Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-15

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-15

Our time together is cut short by Alana’s grumbling stomach. As irresistible as I would hope I am, I cannot trump the allure of breakfast. So, we take a moment to get cleaned up, and to cool down for me, and head downstairs.

The dining room is unexpectedly crowded. I expect Yulia and Allen, looking full and content. Kierra and Talia are unexpected. I thought they might pick a room and indulge in each other until nightfall. From the smell of it, it was the wine that tempted my wife from the call of debauchery and Talia of course followed her and is pouring her drinks.

The real unexpected addition is Miss Alyssa. The last time I saw the instructor was when she burned our roof and swore she was going to quit her job. I believe she settled for a vacation. Seems she’s back and she’s visiting us. I have to admit, I’m flattered. And nervous. I can’t imagine good news bringing the redhead to our door.

“Good morning, you two,” the snow bunny greets excitedly.

“A very good morning,” Kierra adds.

Alana slaps her shoulder as she passes, taking the seat on her opposite side. I take a seat at the end of the table, across from Yulia. With her usual eerie timing, Geneva is there with a plate of food, eggs, sausage, and warm biscuits. She also pours me a glass of Kierra’s wine. At the same time, Bell sets a similar plate before Alana. While she lazily digs into her breakfast, I turn to Alyssa. “So? Who died?”

She hesitates, making sure I’m talking to her, before frowning. “No one died.”

“Really? I thought it would take something of at least that level to bring you back to our house.”

She grimaces. “Suppose now’s as good a time as any.” Alyssa stands up and clears her throat. “Lou. Kierra. I want to apologize for my behavior during the qualifiers. I…no, no excuses. Er, I’m sorry about the damage to your house, which I’ll pay for. But since neither of you need money, I thought I could pay in services. I’ve been keeping an eye on the hunters.”

She pauses and looks around the table. I take a bite out of a sausage and wave the rest at her. “Please, go on.” This sounds interesting.

“I’ve had connections with the guilds for a long time. Figured I could keep an eye on things, make sure they don’t get out of hand. Serve both sides.”

“Both sides?” Kierra questions.

“Yeah, well. I know what it will look like if you go to war with the city.” Her eyes turn to me and I know she’s remembering how I snapped Orphelia’s neck in the blink of an eye. “I figure if I keep them from getting themselves killed, they’ll thank me in the end.”

“Never took you for the heroic type,” I ask around a bite of biscuit.

“I’m not. Heroic is throwing yourself in the way of a spell to save a child. This? This is stopping the baker from poisoning the village well to get revenge on a bunch of kids that vandalized his store. Ruining his life and the lives of all his neighbors in a stupid scheme that does a lot more harm for the sake of his ego or justice or whatever shit he uses to explain it.”

She sighs. “The hunters I know are the grunts who are most likely to get themselves killed in this stupid conflict. They are very interested in keeping their heads, so they talk to me. Mainly about—"

Her words are interrupted by the shrill ring of a bell. Our doorbell. Forgot we have one of those, it gets rung so little. Normally, Earl or Geneva are at the door before they get the chance. A quick glance shows that the steward isn’t in the room.

[He isn’t answering the door, my summoner. He is grabbing his weapons.]


[Things have taken quite the turn.]

Who is at my door?

[Aurelius and members of Quest’s city guards.]

I don’t suppose they’re here for a late breakfast and congratulations for returning from the campaign?


Is this going to become violent?

[That depends on you. They certainly aren’t here with peaceful intentions.]

Damn it all to the Abyss. “We have a problem,” I say to the table as I get to my feet. I motion for Geneva to answer the door. While I don’t love the idea of a fight destroying our home, if people need to be silenced, it’s better to do it behind walls. Besides, a ceiling eliminates my biggest concern when it comes to the bald bastard. “A few friends from the city are at the door.”

“What?!” Alyssa shouts. “The hunters shouldn’t be making any moves yet.”

“Not the hunters. The city guards and Aurelius.”

“He’s still bothering you?” the instructor sneers.

“Who’s Aurelius?” Yulia asks.

“An annoying admirer of Kierra’s,” Alana answers, having looked up from her food for the first time, attention drawn by the serious topic. “Do I need my sword?”

“Not yet, sweetie. There isn’t an army at our door.”

“Lou!” My future saint flushes as her sister snickers.

“Can we get back to the imminent danger?” Alyssa snaps, bringing us back to important matters.

“I assume that Geneva has determined our visitors are not here with good intentions?” Talia asks.

“Who is Geneva?”

“Geneva is my succubus who just went to answer the door and will be returning any moment,” I answer the redhead who growing more irate by the second. “She also has the mental affinity and as such can gleam people’s intentions.”

“Wasn’t that thing called—no, later. The guards are here with bad intentions. That can only mean one thing.”

“Yeah, I figured.”

Heavy footsteps draw the room’s attention to the entrance. Earl and Nomad, the latter rubbing his eyes, enter the room from one end while the entourage of enemies comes in from the welcoming room. The helmets, breastplates, and weapons at their waists cement that the guards are not here for a friendly discussion. Even Aurelius, wearing his usual silver robe, this one padded at the chest and shoulders, is armed, a rapier sheathed at his side. His expression is solemn as he stands behind the guards, but it doesn’t fool me for a moment. If he isn’t tickled pink inside from his mess, I’m a swine.

The people actually welcome in my home shift. Kierra stands and walks over to my side. Alana moves closer to her sister and Bell scampers over to their feet, ready to protect the most vulnerable people in the room. Earl and Nomad hover in the background, the unseen dangers, while Alyssa moves to the side, not wanting to fight official powers, but still in a position to act if it’s necessary.

One of the guards takes a half-step in front of the others and raises a rolled up piece of parchment. He glances at me, then Kierra, before unfurling it. “Lady Lourianne Tome is accused of these crimes. First, she did unlawfully assault residents of the city. Second, she did unlawfully send her servants to assault residents of the city. Third, she did unlawfully order rampant damage to city property. Fourth, she did go against the king’s law by contracting illegal elementals. For these crimes, she is to be detained by the city of Quest to await the judgment of the crown.”

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