Quick Transmigration The Prodigal Son

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

The Tyrant CEOs Small Delicate Wife (6) 

Jiang Zhe laughed quietly, and even his chest was shaking slightly. 

He said: "Qing Qing really is a treasure." 

Qin Qing covered her face in embarrassment, not daring to look at him. 

Why didnt she previously realise that Jiang Zhe was, was so good at sweet talking? 

However, she really liked it. 

Her entire being was as if she fell into a sugar jar, even the air was filled with the scent of candy. 

At this moment, she must be the happiest girl in the world, she thought. 

Jiang Zhe leaned over and took away her hand covering her face, touching foreheads with her. "What are you shy about, my fiancee." 

Qin Qing: (#/.#) 

A sudden critical hit made her dizzy. 

She looked away and avoided the man's gaze, stammering, "You, you are really" 

Qin Qing didn't know what to say. Even if she understood it, she wasnt as shameless as Jiang Zhe. 

Jiang Zhes heart trembled at her shy little posture, and kissed her forehead again, "Qing Qing is so cute, wait for me for a while here." 

He got up and walked into the bedroom. Without the man's imprisonment, Qin Qing could breathe easier. 

"Hu" She patted her cheeks. Till now, her cheeks were still hot. 

After a moment, Jiang Zhe came out again, holding a small red box in his hand?! 

Qin Qings gaze stared at him, her heartbeat accelerated and her mind was blank, her breathing quickening a notch. 

"You" She had just said a word when the man suddenly knelt in front of her. Jiang Zhe opened the box, and the diamond shone brightly under the dim light. 

Jiang Zhe: "I didn't expect to propose tonight. Fortunately, I had this idea before and prepared the ring long ago. Although there are no flowers, my sincerity isnt any less."

Qin Qing completely didn't know how to respond. Her mouth had dropped open. Tonight had been a series of surprises that were close to stupefying her. 

Jiang Zhe took out the ring and gently pulled her hand over, slowly putting the ring on her finger. 

Jiang Zhe: "Do you like it?" 

Qin Qing blinked and nodded with tears flowing. Jiang Zhe reached out and wiped away her tears, laughing: "This time I understand, my little princess is crying in joy. 

"Youre teasing me again." Qin Qing pretended to hit his shoulder, but was caught by someone and kissed. 

Jiang Zhe: "How could I be willing to tease you?" 

"You are my little princess." 

Qin Qing threw herself into his arms, her smile extremely sweet. 

She wanted to take back the words before, that wasnt the moment when she felt that she was the happiest girl in the world. 

Rather, she was the happiest person in the world the entire night today. 

Heaven was  really kind to her. She would not forget tonights scene for the rest of her life, she thought. 

The atmosphere became warm and beautiful. Qin Qing laid in Jiang Zhes arms and unknowingly fell asleep. 

Jiang Zhe stroked her lips that were still upturned even in her sleep, gently moving her to the bedroom. 

He himself went to the bathroom and took a cold shower, reducing his inner heat. 

The system popped out sneakily: "Tsk tsk tsk, host you also have a day like this." 

Jiang Zhe:  

The veins on Jiang Zhe's forehead popped out. At this moment he really wished that the system had a physical body, because his fist was already extremely itchy. 

The system had no fear. 

System: "Before, you always gave me the cold shoulder. Now, its too late to regret it. Hehe

Jiang Zhe: Damn retarded*

Jiang Zhe knew very well how to deal with stupidity. Never discuss logic with a stupid person. Your cold shoulder is the most fearsome attack on a stupid person. 

He pulled the bathroom towel, wrapped his lower body and went to the room to sleep. In the meantime, he ignored whatever the system painstakingly said. 

System: Angry like a pufferfish  

System: "Jiang Zhe, you bastard. One day, you will beg for this systems help. When that happens, Ill see what happens to you." 

Jiang Zhe eyelids didnt even move. What to do? Just leave it be. 

In that situation, it was already his good upbringing if he didnt settle his debts with the system. 

The next day, the morning sunlight shone through the full length windows into the bedroom. Qin Qing blinked her eyes, mumbling blurrily, "Strange, when did the smell in my bedroom change?" 


She woke up with a shock, the memory of last night returning and the ring on her left hand ring finger still shining. 

Qin Qing: !!! 

Heavens, Jiang Zhe really proposed to her last night!! 

"Oh my god!" Qin Qing turned over and went back, rolling around in the bed, venting the excessive excitement in her heart. 

Halfway through, she suddenly realised, this bed seemed to be the one that Jiang Zhe sleeps on, then last night? 

She quickly flipped open the blanket. Her clothes were still worn properly on her body. 

Qin Qing: (_)!! 

Disappointment was overwhelming. ==

At that critical moment, how could she fall asleep? Angry.

She hit her head in frustration, then heard a "dong dong" sound. Hmm? She didn't use any strength, why was there sound? 

"Dong dong dong" the sound rang out again regularly.

She looked up and realised it was actually the sound of knocking on the door. 

Jiang Zhe: "Qing Qing, are you awake?" 

Qin Qing: . 

She hurriedly tidied her hair clothes, "Oh, Ill, Ill be out soon." 

Jiang Zhe: "Alright." 

Breakfast was laid out on the exquisite rectangular table. Bread, cornflakes, ham slices, omelettes, and salads. 

Lastly, Jiang Zhe placed the milk on the table. Seeing that she had come out, the corner of his mouth rose slightly, "Do you want to wash up first or eat first?" 

Qin Qing was shocked by family-like atmosphere, "I, Ill go wash up first."

Saying so, she rushed into the bathroom, brushing her teeth and combing her hair in one go." 

Ten minutes later, she was once again a beautiful girl. 

Jiang Zhe pulled the seat for her. "Come and eat." 

Qin Qing pressed her lips into a smile: "En."

Walking closer, she found that Jiang Zhes cup was filled with coffee, but in her cup was milk. 

Qin Qing: "Jiang Zhe, our drinks are different." 

Jiang Zhe wondered: "Do you not like to drink milk?" 

Qin Qing: "Its alright." 

Jiang Zhe: "Im used to drinking coffee in the morning, I hope you can understand." He blinked his eyes, his face smiling. 

Qin Qing: "Yes!!" 

Qin Qing first took a sip of milk, then ate a mouthful of fried eggs, exclaiming: "This egg is really soft, where did you buy it? Its still so fresh after delivery." 

Jiang Zhes face didnt change, calmly saying: "Probably sponsored by CEO Jiang." 

Qin Qing: ( | | |) _ 

"You made it?"

Jiang took a sip of coffee and wiped his mouth with a tissue paper, "En, is there any problem?" 

Qin Qing: "No, no problem."

Her heart was crying insanely. Heavens, Jiang Zhe was crushing her at everything. With such a comparison, she was simply useless. 

Qin Qing: What use am I?? 

She met Jiang Zhes confused eyes, "It doesnt taste good?" 

Qin Qings body trembled faintly: "Delicious, it's delicious." 

Jiang Zhe: "If you like it, then eat more." 

At that moment, Qin Qing suddenly found her usefulness. She was born to affirm Jiang Zhe. 

Otherwise, with Jiang Zhe being so powerful, what if no one else realised it? 

Such delicious food, with no one to eat it, would be such a waste. How sad would Jiang Zhe be? 

Qin Qings fighting spirit rose, and she accidentally too much. 

Jiang Zhe shed tears while laughing. Finding a digestion pill for her, he rubbed her stomach, "You ah, youre already so big. You don't even know when youre full?" 

Qin Qing had no face to see anyone, shrinking in Jiang Zhe's arms like an ostrich. 

Jiang Zhe let her be. The atmosphere was just right when a handphone rung, breaking the atmosphere. 

Qin Qing took a moment to react to her handphone. Pressing the answer button, the angry roar of Mother Qin broke through the sky from her handphone. 

"You damned girl, where did you go yesterday, not even answering your calls or messages. Do you want to worry your mother to death?" 

Qin Qing: "No, Mom, listen to me, yesterday my handphone ran out of battery" 

"Explain your head, where are you now, Im going to find you." 

Qin Qing: "Mom, Mom, listen to me, I" 

"Where are you?" 

Jiang Zhe took the handphone, warmly saying: "Apologies, Aunty Qin. I forgot to inform you last night that Qing Qing is with me."

"Jiang Zhe?" 

Jiang Zhe: "It's me." 

"I proposed to Qing Qing yesterday and she agreed. In a moment of happiness, we forgot to message you. Its my bad, please forgive me." 

Mother Qin: "" 

Father Qin was biting a bun when he saw his wife fall off the chair, her face dazed stiff. He was so frightened the bun in his mouth fell out. 

Father Qin: "Dear, dear, what's wrong with you?" 

Jiang Zhe frowned. "Aunty Qin, Aunty Qin? Aunty Qin, are you listening to me?" 

Jiang Zhe had no choice but to hang up. 

He glanced at Qin Qing. "I will go back with you today." 

Qin Qing imagined her mother's fury, swallowed her saliva and nodded heavily. 

On the other hand, Jiang Zhe was annoyed. He had remembered to charge Qin Qing's handphone and then boot it, but why didn't he spend a little more time to look at the incoming notifications on the handphone? 

Cough, he remembered. At that time, he was frying eggs and carelessly forgot. 

Too careless.

*MDZZ Basically used as a curse. Changed it to stupidity in the next sentence to avoid offending anyone in today's sensitive world ()

TN: Last chapter for the day because it's getting too late and I have an early day tomorrow ? The remaining chapters will be done next week, and the whole novel should hopefully be completed by end of next week too.

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