Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 250: The Fate of the Those Left Behind

Chapter 250: The Fate of the Those Left Behind

As Jack flew over the estate, news of his victory over Dan Bolon had already begun to spread. Servants pointed up at him with reverence, like he was a famous footballer, while many immortals nodded deeply at him as he passed.

Would you look at that, Jack said to himself midair, Im famous again already.

In the time it had taken him to shower and get dressed, he had managed to become a celebrity. His burnt skin had already recovered, too.

As he approached Shols residence at the edge of the estate, his big brother was already there and waiting. Jack! he exclaimed. What the hell happened?

Nothing too special, Jack replied as he landed. I just took care of an idiot.

Dan Bolon hardly qualifies as an idiot. He was one of Elder Monsoons most promising disciples. Shol then looked around, making sure they werent watched. His face split into a wide grin. Good job, he whispered, clapping Jacks shoulder. That was very well done.

Thank you, Jack replied modestly. I appreciate Master Hualis assistance. This is the least I could do to repay her.

Dont be fake modest with me, Jack. Come inside and tell me everything.

Shols house was smaller than Jacks. It was just a single cabin surrounded by a small vegetable garden near the wooden walls of the estatewhich, given the immortals ability to fly, were purely ornamental.

The inside of the cabin was as spartan as its exterior. Going through the door, Jack stepped into a living room that could barely fit a table, chairs, and a kitchen. Two closed doors led to what he assumed was the bathroom and bedroom, while a trapdoor under a half-raised carpet led to Shols cultivation chamber.

I see you also have a cellar, Jack said, nodding in approval. Very nice. I already arranged to get some wine for mine.

For the last time, its not a cellar.

It is a cultivation cellar.

Of course. Shol sighed. Come, take a seat. And tell me all about your duel against Dan Bolan.

Havent you heard the details? Everyone else seems to know already.

I have, but I want to hear your first-hand accounting. Would you like some tea?

Yes, please.

Jack sat on one of the simple wooden chairs and began retelling what happened at Stripe City. He briefly mentioned the Cauldron Mall, then talked about the restaurant and the insults he and Dan Bolon hurled at each other. Finally, he described the setup of their battle with great detail, as well as the end result.

When he was done, Shol shook his head. You have a penchant for infamy, Jack. Even back when you were a tiny F-Grade, I remember you caused one scene after another.

It wasnt always my fault.

Didnt your spiritual companion hurl shit at Rufus Emberheart once?

He started it.

Didnt you masquerade as someone using the Dao of Spanking, then proceeded to tear all those talented people new assholes?

Jack laughed. Oh, yeah. Fun times.

Shol was trying to be serious, but he couldnt help smirking. Making the world turn around you is a good thing, he replied. It means that challenges and power will rain your way. Of course, it can kill you. But if it doesnt, youll grow strong fast. Youre stealing the momentum of the world to enhance your cultivation.

Those are grand words, brother. All I did was stand up for myself.

You did far more than that. Disciple disputes happen all the time, but very rarely do they escalate to such lengthsand so publicly. As I understand, you both went ahead and staked your masters name on that battle. It would have been a disaster if you had lost; but, since you won, its actually a great fortune. Word of your duel has already spread far and wide. Everyone has heard of Jack Rust, the young disciple of Elder Huali who publicly defeated and even killed a disciple of Elder Monsoon forty levels above himself.

Oh, good. I was worried my actions would have somehow embarrassed our master.

Nonsense. We arent made of porcelain; were cultivators. We fight and die as needed. Shol leaned back into his chair, weaving his fingers together before his chest with a content smile. No, Jack; that victory of yours helped our master greatly. One of Monsoons greatest advantages is that his disciples are stronger than our masters; which isnt exactly true, but its difficult to contest when his head disciple is stronger than me. Thanks to you, we have now reminded the inner planet that each elder has more disciples than just the head ones, and that Monsoons head disciple superiority doesnt necessarily carry over. If anything, we are better; defeating an elite forty levels your senior is a great achievement.

Is ElderIs elder Monsoons head disciple really that strong? Jack asked directly. I heard you couldnt leave the estate to avoid him challenging you, but

Shols gaze darkened. Yes, he is strong. His name is Qian Monsoon, a direct descendant of Elderelder Monsoon. While we are both at the peak of the D-Grade, his strength is significantly greater than mineif we fought ten times, he would win nine of them.

Ouch. Thats a lot. But people already know hes the strongest D-Grade of the faction, right? If you fight him and lose, its no big deal. If you win, it changes everything.

It doesnt work like that. If the head disciples of the two elders dueled publicly, it would be perceived as the deciding duel for the Grand Elder position. If I lost, people would understand that Huali lost to Monsoon. That cannot be allowed.

I see Jack sipped from his mug, finding this tea much to his liking. He had been more of a coffee person on Earth, but when meditation became a core part of his life, he found the calmness of tea much more helpful than coffees energy boost.

Your victory over Dan Bolon, while unexpected, was an important event in the battle between the two elders, Shol said, his eyes somewhat conflicted. However, for that reason, I have to ask you not to leave the estate for a while. I hope you understand. Your situation now is similar to mine; your standing is connected to our masters.

Jack frowned. How is that similar? If they send anyone near my level, I will defeat them. If they send a late or peak D-Grade, sure, Ill lose, but nobody will accept it as a fair battle.

And yet, thats exactly what theyre going to do. They will send their late D-Grades to bully you, and so what if its not a fair battle? Our late D-Grades will not be able to protect you, because if they try, the disciples of Monsoon will just escalate the situation until I need to duel Qian.

Jacks frown insisted. However, a few moments of thought later, it slowly eased. I see, he replied. Fine. Ill stay inside the estate for now. However, I had been planning to leave the faction in a few weeks to adventure in the Animal Kingdom. If you need me to not do that, Im afraid it will be difficult.

Shol considered it for a moment. Ideally, you shouldnt But I will not constrain you too much. I understand your need to get stronger quickly, and indeed, adventuring is what you should do. All I ask is that you be careful.

Of course.

Good. Shol smiled, but it didnt reach his lips. I have another matter to discuss with you, actually.

Go ahead, brother.

Remember how you asked me to find out what happened to the Trampling Ram? The starship that helped you escape the Animal Kingdom?

Jack nodded. He put down his cup and listened attentively. The crew of the Trampling Ram had helped him tremendously, and he had implicated them in his own troubles; he really hoped they were okay.

Unfortunately, the news I got isare not too good. When the Trampling Ram was attacked near Earth-321, the three Hounds teamed up with the dryad immortal of that planet to defeat them. The Trampling Ram itself managed to warp away with most of its crew, but the captain was captured. Soon after, he was transported to Hell, where he will remain imprisoned in perpetuity.

Jacks heart clenched. The captain aside, he remembered what a sorry state they were in when the Hounds attacked. They had just gotten away from a space monster horde; Vashter was heavily injured, and the rest werent exactly healthy, either. They had been going to Earth-321 to seek medical aid. If they were forced to warp away like that

Jack shook his head to clear it. He put his thoughts in order. You said the captain was taken to Hell, he said. What is that?

One of the core planets of the Animal Kingdom. Its where they keep their most dangerous criminals. At the same time, it serves a function similar to our inner planetits where their most talented D-Grades go to cultivate. I have heard that prisoners are often slaughtered by the inner disciples to give them levels, or they are used as sparring partners against their will. Oftentimes, they are partially crippled and released into the wild, where disciples hunt and kill them as part of their training.

Jacks gaze darkened dangerously. Cant the Animal Kingdom be decent even once?

They dont want to. They chase after power at all costs and care about little else.

Those fuckers.

Jack was livid. He was stewing in his seat, barely containing his aura from leaking out. Captain Dordok was going to be hunted for sport, and it was his fault.

Is there a way to save someone from Hell? he asked.

The only way is to make a deal with the Animal Kingdombut I guess thats impossible for you. And even more for us, since were enemies. Shol shook his head. Im sorry, Jack.

Jack held his breath for a few moments. Then, he drew the air in deep and let it wash his brain clean. It didnt rid him of the sadness or guilt, but it did let him think clearly again.

Just one more reason to get stronger, he thought grimly. What about the rest of the crew? he asked. After they warped away, did you have any more news of them?

None. Shol shook his head. They could be dead or in hiding. Theyre wanted criminals now. Even the ambassador of Fair Way continent who was on the ship is wanted for treason, and his entire court and family was wiped from Fair Way to set an example.

When you say wiped, do you mean


Jacks heart clenched further. Vlossana and her father were good people. He still remembered her Dao of Joy, how she always jumped from subject to subject, full of energy and wit.

Now, her entire family had been slaughtered just like that. All because the Animal Kingdom wanted to set an example.

And because Jack had drawn them into his conflict.

I need some time, he said, standing up abruptly. His cup was still half-full. Thank you for the hospitality and information, brother Shol, but I have a lot in my head. I will return another day to chat more pleasantly.

Of course. Its no problem at all, Shol replied quickly, gazing at Jack with warmth. Try not to take it too hard, he advised. On the path of cultivation, these things are common. People are roped into each others conflicts all the time.

Thank you, Jack replied politely, but he didnt agree. Yes, being strong made the world revolve around you, but it wasnt the case this time. He had just lied to some people to save his own life, which resulted in those people suffering greatly. The Animal Kingdom was certainly in the wrong, especially considering the Fair Way situation, but so was he.

When he left the cabin and flew home, his head remained muddled. He was grieving. Only when he landed in his courtyard did he regain himself enough to consider the situation.

Cultivation gave the mind clarity. In addition, Jack followed the Dao of the Fist. He wouldnt let himself be overtaken by grief or guilt.

He had fucked up. But it happened. Losing himself wouldnt help. All he could do now was work hard to fix his wrongdoings as much as possible; he would do his best to save Captain Dordok, if possible, and he would try to locate and help the remaining crew of the Trampling Ram, along with Vlossana and Count Plomer. If they were dead, he would take revenge.

It wasnt enough, but it was the best he could do. That, and trying his best to never fuck up like that again.

Jack made his way directly to his cultivation cellar and sat cross-legged. He had planned to take the entire day off, and it was still afternoon. Plus, the Dao Magnet had still not reached its peak concentration, so cultivating now would be inefficient.

But those mattered little. Jack could not afford to take it easy; if not for his people on Earth, then for the crew of the Trampling Ram. The ones hed let down, and whom he still didnt have the strength to compensate.

I need to become stronger, he realized. The fire inside him was reignited. He thirsted to advance.

Reaching into his robes, Jack removed the dark crystal ball hed taken from the library, the one that contained a Dao Vision. He sank his mind inside it, dove deep into its pitch-black essenceand suddenly, he was in space.

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