Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 1085: Time To Visit An Undersea Kingdom

Chapter 1085: Time To Visit An Undersea Kingdom

The sun was already beginning to set in the horizon when we finally decided to depart. As a whole group, we were a lot. I decided to also bring the dumb Martial Artists from Murim along, mostly encased inside my Shadow Realm for now, I didn't want them to bother us or something for the moment.

As of Nia and Celes, they were mostly ready. They meet, greeted, and talked a bit with Arthur, getting to one each other a bit better. Once we equipped the rings and felt their effects, we tested them first, and they worked really well. I actually didn't really need the air breathing thing; I could simply not breathe and would be fine.

However, the faster swimming speed, resistance to deep sea pressure, water magic enhancement, stat boost while in water, and so on, were really good! To compensate for our movements getting a bit wonky undersea, we got a boost to everything.

Everose and Aqua greeted our whole party as they appeared within the beach shallows after I called them. The mermaid girls were a bit shy about showing themselves though, but still showed up, surprising everyone.

"H-Hello everyone... Thank you for considering helping us!" Everose smiled politely.

"We never expected you all would come, so many people! Lady Mari has such a large party..." Aqua said in surprise.

"So these are the little mermaids, huh?" Partner greeted them. "Aren't you cute?"

"They are indeed quite adorable." Emeraldine giggled. "Nice to meet you two, I am Emeraldine."

"Mermaids in the flesh!" Nia gasped. "Incredible... I thought their existence was a myth..." "It certainly feels like that, yeah." Lucifer nodded. "They never show themselves to anybody, and because they live so far in the depths of the sea, nobody bothers them either. It could be considered a miracle by itself that they appeared here out of the blue."

"Amazing... It is so cool how there are so many kinds of people everywhere!" Jonathan was pumped up. "Please, my ladies, bring us to your home and then we shall vanquish the evil monster that torments you!" He was really acting like the hero he was, huh?

"Mermaids..." Tear said, caressing her necklace. "I wish Veredorr could see this..."

"I'm sure he is." I nodded. "Now, let's get moving, everyone! Wear your rings and don't separate! I will use Shadow Threads to connect with everyone." I wrapped shadow threads on everyone's waists. "Let's go!"

We quickly jumped into the sea, swimming and swimming some more.

Eventually, we reached the nearby coral reef, colorful and beautiful, full of countless types of fishes surrounding it.

The place was indeed full of biodiversity. The two bodyguards the girls came with also joined us, as the four mermaid quickly spoke to us through telepathy.

"This is how we speak underwater most of the time! Everyone, we swim a bit faster, do you think you can keep up with us?" Everose wondered.

"Don't worry, these rings seem to be working perfectly, go ahead, girl." I said.

"Very well! Let's go then, everyone!" The little mermaid quickly swam across the depths of the blue sea.

They were indeed very fast, swimming as fast as dolphins, but with the rings, we were able to easily catch up with them.

Of course, in the way there, we explored the surroundings with our eyes, seeing the beauty of the deep sea.

The colorful corals, the countless animals that only belonged here, the giant creatures and

rare monsters.

We didn't hunt anything though, only watching.

The beauty that is often hidden from most people, deep in the sea.

As I gained a Divine Throne of the Sea, I felt much more connected to the ocean.

I was able to further appreciate its beauty, biodiversity, and enormous and ever-expanding azure horizon.

"Such a beautiful place this is..." Jonathan said. "I have never explored the ocean depths!"

"Me neither, I had only swum on lakes or rivers before..." Lucifer nodded. "It is indeed very beautiful... Ah, this reminds me, there should be a family of Divine Sea Dragons out there, do you mermaids know anything about them?"

"Divine Sea Dragons?" Wondered Everose. "Yes, we remember them from the tales and myths we've heard, but there's none of them close to where we live. It is said they prefer colder waters, so they live near the Continent of Niflheim!"

"Hoh, interesting..." Lucifer seemed to have gained some hope. "I would like to one day met more of my brethren..."

"Sure! We'll find them one day, don't worry honey." I smiled, patting his head.

"D-Don't treat me like a kid! I was just saying..." Lucifer blushed a bit.

"Heheh." Emeraldine giggled at the side, only making him even more embarrassed.

We swam for hours until the night arrived, the gentle moonlight illuminating our path.

Eventually, we finally reached our destination, it was deep underwater, between many "ocean cliffs", there was a gigantic kingdom.

Yeah, they weren't at all a little tribe!

It was a huge castle made of colorful coral, surrounded by hundreds of houses also made of colorful corals.

The surroundings had a large cage-like wall, made of transparent coral, and surrounding it, there was a magic barrier.

"W-Welcome to Aquarose, our Kingdom...!" Everose said. "And... Well, as you can see, my people are still struggling, even now...!"

It wasn't all beautiful though, there were five Dimensional Gates of some sort, which were constantly summoning powerful Deep Sea Monsters at the Level and Rank of the ones I had hunted beforehand.

The mermen were constantly resisting their invasion, sheltering themselves inside the barrier while conjuring magic to attack them from long-range, icicle spears and spiraling boiling water hit the beasts, sometimes darkness or light magic, but their scales and bodies were too tough, barely dealing damage.

The barrier was gaining cracks as well, eventually, it would give in and end up breaking, which would be the doom of the Aquarose Kingdom.

"Looks like we have to work just as we arrived!" I said. "Alright everyone, time to hunt our dinner! Who wants more seafood?"

I quickly manipulated the oceans with my Authority, the deep-sea beasts could have never seen it coming.

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