Chapter 309: 309

Chapter 309: 309

Maya didn't argue with him, as she exited the palace hand in hand with Ibro. Ibro found his old personal guards waiting for him inside the palace garden and outside it. 

Their numbers went higher obviously than the last time he saw them. That was normal as his total power had expanded massively. 

Ibro didn't speak with them as he moved at once with the help of Maya's technique to fly in the air. Part of the guards followed them flying, while the rest ran rapidly on the ground. 

The major part of Ibro's personal guards was from the death knights. It didn't take a few minutes for him to reach the place of his huge armies. 

His 7 pillars were waiting there in front of the whole army's leading group of over 20 commanders. Ibro greeted them all then he said:

"I will move you all into a small space. There, you need to be patient and wait for my call."

Erond asked in doubt:

"What about your safety, my king?"

Ibro smiled faintly as he said with strong tone:

"Don't worry about me. I can handle anything. Now, let's now waste time."

Ibro looked to Maya who started to move the whole area into her pocket space. Her ability was unique and crucial at this war. Her speed was amazing. 

She managed to move the whole huge armies into her pocket space within a few minutes. When she noticed the surprised look over Ibro's face, she explained:

"My pocket space is a unique technique that I inherited from my late father. I can move anything in the radius of my divine sense coverage with a whim of my thought."

Ibro clapped his hands while he said gladly:

"You are a gem, Maya. I love this technique of yours. Now, let's start our crusade."

Maya moved the whole armies that served under Ibro's banner, even the skeletons army. 

The army numbers reached over 400 million, but that wasn't even enough. Ibro knew he had to gather much more if he wanted to capture this whole world.

"Why do I feel you are concerned about some problems you can't solve?"

Ibro looked towards Maya. He was thinking about a hard obstacle to solve. He asked jokingly:

"Since when can you read my mind?"

"Hahaha, I'm not a mind reader, but I'm a good observer. You didn't speak a single word since we left your city. Your face showed great concentration as you were thinking about some issues. So I just guessed, and it seems I'm right."

Ibro discovered that he didn't speak for over 4 hours while they were flying inside his territory. They didn't meet any demons, yet, so his mind was busy about a major problem. He sighed before explaining:

"I really have a problem I can't solve."

Maya said with a fascinating smile:

"If you can't solve it alone, then two heads are better than one, right?"

Ibro got her meaning. He tried to simplify things as he said:

"I told you before; here is a technology-based world. Here, we don't have cultivators, we have players. 

The two are similar in one thing, they are humans. I can face these demons, but what about those players? I'm concerned about their position towards this calamity."

Maya replied without hesitation:

"They will help you. Who is crazy enough to stand with demons?"

Ibro sighed. Cultivators were different than players in this part. Cultivators lived with a code of honor. Although they had some evildoers, the most were straight and sane. 

Unlike players, who were used to tricks, betrayal, schemes, and playing for the biggest benefit without the concerns of any aftermaths. The reason behind this difference was due to the nature of the games. 

Any player when killed would be revived again with losing one level only. The absence of life-threatening life made players very arrogant and impulsive. 

They wouldn't mind attacking stronger foes or stand with the wrong side, as they could revive again after their death with a small penalty like losing a level. Ibro knew his enemy was more resourceful than players, so he had to expect the worse.

"Demons here can infect humans and even kill them and turn them into monsters."

Maya looked to him in surprise while asking:

"Are you sure? I have never met such a thing in cultivators before."

Ibro nodded while explaining in more details:

"I also didn't meet something like this in cultivation worlds, except for separate incidences where some cultivators got replaced by demons. 

Here, the situation is totally different. These demons can infect humans with seeds. These seeds are a form of energy that can infect the soul and kill it."

Maya exclaimed loudly as she understood Ibro's meaning.

"But you can kill these seeds. I just saw you did that back in the city."

Ibro sighed while replying:

"I know, but the more humans with seeds, the more pressure on me. You just saw how weak I became after that purification process. Also, these demons didn't only infect this world; they would infect all the worlds out there."

Ibro pointed out towards the honeycomb-like sky as he added:

"Also, these demons can manipulate the greedy nature of players. They can amass huge numbers of players to attack me."

Maya's eyes flashed while her face showed serious expression as she said:

"Any traitor had to die."

"I agree with you, but here players have levels. It's like the cultivation stages, but here these levels are their protection. Each time a player dies, he would revive again in any city with losing only one level."

Maya was shocked as she muttered:

"That would be a problem indeed."

Ibro sighed while saying:

"That's why I'm bothered about this difficult problem. I can manage the world here, but all these worlds up there that would be a hard rock to crack for me."

Maya flew side by side with him in silence before saying:

"My father once told me a piece of advice. He told me if I ever faced a hard problem I can't solve, then all I have to do is to make decisions one at a time. Take your route in solving this problem step by step, that was his advice to me."

Ibro thought deeply about these words. That old man was right. Ibro had to focus on his current problems, and leave the dilemma to the future. He might find a solution later on.

"Your old man is a wise man."

Maya lost her concentration for a moment before muttering:

"Yes, he was a wise man."

Ibro felt her sadness, so he didn't say anything more. Their silent journey didn't last long, as after half an hour the system said:

'Prepare yourself, there is a huge army of demons up ahead. They are mixed with many infected players.'

Ibro smiled while he said to Maya:

"We have some work to do."

Maya used her divine sense to cover the whole region. She then said:

"Their numbers are huge. I counted over 200 million of them with my divine sense."

Ibro was surprised by these numbers. He thought he moved fast, but it seemed his enemy was faster.

"The issue here is these demons had many players with them."

Maya asked after scanning the region again with divine sense:

"I can't discriminate humans from demons. They are mixed perfectly inside the demon army."

Ibro thought for a bit before saying his idea:

"I will purify the humans with seeds only. you keep track of the region. My technique covers only 50 kilometers, so you have to focus on this range. 

When I attack those seeds, a fog of energy radiates from their hosts. You need to ignore any infected human and move others."

Maya scanned the region again for the third time before promising:

"I will try my best."

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