Chapter 308: 308

Chapter 308: 308

Ibro finally had time to ask the system about what just happened.

'I can't believe you managed to do it. Our sole existence, all these tribulations were for this energy you have produced unintentionally.' 

The system replied to his questions by this vague statement. Ibro didn't understand as he asked:

'I don't understand, can you elaborate slowly using words I can understand?'

'Listen well then, the whole universe had many clans, where humans were the weakest. The problem lies in the rank of energy that you used. Ro-energy is the weakest form of energy out there.'

Ibro interrupted the system lecture as he asked with curiosity:

'Didn't you tell me Ro-energy is the highest strongest form of energy?'

'Yes, it's the highest and strongest form of energy for humans to use. In comparison to the other clans' form of energies, it's the weakest. 

That's why some pioneer courageous humans had decided to change all that. They tried to mix other forms of energies with their initial Ro-energy. 

Some clans agreed like the gods clan and time clan, while others refused like the demons clan and monsters clan. Although the trials that these humans did failed, only one of them didn't lose hope. 

He had a personal vendetta with some clans, as they had caused a miserable event to him. That human kept trying till he once succeeded as you did. 

Although it was a simple unintentional success, the demons didn't tolerate it. They started their crusade on all humans. Your success this time put you on par with this human.'

Ibro thought a bit then he asked:

'Is that human you are talking about me?'

'No, it's not you.'

The firm response from the system made Ibro believe it. On the other hand, he recalled the words he heard from that fiend. He asked again:

'That fiend had claimed that this all was my fault.'

The system remained silent for a while before he replied:

'This is a long complicated story. It's too early for you to know it, but I promise you I will tell you one day.'

Ibro was sure that his past was really hard to imagine. Knowledge was the highest form of responsibility. If he didn't have the power needed to protect himself after knowing this knowledge, then it would be best not to know.

'What I understand is that your mission is to generate a supreme form of energy rather than Ro-energy, right?'

'Yes, it's the mission of every system.'

Ibro then suggested:

'As far as I can recall, I generated this energy when I mixed it with my PSR energy. Can't this be a success?'

The system replied in a very serious tone:

'Not at all, this can be considered as a technique, not energy. To be considered successful, you need to change your whole body energy to be the new form of energy. You only mix two forms of energy before unleashing the attacks.'

Ibro argued:

'But I can now form this energy and use it in my attacks. That is what really matters.'

The system resumed its argument as it said:

'The goal of generating this energy isn't for your only use. The main purpose for all of this is to generate a form of energy that all humans can use.'

Ibro wasn't convinced as he said:

'Why should I trouble myself with all of that? Instead of trying to find other solutions and make others trials, all I need to do is push myself further in this road.'

The system went silent for a moment before asking in a doubt:

'What about normal humans? How will that help to protect them and make them stronger?'

Ibro sighed as he had thought of this issue. He expressed his own thoughts:

'In my opinion, my past self or that human was mistaken.'

'Really? Then what they should have done?'

Ibro ignored the mockery in system tone as he said:

'They should have continued to increase their strength until they became the strongest persons in the whole universe. At this moment, no one would ever think about harming a single human.'

The system went silent thinking about Ibro's logic before it argued:

'But that won't increase the humans' strength, and won't stop many clans from harming humans.'

Ibro replied to its doubts by saying:

'Their role should have been the shield. Some losses here and there wouldn't matter. What is important is time.'

'Time?!' the system exclaimed without any interest in Ibro's words, while Ibro continued:

'Yes, time. All humans need is time. if these two gave humans time, I'm sure humanity would find another way to get stronger. But now, we are weaker, scattered, homeless, and hunted by many enemies.'

The system went silent again, while Ibro felt his words had strong sense and logic. He felt this was his path, the path he was seeking. He decided as he declared:

'I will seek that path of power. I won't try to find another form of energy, I will push hard to increase my use of this energy. If I could also have other supreme forms of energy, then I will use them as well. 

I will be the legendary existence that everyone feared. I will be the shield the humans needed most right now, to give them time to find other ways to be stronger.'


The system didn't say a word to make Ibro let go of this crazy idea. It knew its own role well. It was a guide that had no control over Ibro's actions. Ibro sighed with relief while passing his fingers slowly at Maya's hair. 

She was sitting on his lap right now. She began to accept slowly the fact she became his woman. Some deep desire of her had awakened the moment he touched her. 

This desire pushed her towards him with strong impulse. Without her restraint towards this desire, she would have slept with him again. Ibro looked to her as he remembered her system.

"How is your system doing?"

Maya raised her head a little to see his eyes perfectly. She then replied:

"It's good. Although it became calmer, it's still kicking."

Ibro's heart jolted as he heard her reply. He didn't show it on his face, but he felt a strong sense of danger.

'Can you destroy this system?'


Ibro didn't have time to play with his system, as he said seriously:

'Her system still exists. It should have been destroyed. If it is still alive, then what did we kill there?'

The system replied with impatience:

'How do I know the answer? I just learned from the existence of a forged system from this girl's system.'

'Then you can kill it?'

'Unfortunately not, to do so I need to be a higher form of system. That system is on par with me now, or even higher.'

Ibro recalled the past failures of his system to find any clues about Maya's system. 

Ibro wasn't content about the presence of something risky as this system beside him. But, he didn't have any way to deal with it now. So, he had to bid for his time.

"Let's go, I believe they have prepared the armies."

Maya looked with concern to him, but Ibro just kissed her forehead gently as he reassured her:

"Don't worry about me; I'm not in such a bad state. Let's go, we wasted enough time already."

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