Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 166: New Battalion

Sam gave them a choice because they came here on their own without any force or rules.

So, he gave them a chance to get out of here as they might regret it after the training started.

But from what he observed no one is willing to leave this place at all.

He doesn’t know why, but he felt that these people are very much familiar with each other and are all here together and the decision seemed to be unanimous.

Sam didn’t mind though. At least, there are hundred subordinates which he doesn’t have to beat into shape.

The Next day, all the regiments are in a small-scale turmoil.

The Regiment commanders are thinking hard on who to get rid of and send them to the Sam’s battalion.

But that is not entirely feasible because, the final say is based on the requirements Sam is going to provide.

Sam doesn’t have the complete authority to select the people from the battalions but he has enough say in what type of people he requires. And his requirements are as follows.

Earth element mages or warrior mages: 50

Water element mages or warrior mages: 50

Wood element mages or warrior mages: 40

Ten light element mages or warrior mages

Warriors: fifty.

Rest can be decided by the regiment commanders themselves.

When the regiment commanders learnt these requirements, they are absolutely happy.

They thought that Sam would take advantage of the situation and ask them for some squads or even a company from each of them, but Sam didn’t do so.

So, they started cleaning up their regiments and searched for the bad eggs so that they an be thrown into Sam’s battalion.

Sam didn’t mind though. Everyone will be beaten into shape once they are under him. So, nothing to worry about.

Two days passed and the five hundred members are finally assembled.

Sam stood on the stage in his Black coat.

He looked at all of them from the stage as he observed their expressions.

Some of them are filled with fear, some with anger, some with frustration and some with eager ness.

After observing the group for a while, he finally opened his mouth.

"Many of you might already know, who I am. But I am going to introduce myself.

I am Sam. I am a candidate in the special batch.

But due to my qualifications and abilities being evaluated to be more than my peers, I was given a task to manage a battalion and a title of battalion commander.

But there is a catch here. You are under me and only me. Even the General of the army has no authority over you.

I know many of you are not willing to be here and if given a chance you might even want to beat me to death.

But let us face the reality. Even if all of you guys come at me together, you will not be able to do anything to me. I can defeat you guys within minutes.

If anyone of you wanted to create chaos or make the teamwork unstable, beware of one thing that here in this battalion I am the main fighting force and if I can take on a battalion here, then I can do so in the border too. I don’t have much need for you guys at all.

So, if anyone plays tricks, I will definitely dispose of them, be careful.

In this battalion, I will be training you guys myself and training will be mostly depending on the individual strengths characteristics which will make you guys most efficient and most useful to the whole squad.

I will train you according to what you need and what you want.

For the seven months, you will do what I say, eat what I give and rest when I tell. No questions asked, no answers given.

Whether you like it or not, that will be done so.

I will be dividing you guys into companies and each company will be trained separately and then again, all the companies will be then trained together for some better cooperation.

From now on, each company is a single entity in my eyes. If one person makes a mistake, the whole company will be punished.

Correcting the person by force or help is up to the company members themselves.

The training will be hellish. Imagine the worst nightmare you have and multiply it by ten. You will be tortured and wish you were dead. But you are not even allowed to die on your will.

No one is an exception from not completing the daily routine. Even if one person misses the whole company is doomed.

I am not sure how many of you can complete this training and be safe.

But I am sure of thing and that is the more torture you are going to go through, the more returns you are going to have.

And for that, I have to show you my other identity."

Sam paused and took out his artisan badges as well as formation and inscription master badges.

"I am not just a candidate, but also a rank 5 scholar artisan, rank- 3 weapon artisan, rank 3 inscription master.

I am wealthier than a normal noble family.

You don’t have to train for me here, train for yourselves. Because, every month there would be a competition between the companies and the winner will be having ample rewards.

Other than that, there are going to be individual rewards also.

In the camp there is going to be a credit system.

There will be an exchange point in the camp and more credits an individual has the valuable thing an individual can obtain.

Many of you have low quality rank 1 weapons, if you have enough credits you can exchange them for even a rank-3 weapon, a formation disc, a full body set armour, potions, pills. Any hing can be obtained.

For obtaining the credits though, you have many ways.

One can obtain some credits from winning the duels, winning the competitions, performing well in the exercises, mock battles.

I will give you a chance to earn them as an individual or as a team.

You can do anything with the things you won, you can even sell them for all I care.

In short, I only have few words for you and that is, the more you bleed here, the more you earn.

So, work hard.

For today though familiarize with each other. From tomorrow onwards the training will start."

Sam didn’t waste his time after saying his piece.

All the soldiers though, were extremely unsettled.

That is because they never expected Sam is an Artisan and also expert in many other professions. Many of them are excited about the part about rewards and from what Sam said, if they could get their hands, on extra goods, they can even make some money by selling them.

This is one of the best opportunities one could hope for as they don’t have much future in gathering enough wealth being a soldier.

They only have some wealth from the savings they made from their salaries.

Their only other source is the battle field. They can loot the enemy soldiers they killed.

So, Sam’s conditions are extremely suitable for them.

But there is a particular batch of hundred people who are calm and collected. They also have a change in their attitude after the briefing.

But it is not excitement, rather it is more of a determination.

They are precisely the hundred people who came to Sam’s battalion on their own will.

Sam though didn’t know about these odd guys and instead focussed on making the new device for the impact crystal.

From the past two days, he was busy with the matter regarding to the battalion, he has to take entries of these guys, check their previous recorded information that was passed to him and many other bullshit official work.

So, he didn’t make much progress in manufacturing.

That is why he let these soldiers off for this day on the pretext of familiarizing themselves with the people and went into his new battalion commander’s quarters.

He immediately entered the tower and started working on making the required components.

This device is a combination of various mechanisms, inscriptions and formations. He has to do this carefully and meticulously.

After working tirelessly for another seven days he was finally done with the components and he has to start etching the inscriptions.

The inscription which he is going to do on this device are not going to be that complicated.

But the main point is that they are so many of them.

He has to repeat the process time and again.

He has only three days left for this.

One day more time will make his whole plans delayed for one more day.

He doesn’t want to waste anymore time on this impact crystals and with this device ready, he can completely rest assured that the whole estate will be completely cleared out within the required time.

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