Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 249: Breaking Dan

Chapter 249: Breaking Dan

A cloud of dust covered the crater, and that was a good thing, because Jacks body was mostly broken. Dan Bolons attack had been stronger than he expected. His ribcage was bent, multiple organs had been punctured, and he was unable to breathe. The world was swimming before his eyes, and even maintaining his consciousness was a tough task.

Then again, that wasnt too bad. Strong immortals had the power to demolish entire mountains. Jack had only survived the impact because of the extreme defense offered by Neutron Star Body, his defensive Dao Skill. It was the evolution of Iron Fist Body, and it gave him some properties of neutron stars, making his body extremely compact and resilient, as well as resistant to the elements.

At the same time, the skill had been enhanced by the Life Drop, offering him extreme regenerative powers. Jack could already feel his body knitting itself back into health. His flesh was pulsing with the powers of life, moving around bones, sucking off the rampant blood from internal injuries, and repairing the punctured organs.

Within ten seconds, Jack could breathe again. Within a minute, he could walk. His hearing only came back then, catching Dan Bolons passionate speech about how one should respect their superiors and not be a reckless idiot.

Jack did not pay too much attention. As the dust was clearing up and people were gathering to see his corpse, he shocked them all by walking out of the crater. He looked like shit, and the regeneration had made him completely exhausted, but he was certainly still able to fight.

The moment Dan Bolon caught sight of him, he froze mid-speech. His eyes widened, and he paled like hed seen a ghost. How? he asked. How are you still alive!?

Alive? Jack replied, his voice hoarse but understandable. Did you think that little love tap was enough to kill me?

He slowly rose to the sky, enjoying everyones respectful and shocked gazes. So what if the front of his torso remained blackened from the burns? So what if his hair was messy, he was covered in dust, and blood was visible on several parts of his body?

He was alive, and his fist looked good enough.

Slowly, Jack arrived before Dan Bolon, who remained shocked. I have received your strike, Bolon. It wasdecent. Now, I believe it is my turn.

Only now, seeing Jack survive his full-force attack, did Dan Bolon realize that he had made a mistake. Only now he did understand why Jack had dared challenge himbecause he really might win.

Bolon focused on offense. His defense wasnt too strong. He had been confident in taking a strike before, but with the strength Jack had just revealed, he suddenly didnt like his chances at all.

This really might kill him. He had half a mind to resign.

Do you dare receive my strike, Bolon? Jack asked, seeing through his thoughts. Or are you a coward who will soil his masters name?

Dan Bolons heart was filled with bitterness. He had already used his strongest strike. Now, he was forced to defend against the attack of someone at his level of power?

Hell! He couldnt do that!

But after what Jack said, he couldnt quit either! If he did, head disciple Qian would come and kill him himself.

Fine, he thought, gritting his teeth. He crossed his arms before his chest, which wasnt really allowed, and waited for Jacks strike. He galvanized his Dao as intensely as he could and even revealed his Dao Domain, hoping to pressure Jack and lower his strength.

He did not expect Jack to completely ignore his domain, revealing his own and perfectly countering it. In fact, Jacks was even a bit stronger.

Dan Bolon was beginning to see death, but he couldnt back down now. He just had to hope he could take the strike.

Give me your worst, Jack Rust! he shouted to hype himself upup himself.

Jack laughed loudly. Those are big words for someone whos crossing his arms to defend. I didnt do that. I let you hit me freely.

Dan Bolons brows fluttered. Everyone could see that Jack was right, but if he dropped his arms, too, then he really might die! We agreed not to fight back, he retorted with a snort. Defending is obviously allowed.

I guess you are a coward, then. I really expected a disciple of Elder Monsoon to have some balls, but well, it looks like I was wrong.

The agreeing murmurs from other immortals only emphasized Dan Bolons ugly position. He gritted his teeth so hard they almost broke.

If I really let him attack me, will I die?No. He must focus hard on defense. Thats why he could survive my attack. His offense must be much weaker! His eyes shone. Yes, thats it! I can do this. I can survive! Its all or nothing!

He uncrossed his arms, stating bravely, Very well. If you can take an attack without defending, then I, Dan Bolon, can do the same. Let no one say that I am a coward!

Jacks ridiculing smile did not comfort Dan Bolon at all. Whos courting death now? he replied. I respect your resolve. Very well. May you die a brave man rather thanman than live as a coward.

Dan Bolon did not speak. He waited, chest completely vulnerable, to receive Jacks attack.

Suddenly, the world lost its colors. Sound was gone, too. Dan Bolons Dao Domain was torn apart as a single purple meteor dominated the sky, glowing around Jacks fist like it was about to fall from deep space. Just the ripples of power were enough to send shivers down Dan Bolans spine. It took every iota of his resolve to keep his arms from rising to defend.

I can take this, he kept telling himself. I have to.

He already regretted his decision to come here and cause trouble. He could have just stayed at home and relaxed, but he had chosen to kick the iron wall that was called Jack Rust.

Unfortunately, there was no medicine for regret.

Dan Bolons thoughts disappeared as he devoted his entire being to defense. Meteor Punch! Jacks voice rang across the sky, the only sound in existence, a divine decree of destruction. The meteor hurtled forward. Before it even reached Dan Bolons body, he could feel his skin caving in by its ripples of power.

Dan Bolons Solar Punch contained a heavy element of fire. That was painful and disorienting for enemies, but it wasnt really deadly. If anything, the power that went into creating the flames was removed from the punchs physical power.

Jacks Meteor Punch, on the other hand, was different. Any explosion was just an afterthought. The sound and light effects were just a result of the ambient Dao bowing to the punchs superiority. The entire power of the strike was focused on punching as hard as possible.

Shit, Dan Bolon realized, but it was too late. He no longer had time to defend. The meteor exploded on his chest. Dan Bolon sensed his ribcage bend and shatter into a million tiny bone fragments. His back burst open from the impact, and that was the last thing he ever felt.

As light and sound exploded back into existence, Jack watched Dan Bolons broken body fly to the other mountain and crash into it like a meteor, forming a crater slightly larger than Jacks. Of course, he would never stand up again, because he was dead before he even hit the ground.

Level up! You have reached Level 145.

Level up! You have reached Level 146.

All the free points went to the Physical substats, obviously.

Unlike Bolon, Jack did not give a long speech of condolences to make himself appear virtuous. He didnt need to; seeing the level difference between the two of them, as well as Dan Bolons previous conduct, everyone could tell who started this fight.

As all the immortals of Striple City stared at him in shock, all he said was, Huh. I guess the disciples of Elder Monsoon are not that strong after all.

The city burst into an uproar, but Jack didnt pay them any mind. He returned to his table at the terrace restaurant, still bloody and dusted, but nobody would dare tell him anything. The woman accompanying Dan Bolon screamed like a banshee and flew away at top speed.

As soon as Jack landed under everyones incredulous gazes, Auburn looked him in the eyes and said, Wow.

Jack shrugged. He got what he was looking for. After allhe was courting death, wasnt he?

She burst into laughter, the tension suddenly melting off them both. I guess he did, she replied.

Their food was already there, and the two of them ate in peace. Nobody else bothered them, and they soon left the city, flying all the way to Elder Hualis Estate.

Thanks for the tour, Auburn, Jack told her as he dropped the bags of herbswhich hed volunteered to carryat her door. It was fun.

I dont know if fun is the right word for what happened, but Yeah. I did have fun. She smiled at him. What will you do now?

Take a shower, obviously. He laughed. After that, I think Ill go see brother Sholand then, well see. Maybe visit my friends at the outer planet. In any case, starting tomorrow, Ill be cultivating.

Dont lose yourself in it again, she said with a caring look. You are good company. There is more to life than cultivation.

Not when I have a planet to save. In any case, well both be aroundI may be able to take some time off my busy schedule.

She stuck her tongue out. Damn you, Jack Rust. Is this how you treat all girls?

He laughed as he flew away. See you around, Auburn. Next time, lets have some tea at a place without troublemakers.


And Jack flew away.

At the same time, in a far-off estate that looked quite different than Hualis, a man with long, blond hair sat cross-legged in the middle of a small pond. The water was perfectly still under him, supporting his weight as easily as it would support a leaf.

A knock on the courtyards door shook him out of his meditation. Yes? he replied.

A thousand apologies! a man cried out from outside. Can I come in? This is urgent.

Head Disciple Qian frowned gently. You may.

A short man dressed in purple opened the door of the courtyard and walked in, his head lowered in respect. A thousand apologies for interrupting your cultivation, head disciple, I only

Just speak, Qian said coldly. And be quick about it.

Yes. Brother Dan Bolon went to Stripe City today to cause some trouble for two weak disciples of Elder Hualibut things got out of control. It turned into a huge spectacle, where brother Dan and one of Hualis disciples bet their honor and masters name into a duel. Brother Dan lost, and he even died in the process, but both fighters had already announced to the entire city that death was an acceptable result.

Qian frowned. The water under him rippled gently, but even that was enough to instill fear in the messengers eyes. Was Dan a brainless fool? Qian said calmly. Why did he pick a fight with someone he couldnt beat? And he even had to drag our master into it Now, everyone will ridicule us. If Dan wasnt dead already, I would kill him myself.

Head disciple, if I may speak, brother Dan was an absolute idiot, but his opponent was surprisingly strong. Nobody expected him to win. He was forty levels weaker than Dan.

That gave Qian pause. Someone surpassed a forty-level difference to beat Dan?

Yes, sir. A new disciple of Elder Huali. A man named Jack Rust.

Qians brows fell. A thousand calculations occurred inside his brain in the blink of an eye. I see. Tell me everything you know about thisJack Rust.

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