Chapter 283

Chapter 283

He would wait for the players to meet them first, and then he would implement this plan of his through their influence. He then had to move back to his village to meet again with his commanders. 

He knew how important his killing to the seeds was. If his move wasn't that important, his enemy wouldn't be forced to try and stop him. The only problem was the time, this process was time-consuming. 

Ibro then recalled the white tier divination he had before the upgrade. It talked about a nearby auction in a far city. Ibro guessed this city identity. 

This game was strangely similar to the Rioneed game, so there are some cities here that players haven't reached yet. These were the cities on the holy grounds in Rioneed. 

He didn't know what the cities here would be called, but they were definitely present. He just needed to find a suitable NPC to ask. Who would be better than those commanders to ask? 

He was about to confirm this plan when he thought about the time issue again. What if this auction was this week? What if it was tomorrow? 

He hesitated and then started to look for other options. This time, he regretted not having a decent way of contact with his men.

'System, I want to talk to some of my men, but they are far away from me right now. Do you have any suggestions on how I can solve this problem?'

'System has no function that could relay messages from place to a far place. The system suggests you think about another solution.'

Ibro sighed. He then started to rethink his options again. After some time, he had either two options here. 

He either tried to convince the city lord to join his side peacefully and then ask for his help regarding this mysterious auction. He didn't put any hopes on this solution, though. 

Although he had a long list of candidates around him, he knew the general attitude of all city lords here towards him. In all the cities he conquered so far, not a single city lord surrendered to him. 

Ibro sighed again helplessly. He had only the last option. In any game, there would be many secluded high tier NPCs. They always had a deep history and long sad stories. 

These NPCs were usually the best in their classes. They preferred to draw back from their normal life as they sought for something. Some sought revenge, while others sought more power. 

There was once an NPC who was seeking only for peace of mind back at the Rioneed game. The issue here was finding these NPCs were a lucky process. 

Also, any one of them was very dangerous. Ibro didn't have the trust to face them head-on alone, but he couldn't bring anyone with him. These NPCs were very arrogant. 

If he went to any lair of them with his guards, this NPC would be hostile to them. He had to go there alone. After he made his mind, he decided to search for such NPCs. 

They were rare but very famous. He missed the game forums where he could find a lot of topics about famous NPCs in this world. he thought for a while before ordering the system:

'Search for Gorsag and use your telepathy with him.'

'Do you want it one-way or two-way telepathy?'

Ibro thought for a moment. It was better to relay his orders to him from here. This would save some time.

'I chose the two-way telepathy.'

'Gorsag had been spotted. The two- way telepathy function is activated. You can speak to him now.'

"Gorsag, listen to me carefully. I want you to search for any nearby famous NPC. I want all the info regarding him as soon as possible. You can use the forums now to search for such info."

Gorsag took a moment before he replied:

"I will do it right away, my king."

"I'll be here with you till you finish your forums search."

"I started looking at the forums now, my king. I'm sure I will find what you are looking for."

Ibro waited for a while without losing his patience. He knew the forums were filled with trash topics that had no value at all. After nearly half an hour, the sound of Gorsag came again:

"I have searched many times in the forums, but I couldn't find anything related to special NPCs."

Ibro didn't lose hope as he asked again:

"What about local legends? Is there any you found in your search?"

The sound of Gorsag delayed for a few minutes when it came with obvious excitement:

"I have found some valuable info regarding one NPC. I asked some locals here just now and learned of this local legend. 

There is a place 100 miles to the south of here. This place is known as the Forbidden witch valley. Anyone enters there will never return."

Ibro asked trying to understand more:

"What is this place related to the NPCs I'm looking for? Is this because the witch is in its name?"

"No, my king. The people here told me that there is an old story about this place. It's a legend about a very old witch that was very powerful here ages ago. This witch left a heritage for her successor. 

Ages later, a young NPC had entered this valley and managed to found the heritage. The problem is after that this valley became surrounded by fog. Anyone who tried to enter it has since lost his life."

Gorsag went silent for a second before adding:

"I strongly advise against going there alone, my king. You can give me more time and I will search for other legends."

Ibro smiled faintly while saying:

"Yes, that would be wise. Look for other legends. If you found any, then come to the palace and tell me. I will start my cultivation now. Keep the good work."

Ibro then cut the connection between him and Gorsag. Ibro thought for this legend for a moment before his thoughts got interrupted by the harsh voice of the system saying:

'I advise you to unlock the two functions you gained from my upgrade. They would really help you a lot.'

Ibro found the words of the system logical, but what caught his attention was the meaning behind them. He teased the system by saying:

'Aren't you helpless in determining which function you will unlock?'

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