Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 1086: Eliminating The Maritime Threats 1

Chapter 1086: Eliminating The Maritime Threats 1

The knights and magicians of Aquarose were struggling. It has been now six days since the invasion of Deep Sea Monsters began, and they had little time to even rest.

It was already surprising when a mysterious, golden star fell from the skies, hit the Sealed Depths, and broke the chains sealing the King of the Depths.

But right after that, the still sealed, but not so much monster decided that the best way to get back at the people while slowly breaking his seal was to summon a million monsters to utterly destroy them.

The magicians were already exhausted, their Mana being constantly replenished eating Mana Pills, the equivalent to Mana Potions for underwater people, their bodies were growing weaker the more they pushed themselves.

The knights were constantly fighting, gathered around the small cracks that had surged, where smaller monsters constantly sneaked inside the barrier, they had been risking their lives since then, with a dozen casualties already having happened.

They looked weary, exhausted, gasping for air. They conjured their magic, swung their weapons, fought and fought, without end...

The old Kingdom of Aquarose, founded thousands of years ago by the people of the World of Atlantis, was slowly approaching its end.

They were completely powerless, having been thousands of years since their tribe has given birth to a talented individual that could become as strong as Naiad.


The lethargic and exhausted warriors, that were already beginning to fall asleep as they stood, suddenly were startled by a loud roar. A gigantic oceanic reptilian monstrosity, a Big- Clawed Azure Sea Turtle roared.

It slammed the barrier with its gigantic claws, piercing the barrier and opening the cracks even further. The people panicked, countless magic spells and weapon techniques clashing against the walls.

Yet it was utterly futile, the scales as tough as anything they've ever faced!

Crack, crack...!

"N-No... Is this the end?"


"It's over..."



The barrier shattered into countless pieces, completely disappearing. The people panicked, screaming in utter horror and frustration as thousands of massive monsters rushed down! Within seconds, they would leave everything in ruins, and kill everyone!

"Lady Naiad, forgive us..." A magician mermaid cried, as she accepted her fate, too tired to

even more.



The oceans rumbled, trembling. Suddenly, it felt as if the water that has been around them since birth became alive, it became a single, divine being!


The magicians gasped, although all of them were proficient in using the water in their surroundings through their magic, none of them actually had the power to do what they were seeing right now, they simply lacked both control and mana!


Thousands of gigantic hands appeared, the palms grasped the enormous, monstrous deep- sea beasts, crushing them one after another.

"W-What's happening?!"

"The seas... They're acting on their own?!"

"T-This is a miracle! Mother Sea has answered our call!"

Mother Sea, a deity that the Mermen of the World of Atlantis believed and prayed to.

Much like Mother Earth, she was a representation of the ocean, the life it brings, and also its unforgiving wrath.

The seas didn't stop there, rapidly spinning around the entire castle, creating a powerful divine barrier. Any monster that got closer had their bodies shredded to pieces.

The water was spinning at such a high speed that it worked as a chainsaw of sorts, abusing the water pressure at high speeds to shred through anything.

At the same time, the Dimensional Gates teleporting the monsters began to tremble, more and more monsters started coming out as response.

But they were all being captured by the endless oceans, wrapped tightly and restrained no matter if they were S Rank or SS Rank!




The monsters groaned in agony, making the oceans tremble before their agonizing roars. The people of Aquarose opened their eyes wide in shock, noticing the presence of someone- no, of many people!

However, in the middle of all these people, there was a single woman with pale white skin, long silvery-white hair, and sharp red eyes, she controlled the seas with incredible precision, and then imbued them with her Dark Powers.

"{Chaotic Void Ocean Waves}!"

She combined the element of Chaos and Void into the water, turning it black and gray in color, the void and chaos quickly shaped themselves into spiraling spears, piercing and impaling

hundreds of monsters at once.


Within mere seconds, the beasts that were terrorizing them for so long, who the mermen thought were invincible due to their tremendously high Ranks, were being torn to pieces as if they were nothing but insects!

"Is she... Is she a Goddess of the Sea?! I can't believe my eyes!"

"She controls the oceans seamlessly!"

"I didn't think the Goddess of the Seas would look like that, but I am not going to complain!"

"Wasn't this world's goddess of the sea Oceania? She doesn't look at all like her... based in the ancient carvings!"

As the people gasped in shock and saw Maria as their new Goddess of the Sea, Maria smiled as a group of over ten other people appeared by that woman's side, utilizing their incredible physical strength, weapon techniques, and magic to quickly overwhelm any other monster. Partner's spears pierced and impaled everything, covering the monstrosities on countless bloody holes, and then blowing them up with into pieces.

Emeraldine fired her arrows, which worked like underwater torpedoes in the sea, rapidly chasing after their prey and blowing them up.

Lucifer swam rapidly using the ring's effects, using his long tail, wings, claws, and jaws to

bite and tear through everything.

Jonathan swung his divine sword, a wave of holy light was unleashed, slicing through

anything and splitting them in countless pieces.

Although he had overused his powers to his limits before and wounded his soul, at the same

time, he had managed to integrate the leftover Divine Blessing of Baldr into his soul, creating

his own Divinity Ember.

With this power, he was dominating the battlefield, moving like a flash of light as he fought!

Everyone else fought as well, the battlefield, which had brought so many struggles to the

mermen, had turned into a slaughterhouse at this point.

And as if the surprises couldn't be enough, the guards noticed something, the presence of the

mermen that had been sent to look for the Oasis Spirit.

"I-It's Princess Everose and Princess Aqua!"

"T-They're back!"

They celebrated the return of their princesses.

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