Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 689 - 689 PARTY CRASHERS (6)


[A few minutes earlier…]

“I DON’T want to work~”


Neoma crossed her arms while looking up at Trevor who was floating in front of her while lying down.

Their plan wouldn’t be completed without the demon boy.

[Only Trevor could lift the roof of the Callisto Hall with his sorcery. Unfortunately, Paige couldn’t do it with her magic without breaking the roof.]

Breaking the roof was an option that she discarded because she didn’t want innocent people to get hurt. Of course, the nobles were capable of protecting themselves. Moreover, the royal knights were there to protect the Royal Family and the other guests.

But what about the ordinary servants? Most of them were Non-Mana users. Hence, they might get hurt if the roof suddenly collapsed.

Hence, she needed Trevor to lift the roof for her grand entrance.



“Alright, let’s just drop the plan,” Neoma said casually. “I’ll just use the door normally.”

Trevor looked surprised by what she said. “What?”

“You said you don’t want to work.”

“Are you not going to convince me or something…?”

“You’re not on my payroll, so I can’t really force you to do your job properly,” she said. “Of course, I said you could ask me for a favor later in exchange for helping me with my grand entrance. But if you don’t feel like doing it anymore, I won’t force you to do so.”


Neoma put on her heart-shaped sunglasses. “Bye, chingu. See you later.”

She turned her back on Trevor, but before she could even take one step forward, the demon boy was already standing in front of her with an anxious look on his face.

“I was just throwing a tantrum because you didn’t choose me as your escort for tonight’s banquet,” Trevor complained lightly, pouting. “Why did you choose Lady Vespera as your escort? I would have accepted it if it was Tteokbokki.”

“Because he’s Aunt Nichole’s Soul Beast, and every old dude in the empire knows his face,” she said. “Of course, I will show off Tteokbokki as well. But you gotta save the best for last, you know?”

[“What’s up with you thug princess? Why are you suddenly speaking kindly about me? Isn’t that what you call raising the ‘death flag?’ Are you going to die soon?”]


[“Hey, thug princess. Why did you suddenly fall silent? You’re making me nervous.”]

“You’re being noisy, Tteokbokki. Talk to you later.”

She cut off her link with her Soul Beast in the meantime.

“What did Tteokbokki say?”

“He joked about me dying soon because I talked kindly about him.”

“Pfft,” Trevor said, holding back his laughter. “Your Soul Beast is dense and smart at the same time. Why don’t you just tell him the truth? Tteokbokki is literally your soulmate. If you die, he dies.”

“I know that, but I’m stalling because my heart isn’t ready yet,” she said, sighing. “I don’t want to make Tteokbokki cry.”

“Is that all?”

She fell silent for a moment before she confessed. “To be honest, I’m a little wary of how Tteokbokki would react. I’ve been keeping an eye on him for the past few years. Fortunately, there have been no signs of Crimson coming out again to take over Tteokbokki’s body.”

Crimson was the God of Wrath, aka Tteokbokki’s other personality.

“But if Tteokbokki finds out that we’re dying soon, I’m scared that it may trigger Crimson to come out again,” she confessed. “I don’t want my Tteokbokki to disappear.”

Trevor let out a sigh. “I wish you cared more about your lifespan the way you care about Tteokbokki’s feelings.”

“You and Ruto are probably racking your brains already to extend my lifespan.”

“Of course. I’m even stalking Regina Crowell… oh.”

The demon boy trailed off, not because he accidentally confessed that he was busy stalking Regina Crowell these days.

“I already figured out that Ruto is aware that I only have five years left to live,” Neoma said, scoffing at Trevor’s reaction. “And I also know that it was because of you. Knowing you, I could imagine you forcing Ruto for an answer since he was the one who revived me in the first timeline.”

“Your big brain scares me sometimes, Princess Neoma.”

“Same, dude, same,” she agreed while nodding.

“I’m sorry, Princess Neoma,” Trevor said, bowing his head towards her politely. “I know the damned chef was the last person you wanted to know about your situation. But because of my big mouth, he found out about your secret.”

“To be honest, I wanted to strangle you.”

The demon boy flinched, but he didn’t say anything.

“But I know that you didn’t inform Ruto of my situation on purpose,” she said. Even she was surprised at how calm she was. Wow, was it her maturity speaking at the moment? “Just be careful from now on. I’ll get angry for real if something like this happens again.”

Trevor nodded eagerly. “I’ll be extra careful, Princess Neoma.”


“Princess Neoma, I have a question, though.”

“Fire away.”

“You also know that Ruto knows the method to revive you,” he said carefully. “Why haven’t you asked him yet about it?”

“Because I don’t want to remember the past and put Ruto in pain again.”

“Alright,” Trevor said, sighing again. “Don’t worry about it, my Moon Princess. Just focus on your tasks, and I’ll find a way to extend your lifespan using Regina Crowell’s mysterious power.”

“Stalking Regina Crowell is risky since she’s a key member of the crows’ rotten family. If it gets too dangerous–”

“I’ll run away because no mission is worth dying for.”

“Very well.”

“Praise me more, my Moon Princess,” Trevor said, leaning down. “I feel like I’m going to do a better job later if you praise me more~”

“Are you a dog?” Neoma asked jokingly, then she gently patted Trevor’s head. “Good luck, Trevor. I believe in you.”


“IT’S A FULL moon,” Neoma, who was sitting on Tteokbokki’s back, said. Of course, her Soul Beast was in its adult dragon form at the moment. Even so, none of the people below could see them because they were currently hidden by Jeno’s mist. “No wonder I feel more powerful than usual.”

She was mildly annoyed, though.

Right now, there was a festival happening in the plaza. The commoners were happily celebrating Calyx Dalton’s birthday. Hence, the streets were still lively despite the time.

It was disgusting.

[The reason for celebration, not the people.]

“It’s time to steal the spotlight from the crazy bastard,” Neoma said, then she looked up at the sky. “Good evening, Cosmic Tree. I believe you owe me a debt.”

Only silence answered her.

“Thug princess, are you sure you can communicate with the Cosmic Tree by just talking?” Tteokbokki asked skeptically. “Is the Cosmic Tree someone you can simply talk to just because you want to?”

“Of course,” she said confidently. “Because I am Neoma Roseheart.”

She purposely didn’t mention her de Moonasterio name because she believed the Cosmic Tree wasn’t a fan of her Papa Boss.

[“Neoma, your voice will always reach the Cosmic Tree even if she doesn’t remember you anymore. After all, you are my child. The Cosmic Tree took an oath that no matter what happens, she’ll always look after my children. Hence, wherever you are, your voice will reach her.]

That was what Mama Boss said to her before.

Hence, she was confident.

“Grandma, I’m not sure if the crows’ stupid curse affected you,” Neoma said, trying to reach out to the Cosmic Tree with her sincerity. “But I’m sure you can tell that I’m Mona Roseheart’s daughter. You may not remember it, but you owe me a favor because I saved Grandpa Kingston from the crows.”

There was a sudden shift in the air.

She gently patted Tteokbokki’s back when she felt him flinch.

“It’s alright, Tteokbokki,” she whispered while rubbing his back. His dragon scales were a little rough, but she didn’t mind. She protected her entire body with her Coat anyway. “It’s just the spirit of the Cosmic Tree.”

<“Child, I don’t remember owing you.”>

The majestic and kind voice carried by the wind could only belong to the Cosmic Tree.


[Mama Boss only speaks facts.]

Sadly, even the great Cosmic Tree was affected by the curse.

<“However, I can tell you’re speaking the truth. I’ll ask for details later. For now, me what do you, child.”>



[Everything is going according to plan.]

“I want to have a strong and good impression on our people, Grandma,” Neoma said politely. “Please help me become a symbol of miracle for them.” She smiled sweetly, hoping that the Cosmic Tree could see her at the moment. “And can you lie for me, Grandma?”


IT WAS a lively night.

The commoners filled the streets as they celebrated Prince Calyx’s birthday. It was a joyous occasion because all the food stalls and restaurants in the streets were serving food and drinks (juice for the minors, and booze for the adults) for free. After all, the First Prince paid the merchants in advance.

In short, everyone was having a good time.

Who wouldn’t love free food?

“The First Prince is really kind and generous!”

“I wish he was the Crown Prince instead.”

“Hey, how could you say that? Our First Prince treasures the Crown Prince! His Highness isn’t interested in the throne.”

“That’s right! The First Prince and the Crown Prince have such a good relationship as siblings. Why would you say something that may ruin their bond?”

“Fine, I’m sorry.”

“Let’s just drink the night away–”



“What’s happening?”

A young girl pointed at the night sky with trembling hands, her face pale. “A red d-dragon!”

“A what?!”

Everyone who heard the young girl looked up at the night sky…

… and screamed in shock.

It didn’t take long for the lively chattering and loud waves of laughter to cease. Soon enough, all the people were screaming while pointing at the red dragon flying in the sky.

<“Calm down, everyone.”>


A voice that seemed to be carried by the wind echoed.

That was when everyone finally noticed the young lady in a strange yet stunning dress sitting on the dragon’s back.

The red dragon wasn’t flying that high, so they could see the lady’s features.

Everyone was stunned by the lady’s beautiful appearance. They would have mistaken her for an elf or a fairy because of her fluttering dress, but everyone recognized the lady’s three striking features.

“White hair, pale skin, ash-gray eyes…”

“A de Moonasterio?”

“But do we have a royal princess…?”

<“Everyone, please take good care of the granddaughter that I’ve raised all this time.”>

The people who heard the kind and gentle voice shuddered, confused and scared. Why were they hearing such a strange voice?

“It’s the voice of the Cosmic Tree!”

An old lady claimed.

Everyone who heard the old lady’s claim finally calmed down.

After all, the next thing that happened shocked them.

Golden rose petals suddenly poured down like rain.

Everyone was suddenly reminded of the old story about how it rained golden rose petals when the Absolute Darkness was finally defeated by Lord Yule and Lady Roxana.

It was the Cosmic Tree’s way of congratulating humans for surviving.

“The old lady is telling the truth!”

“It’s the Cosmic Tree.”

“The Cosmic Tree has blessed us with a miracle!”

“But who is that lady that the Cosmic Tree claims as her granddaughter?”

“Look at the young lady’s hair!” the old woman who recognized the Cosmic Tree’s voice said, then she pointed at the young lady sitting on the back of the red dragon. “The strands of her hair are pink. Did you forget that our very own Crown Prince has pink strands, too?”

The Crown Prince would often cut his hair to get rid of the pink strands, but there was a time that he grew his hair out.

Now everything was starting to make sense.

“That lady is Emperor Nikolai’s daughter with Lady Mona Roseheart” the old lady yelled confidently. “Have you all forgotten that the Cosmic Tree declared Lady Mona Roseheart as her daughter?!”

It was the old people who spoke up eventually.

“I remember that!”

“Lady Roseheart is loved by the Cosmic Tree, so it only makes sense that the Cosmic Tree raised Lady Roseheart’s daughter!”

“But why wasn’t the royal princess raised with the Crown Prince…?”

“We’re mere peasants, brother. What do you know about how the royalty thinks?”

“Ah, you’re right.”

“There must be a reason why the Cosmic Tree raised the royal princess,” the old lady who seemed to know a lot about the Cosmic Tree said. “But what’s important is the royal princess blessed us with a miracle tonight. The golden rose petals will surely bring us good luck for the rest of the year, so pay your respects!”

The old lady then knelt on the ground and bowed her head.

“Long live, the royal princess!”

Soon, the people celebrating Prince Calyx’s birthday just a moment ago, were now all kneeling on the ground while paying their respects to the hidden royal princess who appeared out of nowhere and blessed them with a miracle.

While the adults were overwhelmed by the blessing that they received thanks to the royal princess, a different rumor spread among the young ones.

“I only saw a glimpse of Her Royal Highness’ face, but isn’t her face crazy?”

“That’s right! Her Royal Highness is the most beautiful girl I’ve seen in my life!”

“Her Royal Highness also looks very kind!”

The news about the appearance of the crazy beautiful royal princess, who brought a miracle to the empire because she was loved by the Cosmic Tree, spread like wildfire. Of course, everyone went crazy with the news to the point that most people had already forgotten about Prince Calyx’s birthday celebration.

Paige– the “old lady”– and Greko, the instigator that spread the news about Princess Neoma’s beautiful face among the young people, did a good job that night.


“THE SECURITY is lax, Princess Neoma.”


Xion’s report made Neoma scoff.

Neoma already expected that the security would be lax, but she still felt offended that she was able to enter the Royal Palace easily. “It’s as if Calyx is inviting us, huh?”

Juri let out a sigh. “That seems to be the case, Princess Neoma.”

Xion and Juri arrived at the Royal Palace first to get rid of the guards and knights.

Juri took care of the guards roaming around Callisto Hall, while Xion dealt with the shadow knights hidden in the dark.

Everything was over when Neoma arrived at the Royal Palace with Lewis and Tteokbokki.

Her Soul Beast was now back in his human form.

“Don’t get angry, Princess Neoma,” Lewis, who was standing beside her, said. “Isn’t it good that the security is lax? We don’t have to destroy anything, so the innocent people inside the hall won’t get hurt accidentally.”

Oh, right.

The innocent people’s safety was more important than her pride.

“You’re right, Lewis,” Neoma said, nodding. “Thank you for the reminder.”

Lewis beamed, and he looked so proud of himself at the moment.


“Princess Neoma, your other children are near.”

It was Trevor, who was standing on top of the Callisto Hall, who said that.

The demon boy was talking about Jeno, Paige, and Greko who were left behind in the plaza earlier.

Getting reminded of the little show that she performed earlier with the Cosmic Tree made her feel good. She left Paige and Greko to become instigators that would set the mood in order for the citizens to accept her sudden appearance.

Jeno, on the other hand, was there to hide his siblings’ real appearance with the help of Paige’s magic.

[Teamwork really makes the dream work.]

“Now that they’re back, let’s begin,” Neoma declared confidently. “Trevor, lift the roof at my signal.”

Trevor bowed towards her. “As you command, Princess Neoma.”

“Tteokbokki, go and fetch Skylus and Lord Manu now,” she said, looking at her Soul Beast. “Be careful.”

Tteokbokki nodded, his body quickly turning transparent. “See you later, thug princess.”

Just like that, her Soul Beast disappeared in just the blink of an eye.

“I’ll go ahead, Princess Neoma,” Lewis said calmly. “Someone has to announce Your Royal Highness’ arrival, after all.”

“Are you sure you’re okay with that task, Lewis?” she asked worriedly. “I know you don’t like speaking in public, Lewis…”

“Being an adult means doing your job properly even though you hate it.”

“Oho?” she said, laughing softly. “Who taught you those wise words, Lewis?”

“Lady Hanna.”

“Yeah, you should listen to her well.”

“I do,” Lewis said, beaming. “I will speak clearly, Princess Neoma.”

“Fighting,” Neoma said, wearing her heart-shaped sunglasses again. “Then let me summon Papa Boss’ Soul Beasts now.”

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