Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 294 Ambush

"It's an ambush!" shouted Levi, his voice cutting through the chaos. The soldiers rallied around him, their training and discipline kicking in as they fought back with determination. 

They swiftly regrouped into small teams, their training allowing them to instinctively form defensive positions. With senses heightened and adrenaline coursing through their veins, they scanned the surroundings, keenly aware of the impending danger.

Arrows whizzed through the air, accompanied by the distinct sounds of enemy soldiers advancing. The crackling of branches underfoot and muffled whispers sent a chilling reminder that the enemy was closing in.

Without hesitation, the soldiers retaliated, their well-aimed shots piercing the foliage, striking down their hidden assailants.

The battle raged on, the forest serving as both an ally and adversary. Thick foliage and towering trees provided cover, enabling the soldiers to move swiftly and launch surprise attacks. Yet, the dense vegetation also hindered their visibility, making it difficult to spot the enemy until they were upon them.

Levi's only job at the moment was to direct his troops, calling out orders and ensuring that each team coordinated their movements. "Don't stray too far into the forest!"

Amidst the chaos, the forest seemed to come alive with the battle. The cries of combat, and the occasional thud of falling bodies. The soldiers manoeuvred through the underbrush, navigating the treacherous terrain with a mix of agility and caution. Each step taken, each bullet fired, was fueled by a shared goal of survival and the preservation of their mission.

Time seemed to blur as the battle intensified, with the forest becoming an arena of chaos and resilience.

Levi's mind raced as he tried to unravel the purpose behind the ambush. Was it a desperate attempt by the enemy to regain control? It seemed unlikely.

His encounter with the commanding officers in Haugdak had revealed that the Barlians managed to escape their pursuit, indicating they had ample time to plan their next move.

Putting himself in Barlia's shoes, Levi contemplated the possible objectives. The enemy could be attempting to disrupt their advance and delay their progress. Perhaps they aimed to inflict heavy casualties to weaken the Ryntum forces.

Or maybe it was a diversion to divert their attention from a more significant attack elsewhere. But where?

A few minutes passed and everything clicked into place. A realization dawned upon Levi.

His thoughts raced, connecting the dots. Rations, ammunition, and artillery—the vital elements that ensured their success on the battlefield. The enemy must have recognized the importance of these supplies and aimed to disrupt their flow.

Levi's gaze shifted to the rear of their formation, where Ryntum soldiers guarded the essential resources. Clearly, the recent ambush had caused the formation to become more dispersed, their focus shifted to the immediate threat.

It was a vulnerable moment, and the enemy could take advantage of this weakened defence.

Realizing the potential danger, Levi's voice boomed through the chaos, rallying his troops. "Protect the supplies at all costs! We cannot afford to let the enemy seize our rations, ammunition, and artillery. Tighten the formation, strengthen the defence! We must hold our ground!"

He swiftly issued orders to reorganize the formation, ensuring a tighter defence around the critical supplies. He deployed additional troops to bolster their protection, establishing a more robust perimeter.

The forest battle had momentarily shifted its focus, as the Ryntum soldiers now had a dual purpose—repelling the enemy's attacks and safeguarding the supplies.I think you should take a look at

Levi's keen eyes scanned the battlefield, seeking signs of the enemy. He knew that they couldn't let their guard down, even as the intensity of the fighting in the forest waned.

Unfortunately, the enemy's attack that he had anticipated hadn't materialized. Perhaps due to the fact that he had seen through their diversionary tactics.

Gradually, the forest quieted down, returning to its natural state. The echoes of gunfire subsided. A tense calm settled over the soldiers.

Uncertainty lingered in the air as the Ryntum soldiers hesitated, unsure whether to remain on high alert or put away their weapons.

Minutes turned into a prolonged wait, as they braced themselves for a possible counterattack. Yet, to their surprise, the enemy never retaliated.

The anticipated assault that had loomed over them didn't manifest, leaving them in a state of cautious confusion.

With caution in mind, Levi's voice cut through the quietude, "Let's proceed. We cannot remain in this forest forever. By moving into open space, we can minimize the risk of another surprise attack."

The soldiers nod despite their senses still heightened. Slowly, they reorganized themselves. With Levi at the forefront, they advanced cautiously, leaving the dense forest behind.

The transition from the claustrophobic canopy to the open expanse brought a momentary relief, yet the tension still coiled within them.

As they moved forward, their steps became more deliberate, their eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of the enemy's presence. The landscape stretched before them, offering both opportunity and vulnerability.

Before long, the city of Balkes appeared in the distance, its sprawling silhouette dominating the horizon. As the army approached, they couldn't help but marvel at the vast expanse of farmland that surrounded the city. Barlia had meticulously utilized every inch of the land to grow crops, a testament to their commitment to sustaining their growing population in the north.

He issued the command to establish a secure encampment before proceeding further steps. And the soldiers swiftly set to work, their expertise evident in the efficiency with which they erected tents and organized their supplies.

The encampment gradually took shape, a temporary haven amidst the unfamiliar territory.

From the vantage point of the encampment, Levi could observe the city's wall.

The city's gate stood closed, the deserted fields and its imposing presence guarded by a multitude of soldiers stationed atop the ramparts.

"Seems like they do anticipate our arrival," said Levi.

One among his officer posed the question that weighed heavily on their minds, "Should we begin the attack now, sir?"

He shook his head. "No," he responded firmly. "Let the soldiers rest and replenish their strength for today. Tomorrow, we will launch our assault."

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