Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 295 Exchanging Shots

The next morning, before the sun had a chance to fully rise, the inhabitants of Balkes were abruptly awakened by the resounding sound of artillery. Its thunderous echoes reverberating through the city streets.

Startled, they hurriedly peeked through their windows, their eyes fixated on the imposing walls that surrounded them.

As the morning light gradually illuminated the scene, the sight that greeted them was one of frenzied activity. Soldiers clad in armour scurried back and forth on top of the city walls, their urgent movements a stark contrast to the peacefulness that typically enveloped Balkes.

It was clear that the city's defences had been alerted, and a sense of trepidation settled over the populace.

On this particular day, the once bustling streets remained eerily silent and devoid of their usual liveliness. The daily activities that had once defined the rhythm of life in Balkes had come to a halt, replaced by an air of uncertainty and fear.

Shops remained shuttered, market stalls stood empty, and the usual sounds of commerce were replaced by the distant rumble of cannons and the occasional cries of alarm.

In the confines of their homes, the people of Balkes sought solace, huddled together in anxious anticipation. Fear cast its shadow over their hearts as they contemplated the impending battle that threatened to engulf their beloved city.


Outside, the cacophony of artillery intensified. Levi stood at the forefront of his troops, his eyes fixed on the looming city of Balkes. The hour was early, and the dim light of dawn had yet to break through the horizon.

To him, it was the perfect moment to launch their attack as the soldiers were already well-rested and eager for action. 

The rhythmic sound of cannon fire reverberated through the air as shots after shots were launched, bombarding the city wall.

Levi, with a keen understanding of the enemy's capabilities, anticipated their response. "Come on, I know you wouldn't stay confined in the city," he muttered under his breath. He knew that Barlia possessed similar firepower and was unlikely to remain passive for long.

Sure enough, as the sun rose higher in the sky, casting its golden glow upon the battlefield, the city gate of Balkes swung open. Barlia soldiers emerged, armed and ready to face the Ryntum forces.

The sight of their formidable lineup sent a surge of adrenaline through the ranks of the Ryntum army.

Levi promptly ordered his soldiers to cease their gunfire. He wanted to give Barlia the opportunity to prepare, to meet the impending battle head-on.

In response, Barlia swiftly positioned their cannons, forming an imposing line that stretched in front of the city. The glistening metal barrels of the cannons glinted in the sunlight, a stark reminder of the imminent clash that awaited the two forces.

Levi's keen eyes scanned the enemy troops, taking note of their strategic emphasis on the cannons rather than their firearms.

It made sense, given their smaller numbers, that Barlia would rely on the destructive power of their cannons to compensate for their numerical disadvantage.

After giving enough time for Barlia to prepare, Levi ordered for their bombardment to be resumed.

As Levi's command echoed through the ranks, the Ryntum soldiers swiftly resumed their bombardment.I think you should take a look at

Cannons roared to life, their muzzles belching smoke and flame as they hurled their payloads towards the Barlian positions. Explosions erupted in the Barlian lines, scattering debris and earth into the air. The impact of the artillery shells sent shockwaves through the ranks, causing chaos and disarray.

In response, the Barlian cannons unleashed their own volleys, their deafening booms punctuating the air. The ground shook violently as their projectiles crashed into the Ryntum defences, tearing through fortifications and sending soldiers flying. Shrapnel filled the air, creating a deadly storm of metal fragments.

The exchange of artillery fire intensified, with each side vying for dominance.

The sound of cannons firing blended with the crackle of musket fire, creating a symphony of warfare. 

Smoke billowed across the battlefield, shrouding the air with a hazy veil and reducing visibility to mere meters.

In the midst of this tumultuous scene, Levi's sharp gaze scanned the battlefield, his mind assessing the situation and formulating his next move.

He knew that time was of the essence, and they couldn't afford to be stagnant. With determination etched on his face, he issued the order to his soldiers, his voice cutting through the haze, "Move forward! Close the gap!"

But his command met with resistance from his officers, who voiced their concerns and hesitations.

One officer stepped forward, his voice laced with worry, "But sir, this will put us in a more vulnerable situation. Our casualties will increase significantly. Is it worth the risk?"

Levi listened attentively, acknowledging the valid concerns raised by his officers.

He paused for a moment before responding, "I understand the risks involved, but it's not as bad as you picture it. Yes, there is a danger, but remember, the Barlian artillery takes longer to reload and inaccurate compared to us. By the time they finish reloading, we would have successfully shot two or more volleys. We can exploit that window of opportunity to advance and gain ground."

His officers exchanged glances, their faces reflecting a mix of apprehension and trust in their leader's judgment.

After a moment of deliberation, one officer spoke up, his voice filled with determination, "If you believe it's the best course of action, sir, then we will comply."

With their decision made, Levi's officers relayed his orders to the troops, their voices blending with the clamour of the battlefield.

The soldiers moved forward in phases, ensuring a coordinated advance that maximized their chances of success.

The first half of the troops continued their relentless assault, providing cover fire to suppress the enemy's defences. They advanced with precision, taking advantage of the smokescreen created by the artillery barrage. 

As they pushed forward, their gunfire merged with the chorus of battle, each shot aimed at disabling enemy positions and keeping them pinned down.

Sensing an opportunity, Levi ordered the remaining half of the troops to cease their fire and advance. "Go and form a new line!" he ordered.

As the smoke began to dissipate, a hazy clarity emerged on the battlefield. Barlia's soldiers were caught off guard by the sudden closeness of the Ryntum forces. 

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