Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-16

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-16

I probably look like an idiot, staring at the guards with a slightly dropped jaw but I really didn’t see this coming.

The lord of Quest is a coward. That is an unmistakable fact, one demonstrated by him letting the guilds run amok. The guildmasters have more sway in the city than he does. Given his reluctance to confront me before I left for the campaign, I was sure he would maintain his usual position, which is essentially covering his head and ignoring the problem until someone else deals with it.

It was always a possibility that the lord would take action against us, but it was a remote one. One not worth considering. Yet he’s gone and done it. He wants to detain me for judgment. Which means execution. My only chance of mercy is selling myself and my elementals to the crown, becoming a servant of the king.

How did we get here? Does the lord expect me to come quietly? The four nervous guards certainly aren’t strong enough to take me against my will, something he should know. Something everyone should know. He has to know that if I were so inclined, I could do a lot worse to his precious city than a little property damage.

What is worth the risk? His pride? He gave that up long ago.

This is a man motivated by fear. So what scares him more than my family razing Quest?

…the crown. The last charge the guards announced was that I had broken the king’s law by contracting illegal elementals, something that is rather well-known. The crown’s agents already know about me, given the offer during my interview for the qualifiers. If he ignores me, then the lord is refusing to enforce the king’s law. And if he does not enforce the king’s law, the king doesn’t need him. Better to strip him of his title and put someone with some guts, or at least blind devotion, in the position.

I guess it came down to making an enemy of one family or the king. He chose me.

Bad choice.

“And what are you doing here?” I ask the bald bastard. “Come to help detain the vicious criminal?”

“The Hall is a neutral party but is still bound by the laws of the kingdom. We cannot harbor known criminals. The Grandmaster of the Hall has given you one day to vacate the Hall and face your crimes however you wish. I am here to ensure these messengers leave the Hall safely.”

He turns to Kierra. “Lord Teppin has only issued an order to detain Lourianne Tome. The Hall will not penalize those associated with her and your position at the Hall is secure.”

“You think I care about my position and this silly house?” my wife growls. Not her sexy growl but one promising bloodshed. “I should tear out your guts and strangle you with them.”

So, the lord is keeping his hands off Kierra. Is it because he is wary of her strength? She is the one who killed the guildmaster and her pure affinity is also well-known. That rumor about her being a princess is still going strong as well. Detaining foreign royalty doesn’t sound smart. Or safe, which he probably cares about more.

“Please. There is no need for—"

“Oh, shut up,” I snap. “Everyone’s delivered their messages so you can all get out. No, you’re not detaining me and as much as I would love to use the excuse to snap that annoying bastard’s neck—" I jerk a thumb in Aurelius’ direction. “—I have enough respect for this place not to get everyone else involved in my mess. So, make this easy on a lot of people and walk away. Right now.”

The guards exchange glances for a moment. Then the one in the lead rolls up the order for my detainment and motions for the others to leave. Aurelius lingers, frowning heavily. “What will you do?”

“That’s none of your concern, is it? The Hall is a neutral party.”

“One of our instructors is involved.” He looks at Kierra. “The Hall would prefer you not take direct action, as it would reflect poorly on us. I am also asking as a friend.”

“We are not friends,” she hisses, visibly crushing his overbearing affection for her. “The Hall will not have to worry about me sullying their reputation for long.”

The bald bastard startles. “Do not do anything rash. I understand the desire to support your spouse but giving up a career—"

“You understand nothing. I deigned to teach at this establishment to humor my Lou. Your Hall is worth nothing without her.” She scoffs. “You dare call yourselves neutral. What a joke. Neutrality infers independence. You are not separate from all conflicts. You bow to every agenda to escape any consequence. Do you know what scampers from every predator in the forest, scared to be trampled underfoot? Pests. Rats and insects, scuttling about in the shadows.”

Aurelius is not happy. It seems his rampant adoration is not so strong that he can tolerate being blatantly insulted. “Your wife is a menace. She set her beasts on the city and killed two dozen hunters. The saints themselves wouldn’t protect her and you want the Hall to risk its future and the future of all its acolytes? I can only hope that affection has compromised your reason and you are not so foolish.”

“Better a fool than a coward. The supposed strongest man in this kingdom and his little army are being ordered about by a simpering lord who quakes before the guilds and an idiot wearing a shiny piece of metal on his head on the opposite side of the land. Unfortunately, you do not have the excuse of affection clouding your judgment. Unless there is something you want to say?”

“Are you suggesting—" He breaks into stutters, unable to speak the accusation. Prude.

“Enough!” I snap, cutting him off before he can force whatever nonsense he’s trying to spout out of his throat. “Kierra was promised this house for as long as she remains at the Hall. She’s still here and she’s telling you to get out of our home.” I’m one second from throwing him out and am struggling to remember why I don’t have my hands around his neck already. Something something too much trouble already. Something something not antagonizing the Hall.

Except I don’t have to worry about that second one, do I? Since I’ve just been dismissed from the Hall and am presumably barred from returning unless my criminal status is solved. Who cares if I make things difficult for the school anymore? As for the first reason, trouble seems to come for me no matter what I do.

…why am I being polite with this asshole again?

“Very well. I will take my leave but I would like to extend an invitation to—"

He cuts off as he ducks a chair aimed at his head. A distraction that costs him…or so I thought. In that brief moment, I manage to cross the room but he reacts quickly, eyes glowing as the air roars between us. A spell, likely meant to send me flying backward as it does him. Too bad I’m a lot heavier than I look. I keep running forward but just as I grab a fistful of his robe, a terrible shriek fills the room.

It’s so loud I can’t hear myself think. I can’t even stand. The world shakes as my legs give out, my hands reflexively covering my ears. Then I replace the insides of my ears with ooze and the sound disappears. I stand up, catching Aurelius’ hand before he can draw his rapier. “You’ve had this coming for a long time,” I say, unable to hear the words.

Then I punch him in the face.

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