Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 165: First hundred

Sam was sure that he wouldn’t be able to complete this machine in ten days. So, he decided that he would do what he can and leave the rest to later and return to the camp.

Anyway, with the aid of beasts at least the process of excavation would not stop.

After working for ten days and making more than half of the required parts, Sam came out of the tower and was greeted by the sunset.

His teammates namely Philip, Kelly and Jack returned to the mansion.

Watt is the first one to greet him. They knew he was here as they saw the fire type beasts working vigorously in the estate to melt the impact crystal.

But they don’t know how they collected the molten crystal and cleared it up.

This credit was given to the shadow mice.

They used the space jade rings and delivered everything into the Divine dimension, to be precise to the second floor, where Sam prepared some moulds to let the impact crystal solidify.

When Sam came out of his mansion, he saw Kelly and Philip working their fire control as they heated the crystal and Jack who is by their side practicing the sword.

He is using the black meteorite sword as practiced only one action. Sword draw.

The sword ray hit the crystal and *BOOM* it exploded.

But he didn’t stop. Because, that is not his aim. After some observation, Sam understood his goal.

Jack is trying to control the intensity of the attack. He wants to cut the impact crystal without exploding it.

Sam felt that this is a great way of practicing, but he didn’t want to do so. He just let them be and walked back into the mansion.

He asked Watt on how they are doing business and then found out that it is not going well at all.


"The other teams are fifteen days ahead of us and by the time we entered the market, there already rumours spread about us.

I don’t know how but, the citizens are avoiding the restaurant like plague. I tried to pry some info and I found out that the citizens knew that we are being suppressed by the General. One of the teams of the Southern star city which comprised of mostly nobles spread the rumour.

Since, we are already enemies with the General, they didn’t bother holding back.

The supervisors who didn’t cause us trouble are also not helping us get rid of the trouble.

The business is being threatened and there is deficit in the materials we need.

We wanted to try any other business but the competition is even higher than the food business and Kelly’s skills are so-so to venture into the weapon business. As for the rest, you know better than me.

But the main problem is these noble kids. They send people to our restaurant to disturb the ongoing small business.

Those people who came will start a fight for no rhyme or reason and they are not afraid of getting beaten up.

One time, they almost kidnapped one of us to do some bashing, but we are alert and escaped.

The noble kids are getting more and more loose and doing anything they wished as we have only four members. They even have plans on the Mackey and his staff.

We have to be completely on guard and save them."

When Sam heard this, he didn’t have any visible reaction. He knew something like this would happen. Out of all the teams in the competition, their team is the weakest in terms of numbers.

As for strength, that is a whole different matter with Sam, Philip and Jack here. Even Hawk is not that great compared to them.

But the problem is Philip won’t fight with his full strength no matter what. He always portrayed an average guy image.

Every fight he had in the tournament was portrayed as if he barely won. But Sam knew otherwise. He has one thing on his mind and that is to bring Philip out of that shell.

Even though, they might not seem that close, Philip is the first friend to him in this world. Although, the relationship was a bit forced they are still friends.

When Sam came to this world, his mental state is not good. Added with the fact that Oliver is torturing him, he was completely annoyed by every little thing.

Philip is one of the reasons he adjusted a bit quickly. Because, Sam is not strong at the moment and Philip shamelessly refused to let him go, Sam gradually calmed down as Philip’s annoying banter served as the diversion.

Whether intentional or unintentional, it is still a great help to him.

So, Sam has to return the favour. From what he understood; Philip is not a simple kid from a tiny noble family in a rural city. He has a past and that past is so dangerous that he wasn’t even able to exhibit his prowess peacefully.

But Sam felt that this is wrong.

If one is afraid to face a problem and keep on postponing to deal with it when they are sure that they are capable and even went on hiding in case they would be forced to deal with it, that is one of the stupidest things one could ever do.

No matter, the situation, one must first face it and then think of means to escape if there is no way to deal with it.

Hiding oneself even before facing the situation and knowing what is going to happen is not a great move.

So, this time he only had one thing in mind and that is not involving in the conflicts Watt mentioned. Jack is a great fighter, but he is not witty enough and is too straight forward.

Philip is not. He might be even stronger than Jack is battle prowess and he is witty and intelligent. He can deal the things here by himself.

Sam didn’t stay for long and left the estate. He has to return to the camp.

When Sam entered the base and the allotted place for his battalion, he was surprised by the scene he saw.

He assumed that there would not be a single person who will join his team. But the situation is completely different.

There are a total of hundred people and all of them are either fire element or wind element mages and Warrior mages.

Sam didn’t even expect the scenario where he would have more than thirty members much less the situation, he is facing now with a hundred subordinates.

He thought that since, he had made enemies of all the regiments there wouldn’t be any people willing to sign up.

But there are hundred people.

Sam assembled all of them before a stage and said in a loud voice.

"I don’t know, why you came to join this battalion but there is one thing I can tell you, you better not regret it later.

This battalion is completely under me. No regiment commanders, or any other superior including the general is going to take part in this. They don’t have any say or authority over me and you and in turn they don’t have authority to stop my training and actions.

If you are a part of my battalion, the first thing you have to know is that the training will be completely different from what you have been through all this time. It will be completely new and eccentric.

Second thing, you have to treat yourselves as the part of the team. The team’s interest will always be above yours. For me all of you are going to be a single entity. I will treat you as a machine and each and every soldier is a link of that machine.

If one link or part fails, then the whole machine suffers.

Third point, I will not be training you in what you want. I will be training you in what you need to be a great soldier and a great asset to the team.

Fourth and most important point. My word is the rule that cannot be broken, law that has to be abided no matter what.

Those who do not want to follow these four rules, can leave now."

Sam paused and looked at them with a sweeping glance.

Seeing that no one is responding, he said.

"Now that the rules are over, there are somethings I have to warn you guys about.

If any of you are here, so that they can laze around, you better leave right now. Or else, you will regret this for the rest of your lives.

For those of you who came here to take revenge by disrupting order and causing chaos in the team, you better leave right now. Because, once I find you, If you don’t wish you are dead, I will change my name.

Even if it is one the orders of your regiment commanders or some other seniors. I don’t care.

I am a person who will kill the person that stabs at me and at the same time will destroy the knife they used.

If you are going to be the knives, I suggest you guys get lost.

I am only giving you guys all these chances because you came voluntarily.

As for those who are going to be selected. They would not have any choice.

So cherish it. You have till dawn.

Think carefully and for now, disperse."

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