Chapter 216

Chapter 216

He needed another half day to deplete his energy again. He managed to add more than 100 million skeletons. After he finished this task, he said to the system:

'Unlock the next technique for me.'

'System has unlocked the technique. You can check it now.'

Ibro looked inside his mind and started to study that new image that appeared there. Once he finished, he asked:

'System, what is the difference between this technique and the death summon?'

'This is a weaker version from the death summon.'

Ibro clenched his fist and said angrily:

'Why did you give me some trash technique? Give me something good!'

'I'm sorry sir, I don't control this. I can only select the techniques randomly.'

Ibro went silent. He had unlocked a technique called 'skeleton archer summon technique'. As its name indicated, this was for summoning the standard skeleton archer.

Although he could summon 50k in one go, what was unique about it?

'Then unlock the next 10 techniques.'

'System has unlocked the techniques. You can check them now.'

Ibro began to read and understand every technique with extreme focus. After he finished, his face was very ugly. He didn't find anything good in these techniques.

'Why are all the techniques branches from the death summon technique? Don't you have anything other than this trash?'

The system kept its silence and didn't answer him. Ibro started to calm down gradually.

'Open the next ten techniques then, stingy system.'

'System has opened the techniques for you. You can check them now.'

Ibro tried to control his anger as he started to study the new techniques. Each technique he read, he became angrier. 

They were all trash techniques. When he reached the 9th technique, his anger was washed away. He found a gem here.

'Death Rise Technique: unique technique to cultivator Ibro only. It needs a place full of dead bodies. 

It releases a transparent gas that drills into the ground. Any dead will rise under the control of this technique. The dead won't have any mind and they will attack any living thing except for cultivator Ibro.'

Ibro knew how valuable this technique was. It was the perfect technique here. The only weak point of it would be its inability to spread for far. That gas would float only in an area of 500 meters only. 

Suddenly Ibro recalled a trash technique he had. It was a technique that caused a windy storm. He wasn't interested in it before, but now he needed it. 

He would depend on this technique to move the gas of his death rise technique. If he could cover the whole battlefield with this gas, then he would be invincible. 

He didn't waste time and searched for that technique right away. He started to study both of the techniques.

It took him this time two days and a half to finish his cultivation. The problem that delayed him was the death rise technique. 

It was a high-grade technique. He found some difficulty to train it before he succeeded. He observed the battle and started to use his usual death summon technique till his energy was depleted. 

He became pretty sure that if his enemies wanted to break his army, then they had to pay an expensive price for that. Again, he unlocked another 10 techniques. When he checked them, he became very disappointed.

'You only give me trash techniques.'

'I already told you, sir. I don't control this.'

'It's frustrating whether you control it or not.'

Ibro had got other techniques that had no value for him. This time, he got a mix between death summon and death rise techniques. 

When he was about to unlock more techniques, he heard a bang like explosions coming from far. 

He immediately checked the source of all this noise. Before he could determine the cause of this noise, a very loud sound echoed in this world:

"Do you think you can save him? I will see how you will save him."

'Isn't that Zoka's voice?'

That sound was similar to Zoka's voice. That meant that the dean was about to save him. Before he could feel relieved, he felt a strange occurrence to the whole world around him. 

The world started to fade away and a new world began to appear. It was like two parallel worlds became shifted between each other. Ibro had no say in that, as everything began to change with extreme speed.

"No, I will kill you no matter what!"

That was the scream of the dean. The irritability and nervousness in his voice were apparent to Ibro. Ibro didn't panic. His situation was really good here. 

He kept observing the new world who began to be clearer second after second. During this, the tunnels began to fade away. To be more precise, it was blending with the new world. 

In a few minutes, everything ended. Ibro looked around him to observe the new world he had appeared at. It was a normal world, with three stars illuminating the world. 

Ibro came to this world in daylight time. He appeared with his skeleton army in a very vast place. His army was surrounded on all fronts with an endless stream of monsters. 

He knew where he was right now. It was the world where these monsters were coming from. That explained why the tunnels disappeared. Ibro didn't lose his calm. 

Although he appeared in a different environment, his enemy was the same. What he also noticed was that another battle was occurring near his place. 

He couldn't see it, but the loud sound of this battle was mixing with the sound of his battle. Although he figured out the general direction of this neighboring battlefield, he didn't move towards it. 

As he could hear their battle, they could also hear his, so why would he move to them first? He decided to hold his ground and keep defending against these monsters. 

He didn't start his cultivation again. He didn't guarantee the sudden appearance of any variables. Although he came to a new world, his situation didn't change. 

His armies were still killing as they wished everywhere. He could order them to expand the territory they control, but he didn't. He was keeping this card for the future. 

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