Chapter 282

Chapter 282

'Listen carefully then, the divination words will always be stored inside the divination function. Here is your white tier divination: 

In a far city that the hands of players haven't yet touched, an important auction will be held. It's for your best interest to participate there. 

Here is your red tier divination: surrounded by enemies from all fronts, your current village will face the beginning of the storm. 

Your enemies had already noticed your actions and figured out your plans. You should prepare, you have less than a month.'

Ibro was interested in the first divination when he heard the second one. His senses were right again. There was a catastrophe that would befall upon his small empire. 

He needed to get ready, but he didn't know much. All he knew was the approximate time he had. One month wasn't that long, either. 

He didn't know who these enemies would be and what their characteristics were. He knew their goal; for sure they wanted to hinder his empire's advance. 

He revised the words of this divination again in his mind. The divination started with a mention of his plans. What plans? Did it mean his plan to annex the players? Or his plan to kill the demon seeds? 

He felt it would probably be the seeds issue. This was the only real threat against his enemies and it would boost his strength by far. He needed more info, so he said to the system:

'Start upgrading all the functions.'

'I won't upgrade the mission function, as you still have one mission there. If I upgraded it, you will lose your current missions. You also need to issue the golden tier mission now, you can afford it.'

Ibro recalled the system words on the gold tier mission. He made up his mind while saying:

'Fine, upgrade the other functions then, and let's do another round of divination before issuing the golden mission.'

'System will upgrade the store and the divination functions now. The upgrade is complete. You now have 4 tiers of divinations. Do you want to use them now?'

'Oh, there is another tier added.'

'Yes, it's gold tier divination. It can divine complicated disasters and events in the future. Do you want to use all the four tiers now?'

Ibro didn't want to waste his divination chances; after all, they were helpful to him. He decided to take it slowly, so he said:

'Use the divination one by one from the white tier to the gold tier. If I find what I'm looking for, then I will save the rest of my chances later.'

'Good decision. Ok, I will use the white tier divination chance now, do you agree?'

'Yes, use it.'

''White great divination tier had been used. 100 SPR stones have been deducted from your account. Do you want to hear it?'


'Listen carefully; the divination words will always be stored inside the divination function. 

Here is your white tier divination: an alliance of many guilds will be formed soon. They will be hostile to you, so you should watch out.'

Ibro felt weird, the white tier had increased in price for 10 folds. He didn't complain, though. 

He knew if he asked, the system would find a logical explanation for this act. Ibro had a lot of SPR stones now, so he didn't mind giving some to the system. 

He was curious though, what would the system use these stones for? When he thought about this divination, he tried to link it with the others he had. 

He had formed a general layout in his mind of the scheme of his enemies. Invading the players' community wasn't his aim alone. 

But even if his enemy did this he couldn't stop Ibro by this move alone. There was something more Ibro didn't know yet. Ibro then said:

'Use the red tier divination chance.'

'As you wish.

'Red great divination tier 'has been used. 500 SPR stones have been deducted from your account. Do you want to hear it?'


'Listen carefully; the divination words will always be stored inside the divination function. Here is your red tier divination: Monsters will arise from all over the world soon. 

They aren't simple monsters, they are demons. Your enemy would turn every seed into a demon. Who isn't with you is against you. 

Try to kill more seeds, as the enemy will use all his power to teleport countless demons to your world. Your enemy will wait for his other move to end; if it failed then he would move.'

Ibro held his breath this time from excitation. He had unveiled all of his enemy's moves. His enemy would first stop his army advance in the north with the demons. 

His enemy would then instigate many guilds to form a coalition army to attack his territory. If this move failed, then it would turn to be an all-out war. 

When Ibro thought about it for a little, he knew the wise decision now was to let the players' move take as long as possible. 

Although he would lose some of his growing influence in the players' community, this was his door to winning the war. He now had other plans he needed to make. 

If his enemy was using schemes, then he should use some. Ibro had some ideas in his mind. He just needed to sort out these ideas one by one. 

If his enemy would instigate the players against him, then he should use this small window to recruit as many players as he could. 

All the players who would join his village via his recruitment omega stones would be loyal to him by force. If anyone tried to betray him, then he would be killed without exception. 

To force these players to ingest the stones, he needed another approach than the one he used so far. He already had an idea that he could use. 

That next move would be to wait for the players he controlled to come back. He would then start his little devilish plan. So, Ibro started to sort out his tasks. 

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