Chapter 215

Chapter 215

That system sometimes was handy. If it continued to be this effective and started to help him in other things, then Ibro would find it easier to raise his power. At once, he started to summon monsters. 

After the upgrade, his souls were decreased by half but he didn't bother by this matter for now. Each time he used his technique he could summon 300k skeletons. 

These skeletons weren't like the simple skeletons he used to summon before. These were differentiated skeletons. They formed small units like the advanced legions that his army produced. 

He felt more at ease when he observed his new skeletons. These skeletons would boost the power of his army by a lot. They also didn't need time to raise their strength. 

He continued to summon skeletons without any break. He didn't remove his eyes from that tiny hole that kept widening minute after minute. Suddenly, another explosive sound appeared one after another. 

Ibro looked around himself watching these new ten holes appearing in this place. He was completely surrounded by these holes now.

'This doesn't bode well. I need to raise the numbers.'

'System doesn't recommend this. Your spiritual energy barely can hold repeated usage. If you upgrade your technique level now without raising your cultivation base, you will lose your consciousness.'

Ibro didn't hesitate to remove this idea at once. He couldn't afford to lose consciousness here. The risk was big and the benefits were null. Ibro then continued to summon his skeletons trying to win this race with time. 

After nearly 15 minutes, these holes had enlarged to form tunnels. It took another 15 minutes for the monsters to swarm the place with endless numbers. Ibro knew his situation had gone from good to bad. 

He gritted his teeth and continued to summon skeletons without any rest. His army had exceeded the mark of 20 million by far, but that wasn't enough. The monsters that just appeared were over 100 million. 

He couldn't deal with them in a short time. That meant more monsters to appear and more pressure over his army. He needed to find another solution other than this technique. Ibro was missing his game world. 

There were a lot of things that he could use like scrolls. He also missed these soldiers' tokens. He sighed in regret. If this battle was in his game world, then he could have killed these monsters more easily.

After checking all the things he got, he found nothing useful. That made him accept his reality. The only way out for him right now was to hold on a little longer. He hoped the dean would find a way to help him, although he doubted it.

He began to focus on the current battle. After a few moments of observation, he noticed that the incoming monsters were slightly weaker than his army. That gave him some hope. He didn't stop his summoning even for a second.

'Start injecting your stored energy to me now.'

It was the time to use these energies. After a few hours from the appearance of the new tunnels, Ibro's energy had been nearly depleted. His system must have stored enough energy by now. 

At once, a great amount of energy was injected into his dantian. He used the energy at once to summon skeletons. After another day of continuous fighting, his army had become gigantic. 

The number exceeded 50 million by a lot. Their levels had risen to high classes. That helped to defend the newly formed skeletons. 

Although he gained a lot of souls, he didn't raise his technique level even once. It was the time to increase his power again. it was the time to gain a new technique.

'System, I want to unlock a new technique now.'

'System has enough souls to unlock over 20 techniques now. Do you want only one technique?'

Ibro smiled bitterly while saying:

'I wish I could learn more, but I couldn't. I need time to learn one technique, so I will take it slowly. I will learn one technique after the other.'

'As you wish, sir. The system has unlocked the new technique for you. You can start training it now.'

As usual, Ibro found an image to appear suddenly inside his mind. He started to study it while he ate another core grade 5. His dantian and meridians were like dried wells now. 

He needed time to rest his mind and replenish his energy. The army he summoned was doing a great job at the battle now. He could start to train and rest without any worry. 

Their great numbers and high levels ensure their survival for a long time. Once Ibro checked the image, he knew the name of the technique and its main details.

'Death Breath Technique: unique technique to cultivator Ibro alone. Ibro can use his spiritual energy to form a strong breath that he can unleash from his mouth. 

This breath can cover an area of 30 meters. Any living thing that gets hit by this breath will lose concentration for 2 to 10 seconds according to his cultivation base. 

No one is immune to this technique. Nothing can stop this technique once it hits the target. Each breath can last for 5 seconds.'

'Hmmm it's a good control technique. Although it didn't add any damage to the target, it may play a role in my battles in the future.'

Ibro then sat in his place and closed his eyes. He was surrounded by his strongest skeletons to be his personal guards. That was his death knight arrangement. 

That knight was very intelligent, Ibro admired him. Ibro cleared his mind and started his training at once. He didn't find it difficult to train. In less than a day, he finished his training. 

He learned the new technique without any interruption. When he checked the status of the battle, he didn't find any new events. His skeletons were holding their grounds. He smiled in satisfaction. 

Although the skeletons didn't lose a lot of their numbers, he started to summon them again. During this day of rest, he managed to replenish his depleted spiritual energy. 

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