the Soul Beast.

[Even Neoma is wearing a pair of strange-shaped glasses.]

His twin sister’s red was a little scandalous since she was showing too much skin. But, aside from the skimpy dress and the weird glasses, there were three accessories that stood out.

First, the Lynx Ring.

[According to History books, that ring is supposed to be in the possession of the Astello Temple. Specifically, it belonged to the former saint Dominic Zavaroni.]

Second, the rose-gold staff.

[I don’t know how I recognized it, but I’m pretty sure it belongs to our mother.]

And finally, the silver crown…

“The missing crown of the emperor,” Nero whispered in disbelief. “The crown that was crafted from the moon itself…”

The former saint.

His mother.

And the first emperor.

Nero couldn’t help but think Neoma was being supported by those three figures, and he could tell by the expression of the people around him that they were thinking the same.

It shouldn’t matter because the former saint was already ex-communicated. Moreover, the missing crown may or may not be the real thing anyway. And most of all, his mother or his father wasn’t there to support Neoma personally.

That should be the case.


“The Cosmic Tree,” Nero said, his voice a little loud this time. “Those roots belong to the Cosmic Tree.”

He could instinctively tell because he was a Roseheart, and Rosehearts were close to Nature.

[Where did Neoma get all her strong backing?]

Nero’s thoughts were distracted when his knights surrounded him and Hanna.

Sanford, Raku, Alucard, and Lucien stood in front of him protectively.

Only Melvin, his scaredy-cat secretary, hid behind Nero.

[This punk…]

“Prince Nero, what should we do?” Melvin whispered to him. “The guests are shocked and confused. Should we stop the party and evacuate the guests? Most of them are representatives of our allied countries and kingdoms. We also have guests from the Eastern Continent.”

His secretary was right.

There were far too many important guests in the banquet at the moment.

[We shouldn’t turn the Imperial Family’s affair into a circus for everyone to see.]

Nero turned to Calyx to see his reaction.

His brother was currently surrounded by his own personal royal knights led by Owen and Rowena.

He noticed one thing about the First Prince’s calm eyes, though.

[Calyx already knows who Neoma is.]

Nero’s jaw clenched.

[I don’t like the feeling of getting left out…]

“Nero,” Hanna whispered, addressing him casually since no one was within earshot. Then she held his gloved hand. “Calm down.”

Nero couldn’t help but smirk bitterly when he turned to Hanna. “As expected, you already know that woman as well.”

“Call Neoma by her name properly,” Hanna said sternly. “She’s older than you.”


“Nero, focus,” Hanna said, cutting her off. Then she put a hand on his cheek gently. “You’re the Crown Prince. You should deal with Neoma’s arrival. If you let Prince Calyx deal with this, then Prince Calyx will leave a good impression on the envoys from different countries and kingdoms.”

Ah. Hearing that snap him back to reality, making him calm in an instant.

“Remember this, Nero: the Great Moonasterion Empire’s standing has been unstable ever since Emperor Nikolai disappeared five years ago,” Hanna reminded him gently. “You, as the Crown Prince, shouldn’t give anyone a reason to doubt your capability to lead our empire back to its former glory. It should be you and not Prince Calyx. Don’t let the First Prince use his birthday celebration as an excuse to hog all the attention tonight.”


Even though Nero was fond of Calyx as a brother, he shouldn’t forget that Calyx was still a competition for the throne.

[Just because I’m the Crown Prince doesn’t mean I should be complacent already.]

“Thank you, Hanna,” Nero said, gently pulling Hanna by his side. Then he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. “Wait here. I’ll be back.”

Hanna smiled and nodded. “You can do it, Nero.”

He chuckled before letting go of his fiancée’s hand. Then he turned to his knights with a serious look on his face.

“Alucard, Lucien, Melvin, stay here and guard Hanna,” Nero ordered his knights while walking towards Neoma who was about to reach the last step/root of the “tree staircase.” Naturally, Sanford and Raku followed him since the two were his strongest fighters. “Don’t draw your swords, and make sure Calyx’s side won’t draw theirs as well.”

He whispered his order, so Sanford and Raku didn’t respond verbally.

[Well, Raku almost never talks anyway. It’s a surprise that Sanford is quiet, though. I guess he knows when and where to shut his mouth.]


It was Calyx, and he looked surprised when Nero just passed him by.

“Don’t worry, Calyx. Just stay there,” Nero said to his brother, then he turned to the Empress Dowager who was sitting on the throne on the second balcony of the hall. “As the Crown Prince, it’s my duty to deal with this.”

It seemed like the Empress Dowager read his lips because Her Majesty gave him an encouraging nod.


[Even the Empress Dowager knows about Neoma, huh?]

After getting the Empress Dowager’s permission, he stood in front of the last step of the “tree staircase” while waiting for Neoma who was being escorted by the Black Phoenix.

Upon doing that, the guests began to calm down.

[Since I’m standing here quietly, they must have thought that Neoma was a guest and not an intruder.]

Moreover, it seemed like the guests were mesmerized by Neoma’s beauty.

He was relieved to see that the crowd had accepted this as a part of the celebration. Hence, he took his time observing the people behind Neoma since some of there were familiar to him.


Juri Wisteria.

Jeno Dankworth.

[If I remember correctly, the Wisterias and the Dankworth have been in a cold war ever since Juri Wisteria and Jeno Dankworth eloped. Their families must be in shock right now.]

He didn’t have time to check on the Wisterias and the Dankworths, though.

After all, a pair of golden eyes had been glaring at him all this time.

[Silver hair, golden eyes… then a Silver Fox?]

It was Lewis Crevan.

[It’s funny how I remember his name clearly, but not how we met.]

Now he was certain.

[My memories have been altered.]

Ah, Nero suddenly felt like he was about to snap and go crazy. He hated it. Especially the fact about how his memories were messed up.

“Prince Nero,” Sanford whispered worriedly. “Your bloodlust is leaking…”

“I know that,” Nero growled lowly. “Shut it.”

He should have brought Hanna by his side since she could make him feel calm in an instant.

Fortunately, he got distracted when his father’s Soul Beasts descended one by one. Of course, when they descended, they were already in their human form.

East, the Azure Dragon.

West, the White Tiger.

South, the Flaming Vermillion.

North, the Black Tortoise with Center, the black snake.

The Four Holy Guardians in their human forms looked so commanding and immaculately handsome. They looked perfect from the way they were dressed up to the way they stood around Neoma– who stopped walking after reaching the final step.


[So, Neoma is escorted by our aunt and father’s Soul Beasts? She even has our mother’s main weapon. Does it mean all of them have been together all this time?]

Was Nero abandoned?

[It’s obvious Neoma sees Calyx as an enemy, and yet I was left alone with Calyx all this time. Does it mean I’m also an enemy to her and our parents?]

Now he really felt like he was going to lose his mind.



Neoma called his name while she was removing the strange glasses she was wearing, then she let go of the Black Phoenix’s hand and walked towards him. “Are you alright? I felt a pain in my chest, so you must be in pain.”

[Ah, we’re really twins.]

And Nero hated that fact because that confirmed his thoughts about being abandoned.

“Her eyes… they’re ash-gray.”

Nero’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard the nobles talking among themselves.

“She also has white hair…”

“The pink strands of her hair must mean she’s a Roseheart…”

“Is she Prince Nero’s hidden sister?”

[Right, I have a job to do.]

Nero flashed his business smile at Neoma. “I’m glad you made it to Calyx’s birthday banquet, my precious twin sister.”

[Neoma, Calyx, if you’re a true de Moonasterio, you’ll know what to do, don’t you?]


“DID YOU hear that?”

“The Crown Prince addressed the lady as his twin sister, didn’t he?”

“A hidden royal princess…”

“No wonder Emperor Nikolai’s Soul Beasts accompanied her to the banquet.”

“And her pink strands remind me of Lady Roseheart.”

Neoma smiled when she realized what Nero was doing when he welcomed her as his twin sister in front of everyone. It was for the same exact reason why she asked the Cosmic Tree to lie and say that she was raised by the Cosmic Tree.

[If you’re a true member of the Royal Family, you wouldn’t let other people– especially the power-hungry nobles– treat your affairs as if they were a form of entertainment. We will kill each other, but not in front of an audience.]

Nero grew up well, huh?

“Thank you for the warm welcome, Nero,” Neoma said, addressing Nero casually with a big smile. “I apologize for being late.”

“Don’t be.”

It was Calyx.

The fake First Prince approached them with a big smile on his face.

“I’m glad you made it alright, Princess Neoma,” Calyx said with a bright look on his face as if he was genuinely happy to see her. “But then again, with all these escorts, there’s no way you’ll get hurt.”

“Mother, Father, and Aunt Nichole are sad that they can’t make it to your birthday celebration, Prince Calyx,” Neoma said apologetically, speaking politely to Calyx since she was acting as a proper royal princess at the moment. “Hence, they asked me to take a piece of them with me so that you would feel their presence even if they’re not here physically.”

“I see,” Calyx said, still smiling. “I feel loved. Thank you for bringing a piece of them with you, Princess Neoma.”

“That’s right,” Nero agreed, also smiling. “We can finally begin the celebration now that you’re here, Neoma.”

And the three of them exchanged their signature business smiles at each other.

[Gosh, someone give us an Oscar already.]

“Happy birthday, Prince Calyx,” Neoma greeted the fake First Prince cheerfully. “May I have the honor of being the first guest to give you a present?”

The gift-giving was supposed to be the last part of the ceremony.

But Neoma didn’t want to follow the custom.

“Of course,” Calyx said, nodding. “I’m looking forward to your present, Princess Neoma.”

She just smiled, then she handed her Mama Boss’ rose-gold staff to Lewis who was standing behind her.

After that, Neoma removed the crown on her head and put it on top of Calyx’s head.

The entire hall suddenly fell silent.

Nero gave Neoma a look of disbelief, while Calyx looked very offended at the moment.

[Ah, so he understood what the crown means.]

“It looks good on you, Prince Calyx,” Neoma said, smiling. Then she leaned down and whispered in a voice that only Calyx could hear. She made sure that only the fake would hear her, and she even used her Dome so no one could read her lips. “It’s the first emperor’s missing crown– the crown that was rejected by the throne.”


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