Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 237 Unsettling News

As the night deepened, gears began to turn in the distant place. The presence of twenty-five thousand soldiers did not go unnoticed. Their presence cast an imposing aura that sent ripples of awareness throughout the area, stirring the region with a sense of unease.

Whispers spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of both commoners and merchants alike. Among the merchants caught in the midst of the commotion was a group from the bustling city of Baroks, located in the west.

They had arrived in Hajdu to conduct business, unaware of the impending arrival of Marquess Hector's army. As they witnessed the formidable forces making their way through the streets, a sense of urgency gripped them.

With haste, the merchants hurriedly returned to Baroks on the same day under the cloak of night. Their minds were filled with the need to inform the city's mayor of the unforeseen development.

As they approached the city gates, the vigilant guard, initially on high alert, recognized their familiar faces and swiftly granted them entry. The merchants wasted no time and hurried through the streets.

Navigating the dimly lit alleys and bustling marketplace, they finally reached the grand residence of Mayor Samuel Lazo, surrounded by walls and steel fences. Guards were seen patrolling the premises, scanning their watchful eyes for any potential threats.

The merchants approached the imposing gates, where they were stopped by a stern voice, "Halt! State your business," the guard commanded, his hand firmly gripping the hilt of his sword.

However, his grip loosens when he saw the merchant in front of him as someone he knows. The leading merchant stepped forward, a sense of urgency evident in his voice. "Brother, we have urgent news for Mayor Samuel Lazo."

The guard nodded and signalled for the gates to open. "Proceed, but do so with respect and discretion," he cautioned.

The gates swung open, revealing a beautifully landscaped courtyard. 

The merchants hurried through, glancing at the well-maintained gardens and the fountain that stood as a centrepiece. They made their way to the main entrance of the mayor's residence, where additional guards stood watch.

Reaching the heavy wooden doors, the merchants found themselves facing a formidable barrier. They pounded on the doors, their urgency conveyed through the echo of their knocks.

Within moments, the doors creaked open, revealing a well-dressed butler standing before them.

"State your purpose," the butler demanded, eyeing them with suspicion.

"We must speak with Mayor Samuel Lazo immediately," one of the merchants implored, his voice filled with urgency. "It's about the foreign army from the south."

The butler regarded them for a moment, assessing their sincerity. Satisfied by their desperation and the gravity of their words, he nodded and stepped aside. "Follow me," he instructed.

The butler lead them through a grand hallway adorned with portraits and exquisite tapestries and brought them to a spacious study. Its walls are lined with bookshelves and its large windows offer a view of the city below. "Wait here for a second." 

As the merchants anxiously awaited the butler's return, Mayor Samuel Lazo, still immersed in slumber, was suddenly awakened by the persistent knocking on his chamber door.

Groggy and disoriented, he slowly sat up in his plush bed, his mind racing to comprehend the late-night disturbance. He rubbed his eyes, attempting to shake off the remnants of sleep.

Samuel walks towards the entrance of his residence. Opening the door, he saw the butler standing straight at the front door. "What bring you here late at night, butler?"

"Your Honor, I apologize for the disturbance, but a group of merchants has arrived at our gates. They bear news of a pressing matter that requires your immediate attention," the butler informed him.

"Merchants?" Samuel's brow furrowed. He sighed, "This is better be important. Butler, lead me to them."

"As you wish." The butler leads the mayor to his study.

The merchants with faces etched with concern stood before him. "Thank you for being willing to meet us, Your Honor," the leading merchant said, bowing respectfully.

"Enough with pleasantries." Samuel waves his hand. "Tell me what's the urgent news."

Complying with the mayor's request, the leading merchant broaches the main topic right away. "While we are conducting business in Hajdu, we witnessed a huge army enter the city from the southern gate. Although we don't know their intentions, we do know the one leading them is called Marquess Hector. If our assumption is correct, this Hector is most likely the former Count Hector."

"Hector..." Samuel muttered that name in a low voice. His expression turned grave. It was the name he less expected to hear since the said person has brought his entire Hajdu family to the south.

This unexpected gathering of a well-equipped army in the north raised questions about Hector's intentions in the region. However, it's probably not a good one as the Inverloch army conveniently came during the war with Barlia and Blande.

Thoughts swirled in Mayor Lazo's mind as he contemplated the implications of this information.

Taking a deep breath, he addressed the merchant with a sense of urgency. "Do you have any estimation of the number of soldiers in Hector's army?" the mayor asked.

The merchant hesitated for a moment, weighing his words carefully. "From what we could gather, Your Honor, it is likely that there are approximately twenty thousand soldiers under Hector's command," he replied.

"Huu..." Samuel let out a long exhale. Such a formidable army could potentially overwhelm their defences and other cities in the region.

Determined to take immediate action, he expressed his gratitude to the merchant for their valuable information. "Thank you for bringing this vital information to my attention," Samuel said sincerely. 

Turning to his butler, the mayor instructed him, "Fetch me paper and ink from my office. I must pass this information to the king."

The butler nodded and swiftly left the room, returning moments later with the requested materials. Samuel took a seat at his desk. His mind focused on the urgent task at hand.

With steady hands, he began penning a letter, carefully detailing the presence of Hector's army and its potential threat to the stability of the region.

As the ink flowed onto the parchment, Mayor Lazo's words carried a sense of urgency and gravity. Once the letter was complete, Samuel sealed it with his personal signet ring, ensuring its authenticity.

He handed it to the butler, "Give the messenger the fastest horse I have and depart for the capital immediately."

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