Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!



“NEOMA, why are you still up?”

“I’m soaking the Moonlight,” Neoma said while standing on the deck of the ship, her elbows on the railing and her hands cupping her face. “Grandpa told me that borrowing the power of the moon will help me recover my strength faster. I want to see Tteokbokki, Mochi, Soju, and Kimchi the soonest, so I’m soaking up as much as Moonlight as I can before the moon disappears.”

Hence, she was here instead of sleeping.

On the other hand, Hanna was training in the cabin. Her cousin’s training required total darkness in the room, so she decided to step out and soak in the moonlight.

[Hanna isn’t worried because she knows Ruto will follow me, and she’s right.]

Anyway, the ship they were boarding was headed to the island where her appa, Gavin Quinzel, was literally frozen alive. But they were only boarding that ship to get close to the island. Once the exact location was nearby, they would use a teleportation scroll.

[The teleportation scrolls were provided by Ruto.]

“Have you figured out how to draw the power of the moon?”

“I’m not sure,” Neoma said, shrugging. Then she turned to Ruto who stood next to her. “Did the old Neoma learn how to use the power of the moon?”


“What do you think?”

“I think she did,” she said. “Ruto, I had a dream earlier.”

“About what?”

“It seems like I was the one who awakened the Ancient Devil in the first timeline,” she confided to him. “I freed the Ancient Devil and in return, he helped me set the world on fire.”

The fact that he remained quiet told her that he already knew that.

[Of course, he already knows.]

She let out a frustrated sigh. “I shouldn’t have done that. If I didn’t awaken that old thing, then you wouldn’t have met him.”

“Do you hate the fact that I turned back time?”

“I’m actually conflicted,” she admitted. “Of course, I’m grateful that you gave me the chance to help me become Neoma version 2.0. But, on the other hand, I hate the price that you have to pay for doing that.”

“It’s worth it as long as you’re happy and safe.”

“I’m greedy, Ruto,” she reminded him. “Of course, I’m happy and contented even without you in my life. But I’ll be HAPPIER if we can stay together until the end in this lifetime. Without killing each other, of course.”

“Yes, that would be nice.”

She pouted at her reaction. “Why are being so passive? Have you resigned yourself to your doomed fate?”

“Sorry. I’m just used to staying calm since you’re already full of energy, Neoma,” he said, chuckling. “Can you imagine what will happen if both of us are too hyper?”

For some reason, she suddenly imagined herself and Trevor together, since they were both hyper.

“The dynamic you just described suits me and Trevor well,” she said, laughing softly while shaking her head. “Both of us are too loud and self-obsessed, so we bicker a lot. The problem is because of that, we often talk over each other. We don’t listen to what the other has to say…”

She trailed off when she realized that Ruto fell silent.

Then she burst out laughing after seeing his reaction.

“Ruto, are you sulking?” Neoma asked, thoroughly enjoying the moment. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous because I’m talking about Trevor?”

“I’m not jealous,” Ruto said, but his pout and his tone said otherwise. “I just don’t want to hear you talking about other guys when we’re together. But that would be too narrow-minded of me, right?”

“So, you were jealous of Trevor?”

“Just a little.”

“Then is there someone you’re jealous of the most?”

“Rubin Drayton.”

She made a disgusted face. “Why would you be jealous of that dude of all people?”

“Because you like his face,” he said. “It’s childish, isn’t it? We’ve already had this conversation before, but I brought it up again. I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s my fault,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m too obsessed with pretty faces and won’t shut up about it. I didn’t realize that it was affecting you negatively. I’m sorry, Ruto.”

“Are you really sorry?”


“Then can I touch your face?”

“Did you wash your hands?”

He let out a sigh while shaking his head. “Neoma, you really know how to ruin a romantic moment.”


Was he making a move on her?

[Now I’m shy.]

“Sorry. I’m so used to making the first move, so I didn’t know you were flirting with me,” she said, then she looked up at him. “Go. Touch my face as much as you want.”

“Just so you know, I washed my hands,” he said before he moved his hands to touch her face.

“You avoid skinship with me as much as possible,” she teased him. “So, why are you being brave right now?”

“Because this is the only way I can “see” your face,” he said softly while touching her forehead, then her cheeks. “You have lovely features, Neoma.”

It was a bittersweet thing to hear.

[That’s right– he can’t see my face.]

“Ruto, I know that you’re only paying your debt to the Ancient Devil,” she said carefully. “But I still won’t let him eat all your emotions. So, I’m going to be shameless and stop him at all costs.”

“It’s not like I can stop you,” he said, smiling. “And even though I look calm, I haven’t given up yet. I’m doing my best to negotiate with the Ancient Devil.”

She pouted at him. “Why did you agree to the price that he named anyway?”

“Because I didn’t expect it.”

“Expect what?”

“That we’ll grow closer like this again,” Ruto confessed while lightly touching the bridge of her nose. “My plan was to stay in the shadows and do all the dirty works in order for you to walk the flower road. But in the end, I was forced to reveal myself since my status is a huge help to you.”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “Is that the only reason why you revealed yourself to me?”

“I can’t bear it.”


“Staying away from you,” Ruto confessed softly. “It made you cringe, right?”

“A little,” Neoma admitted, laughing. Then she closed her eyes when Ruto’s fingers touched the space between her eyebrows and eyes. “But I’ll let it slide because it’s you, Ruto.”


“IS IT done?” Calyx asked impatiently as soon as Sydrion entered his room. “Give it to me!”

“You’re still a rude little piece of shit,” Sydrion said lazily. “I was rooting for Mona Roseheart to roast you to death. What a shame that you survived.”

He survived, but he was burnt from head to toe.

If he wasn’t a de Moonasterio, then he would have died already.

Moreover, thanks to Dilan’s ability, his burn marks were lessened.

Yes, lessened.

Even the sorcerer’s magical abilities weren’t enough to completely heal him.

As a result, there were patches of red marks all over his face and body. It wasn’t too obvious because he concealed the marks with a magic powder that Dilan made. However, he wasn’t happy that his perfect skin had been blemished.

[Princess Neoma is flawless. But now I’m far from pristine. How can I seduce Prince Nero at this rate if I’m no match against the royal princess when it comes to beauty?]

“Stupid shitty little brother, are you still with me?”

“No,” Calyx snarled at Sydrion. He was usually lenient to disrespectful family members because he thought it was fun bickering with them. But he wasn’t in the mood at the moment. “I’m anxious, Brother. I’m no longer immaculately beautiful. How will Prince Nero like me now?”

“To be fair, Prince Nero never liked you in the first place.”

“Brother, don’t make me kill you.”

Sydrion just shrugged, then he threw a pouch at him. “Take that. Extracting that from the young Black Witch wasn’t easy. Seducing Prince Nero or beating Princess Neoma at her own game– you better succeed with that.”

He smiled when the thing that they needed to crush Princess Neoma was finally in his hands. “Brother, I love you!”

“I don’t need your fake affection,” his brother said, then he plopped down on the sofa. “Ah, you better get going.”


“I heard from our guards that they spotted Prince Nero in the town proper.”

He instantly beamed. “Prince Nero is already here?”


“You know that he’s not here for you, right?” Sydrion reminded him. “Prince Nero is here to save the Black Witch.”

“Is that wench still alive?”

“It’s not easy to kill a Black Watch.”

“You’re useless, Brother.”

“It’s not in my job description to kill that child. Moreover, she’s on the brink of death anyway,” his brother said, then he yawned. “Calyx, using the Black Witch’s ability will put your life at risk. You better use it carefully, okay?”

“I will, Brother.”

“For once, stop acting dumb. It doesn’t suit you,” Sydrion complained before laying down on the sofa. “Your original personality is much better.”

“I’ll stop acting dumb soon and act like a proper de Moonasterio,” Calyx said confidently. “But Prince Nero is obsessed with Princess Neoma who’s like a ball of sunshine, so I’m trying to copy the royal princess’ personality.”


“WHY ARE you so adamant about taking Neoma de Moonasterio away?” Arche confronted his twin sister. “This world needs her, Aruna. And you know that.”

“Brother, that’s exactly why we need to take her away,” Aruna insisted. “This world doesn’t deserve Neoma de Moonasterio.”

“Did you get her opinion about this matter?”

“Neoma will soon realize that we’re only doing this for her sake.”

“Are you still blaming yourself for the doomed fate of the royal princesses?”

“Don’t,” Aruna warned firmly. “Don’t even think about bringing that up, Arche de Moonasterio.”

“It wasn’t your fault, Aruna!” Arche insisted. “It wasn’t your fault that Callisto de Luca was obsessed with you!”


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