Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 236 The Return Of Count Hajdu

Hector Hajdu was once a count of Hajdu County. The House of Hajdu had ruled their ancestral territory of Hajdu County for over a hundred years.

When the kingdom of Bagyarosia fell apart, the Inverloch Empire, situated in the south, extended an enticing offer to him, beckoning him to defect to their side.

The allure of this proposition was simply too irresistible to refuse. The Inverloch Empire tantalized Count Hector Hajdu with promises of prestige, wealth, and, perhaps most importantly, a prestigious tie with an imperial family through marriage.

The offer was too lucrative to refuse. As such, the county fall under Inverloch's jurisdiction.

Unfortunately, not everybody acknowledged it since the deal was amidst chaos and turmoil. Some saw this as an opportunity to reap the benefits for themselves. 

Naharog for example, launches an attack on Lonsbak as soon as it officially becomes a kingdom. Meanwhile, in the north, Vofors Republica also use the chaos as an advantage by capturing the city of Dalfos, establishing their presence in the region.

The news of these developments naturally infuriated the emperor of the Inverloch Empire. Reacting swiftly and decisively, the emperor launched a sudden counterattack, swiftly capturing Nyirdi and the southern part of the Vofors Republica.

The emperor of the Inverloch Empire knew that his task was far from complete. He determined to consolidate his authority in the region. 

The invasion of Barlia and Blande from the north provides a very good opportunity for him to join the fray and attack the remaining city.

To reclaim Lonsbak, the emperor issued a decisive order to move his twenty-five thousand soldiers strong army from the south. The person he entrusted for this mission was none other than the former Count Hajdu with this crucial mission.

Count Hajdu was chosen for his intimate knowledge of the region's geography. Having spent years as the ruler of Hajdu County, he possessed a deep understanding of the region that could give his forces an edge.


Perched atop his noble steed, Marquess Hector look at the city of Hajdu from afar. A place he once ruled over.

As he took in the sights and sounds that filled the air, a sense of nostalgia washed over him. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply, savouring the familiar scents of the city he had once ruled.

"It's been a while since I came here. This place seems to never change," he whispered, his voice carried away by the wind. 

Much of his recent two years were dedicated to the grandeur and political intrigue of the imperial capital, Ferlochia.

Because he was new in the circle, Hector had to work extra hard for the survival of his family in the new environment. Especially, since the marriage between his son and the girl from the maternal family of the emperor was scrutinized by many imperial nobles.

Nonetheless, at least the emperor stays true to the part of his deal. He offered him a myriad of opportunities to socialize and forge relationships with the nobility of the empire.

In the heart of the bustling imperial city, he had attended lavish balls and extravagant soirées, exchanging pleasantries and engaging in the delicate dance of diplomacy. 

After two years of attending lavish balls, Marquess Hector found himself back in the north, leading an army on a demanding march from Nornish.

It's been a long time since he felt the weariness of the journey weighed upon him, both physically and mentally. Fatigue clung to his old bones as he longed for a moment of respite within the familiar walls of the city.

"This is where we will split off. I hope you accomplish your mission before the designated time period." said the marquess to a group of people who were wearing normal clothing. 

"Worry not, my lord. You can count on us," they replied confidently. 

As the group of men gradually faded from his sight, Hector lead the rest of the army closer to the city. The appearance of a large army naturally sends widespread panic across the city.

As Marquess Hector approached, the guards posted at the city gates raised their spears in a defensive stance. Their faces reflected a mixture of surprise and apprehension as they recognized the weary but unmistakable figure of their former lord.

Hector, anticipating their inquiry, swiftly retrieved a document from his travel-worn satchel. The parchment bore the official seal of the capital, affirming his status as Marquess Hector Hajdu.

With a confident gesture, he presented it to the guards, who quickly scanned the document.

"Apologies for halting your movement, my lord," one of the guards stammered, bowing deeply. "Please, enter the city."

Acknowledging their deference with a nod, Hector led his army through the city gates, the sound of clinking armour echoing through the quiet streets. Panic whispers spread like wildfire as the citizens recognized their former ruler.

Surveying the city, Hector noted the changes in the city. New structures had sprung up, replacing once-familiar buildings. The streets, once bustling with familiar faces, now teemed with strangers. Also, the population seems to have increased significantly since his rule.

Guiding his troops, he made his way towards the mansion which still belong to him. It stood proudly amidst the absence of him or his family. In terms of size, this mansion looks small compared to the average mansion size in the imperial capital.

As the doors swung open, the mansion welcomed Hector with the familiar embrace of its grandeur. The memories of opulent balls and whispered conversations flooded his mind.

Hector's footsteps echoed through the vast hallway as he made his way deeper into the mansion. The air felt still, and the silence was broken only by the soft sound of his own breathing.

As if time had come to a standstill, he was pleased by the absence of any accumulated dust in this mansion.

The servants responsible for tending this estate seemed dedicated to their work, not skimping on any detail. The polished surfaces gleamed under the soft light streaming in through the tall windows, and the intricate designs of the furniture remained flawless.

Hector didn't forget to arrange for his soldiers to be quartered in the mansion's spacious courtyard. The barrack, once reserved for a handful of guards, now housed an army.

Within its confines, the soldiers found the rest they needed so much.

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