Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 596 - 596 POWER OF THE MOON


“GRANDPA, what do you mean by all I have to do is draw the power of the moon?” Neoma complained. “That’s so vague. Not even Papa Boss taught me I can borrow the power of the moon when I need it.”

“It’s because the previous emperors, including Nikolai de Moonasterio, were too proud to “borrow” strength from anyone or anything,” Arche explained. “Hence, they never bothered drawing the power of the moon.”

She groaned as a complaint.

At the moment, Neoma and Arche were sitting on the sofa that they placed on the balcony. Apparently, the first thing they needed to do was “soak” themselves with the Moonlight.

“Nero de Moonasterio already knows how to draw the power of the moon.”

Neoma turned to Arche with wide eyes. “Huh? Nero does? But he didn’t tell me that.”

Her twin brother wasn’t a stingy person.

During the brief moments that their family was complete, Nero would check on her abilities and share what he learned with her.

[Unfortunately, Nero isn’t a good teacher. Since he learns everything NATURALLY, he gets frustrated when I don’t get what he says on the first try. He forgets most of the time that not everyone is on his level.]


By ‘level,’ she meant MAIN CHARACTER level.

[Nero has the so-called ‘MC Halo.’ You know, the thing that makes a main character’s life easier since he gets everything and anything without any trouble.]

“I don’t think Nero is aware that what he’s doing is a skill,” Arche explained to her. “Drawing the power of the moon came naturally to him after he gained the god by his side. Hence, he didn’t think it was a big deal.”

Oh, right.

When Nero had gotten through his Lunacy phase, he gained a god (or was it a goddess) called ‘Larissa.’

Her twin brother also gained a weird ability.

[Apparently, Nero went around whispering in other people’s ears.]

She never got the chance to ask Nero about his ability. After all, even though they were twins, she thought it wasn’t right to pry on his skills.

[And I don’t want to get jealous.]

“But Grandpa, how did you know that Nero has learned drawing out the power of the moon already?”

“I can see it,” Arche explained, his beautiful ash-gray eyes focused on the full moon above them. “When you get on my level, you’ll also begin seeing the things that the naked eye cannot.”

[Wow, so pretty.]

She was aware that the ancient monarch was saying something important.

But Neoma, who was obsessed with beautiful faces, got mesmerized by Arche’s beauty.


That was the best way to describe Arche and Aruna de Moonasterio’s beauty.

She was aware that Arche, the emperor, was inside the body of Aruna. However, it didn’t really matter since she couldn’t tell whether the body was a male or a female anyway.

[And I don’t know a voice could sound androgynous too until I heard Grandpa talk.]

No wonder Arche and Aruna were able to trick the people of their time.

[Speaking of which, it reminds me…]

“Grandpa, don’t be upset,” Neoma said carefully. “But Arche de Moonasterio was recorded in history as the most incompetent emperor ever.”

“Do you believe that?”

“According to the old documents that I’ve studied during History class, I’d say the Emperor Arche was indeed incompetent,” she said. “The decisions that he made during his time had almost cost the downfall of the empire. However…”

The ancient monarch turned to her. “However…?”

“Now that I’m talking to you, I don’t think that’s the case, Grandpa,” she said while shaking his head.

“Then why do you think I went down the history as the most incompetent emperor?”

Neoma looked up at the full moon while voicing her opinion. “This is just a wild guess, but I think Grandpa made a fool of himself on purpose to make Princess Aruna shine.”

The ancient monarch didn’t say anything.

Hence, she turned to him.

“I’m right, am I not?” she asked curiously. “Grandpa only pretended to be dumb in order for Princess Aruna to shine brighter.”

“I’ll tell you the entire story once you learned how to draw the power of the moon,” Arche said, then he stood up and gently patted her head. “Neoma de Moonasterio, to borrow the power of the moon, you just have to ask.”

[That’s so vague, Grandpa.]


NEOMA fell asleep.

And guess what?

She found herself in a different dimension.

[Ah, fuck. Here we go again.]

She found herself in a strange graveyard. The sky was orange, the trees were dead, and the soil was dry. In short, it was a graveyard straight out of a horror webtoon.

[Oh, the main character is here!]

By that, she meant the old Neoma de Moonasterio.

[I’m so fucking pretty even with my hair cut short.]

The old Neoma de Moonasterio had shoulder-length hair. Her face was so pretty as usual, but she wore a ragged robe (that didn’t diminish her beauty, okay?).

But the thing that caught her attention was the things in her old version’s hands.

[Are those Trevor’s horns?]

<“The Devil’s Grimoire said that the Ancient Devil has power to help me destroy world,”> old Neoma said in a tired, cold voice. <“If I revive you, will you grant me the power to destroy everything in my way?”>

She covered her mouth with her hands when she gasped aloud.

[Omo– do I have the power of a necromancer?!]

Unfortunately, she didn’t get the chance to find out because a soft voice stirred her up.

“Neoma, wake up.”

[Oh, my man is calling me.]

When Neoma opened her eyes, she was greeted by Ruto’s gentle and neat face.

[Good morning(?) to me.]

“We should get moving, Neoma,” Ruto said while brushing the strands of hair on her cheek with his fingers. “Aruna de Moonasterio is here.”

Neoma almost choked on her saliva. “Wait, what?”


<“ARE YOU really leaving, Princess Neoma?”>

The voice that entered Neoma’s mind belonged to Prince Skylus– the baby saint.

According to Ruto, Arche de Moonasterio “greeted” his twin sister Aruna de Moonasterio in order to buy them some time.

Neoma, Ruto, and Hanna had to leave now.

[Our meeting with Aunt Nichole will proceed as plan, so we’ll head there to rescue Lewis. And according to Ruto, it looks like Princess Aruna’s target this time is Emperor Arche. Hence, the current Devil won’t chase us.]

But, in order for the royal family of Hazelden to be safe, the three of them had to leave.

That was why Neoma, Ruto, and Hanna were already saying goodbye to Brigitte unnie and Sir Glenn.

[It’s a shame that Monik is still asleep, so I won’t be able to say goodbye to her.]

But, perhaps, it was for the best.

After all, once Monik woke up, she wouldn’t remember her life as Empress Juliet anyway.

<“Princess Neoma, you’ll be in grave danger if you leave Hazelden.”>

Prince Skylus, who was in the arms of the queen, talked to her again.

“Baby Skylus, I appreciate your concern, and I know you only want the best for me,” Neoma said carefully, then she gently took the baby saint’s hands. Now that everyone knew that she could talk to the baby saint in her mind, no one wasn’t giving her a strange look. “However, I cannot abandon Lewis.”

Prince Skylus’ face turned crestfallen.

[For a baby who was just born, the baby saint sure is expressive.]

As expected, baby saints were built different.

<“Are you really going to save Lewis Crevan even if doing so will lead your final misfortune?”>


“Yes, nobody can stop me,” Neoma said firmly while nodding. “I don’t care what kind of misfortune I’d encounter. Lewis is more important to me than my own safety.”

Hanna suddenly looked nervous.

She couldn’t read her cousin’s mind, but she could tell that Hanna was worried about her and Lewis based on what she was hearing.

[I’ll explain everything to you later, Hanna.]

<“Then let me give a piece of advice, Princess Neoma.”>

“Please do so, Prince Skylus.”

This time, she addressed the baby saint formally.

<“Once you get the chance to escape, don’t look back.”>

That gave her the chills.

To be honest, the baby saint’s piece of “advice” was really vague. But she could tell that the last misfortune that she was about to meet was fatal.

She would lie if she said she wasn’t nervous.

However, she wasn’t alone.

Neoma turned to Ruto who was already looking at her.

Even though he couldn’t see her face, she could recognize the warmth and affection in his dark purple eyes.

That gave her the strength and confidence that she needed.

“Thank you for the advice, Prince Skylus. I’ll keep that in mind,” Neoma said, then she closed her eyes and kissed the baby saint’s knuckles. “I leave Monik, the empire, and this kingdom under your blessing, Your Holiness.”


“WHAT MADE you come out, Arche de Moonasterio?”

“It’s weird to see my own face talk to me,” Arche responded to Aruna’s question. “How long are you going to do stupid things using my body, Aruna de Moonasterio?”

He felt his twin sister’s presence just outside Hazelden’s royal palace.

Since it seemed like Aruna wasn’t there for Neoma de Moonasterio, he told Ruto to escape with the ladies.

Then he lured Aruna to the Frozen Woods where they wouldn’t accidentally hurt anyone if ever they fought.

[I’m sure we’ll fight, though.]

Aruna frowned at his remark. “Of course, everything I do will look stupid to my genius twin brother.”

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