Quick Transmigration The Prodigal Son

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

The Tyrant CEOs Small Delicate Wife (5)

Qin Qing held her spoils of war a ceramic cartoon cat, happily bouncing behind Jiang Zhe out of the night market. 

The night winds blew, dispelling the heat. Jiang Zhe tilted his head to look at her, asking with a smile: "Do you feel better now? Little princess." 

Qin Qing's face turned red, and she looked up suddenly, staring curiously at Jiang Zhes face.

Jiang Zhe: "What is it?" 

"Nothing." Qin Qing immediately lowered her head, but the tips of her ears were still completely red. 

What little princess, so shameful. 

But she still liked it a lot  o (* //// //// *) q 

Jiang Zhe raised his eyebrows, but didnt continue to ask her about it, "Come on, lets go back." 

Qin Qing: "En, en." 

As fast as the night wind, Jiang Zhe drove home. 

In the private apartment that belonged solely to Jiang Zhe. 

Qin Qing looked at the strange but familiar buildings around, extremely nervous. 

Tonight, Jiang Zhe didnt propose to send her back to her home, but instead brought her straight here. 

Jiang Zhe he, what does he mean? 

There was a faint guess in Qin Qings heart, but logically thinking, it didnt seem too possible. However, as the elevator slowly moved upwards, the familiar door opened, and when she stepped through the door, her heart had already jumped into her mouth. 

Jiang Zhe, who was leading the way in front, suddenly stopped. Qin Qing, who had her head lowered thinking about things, collided into him headfirst. 

Fortunately, Jiang Zhe turned and supported her in time. "What were you thinking about? To be so deep in thoughts." 

Qin Qing: !!! 

Qin Qing: "I, I didn't think about anything?" 

Jiang Zhe said suspiciously: "Really?" 

Qin Qing nodded like a woodpecker, "Really, truer than real gold."

Jiang Zhe resisted the urge to laugh. Pretending to be serious, he coughed with a fist against his lips, "Alright. What do you want to drink, I will get it for you." 

Qin Qing: "Ice water is good." To reduce heat.

"Okay." Jiang Zhe gave her a bottle of ice water. Then silently, he sat next to her. 

The two people were sitting very close. Qin Qing could almost feel the heat from Jiang Zhe passing through her clothes. 

Although the two didnt speak, the atmosphere gradually became ambiguous. 

Qin Qing pinched the bottle, her fingers slightly white. Nervous. 

She swallowed her saliva and shouted: "Jiang, Jiang Zhe." 


The voice was low and magnetic. 

Qin Qings legs went soft for a second. 

Fortunately she was sitting on the sofa, so she wouldnt embarrass herself. 

Jiang Zhe had been paying attention to her the whole while. Looking at her changing expressions, he found it quite interesting. 

Its just that, to let a girl take the initiatives when it comes to emotions was really a bit of a scum move. 

So he cleared his throat, pulling back Qin Qings attention. 

His expression was hidden under the light, and his thin lips were pressed together tightly. Qin Qing watched him with wide eyes as he came over, unable to move. 

"Qing Qing." 


Qin Qing didnt have time to react before her shoulders were held. Warmth was felt on her lips, just a short touch. 

It was different from before when he kissed her forehead and kissed her cheek. 

This time, they were mouth to mouth. Although it was only a peck, the shock brought to Qin Qing was far from what it was before. 

"You, you" Under her shock, she fiercely pushed Jiang Zhe away and huddled into a corner of the sofa. 

With both hands covering his mouth, a pair of big eyes looked at him without blinking.

Jiang Zhes breath was somewhat unstable, but at this time, he still remembered gentlemans etiquette. 

He didnt go forward, sitting in the previous position, and in front of Qin Qing, he used his fingers to slowly stroke his lips. 

"Do you not like it?" he asked. 

Qin Qing had no expression, but tears were already flowing inside her heart. 

No, she liked it. 

However, at this time, it was like her body didnt belong to her. No matter how, she couldnt say a word.

Qin Qing almost cried out of anxiousness. If Jiang Zhe misunderstood in the future due to his, he wouldnt be intimate with her in the future 

This was simply bullying her!!! 

Jiang Zhe waited for her answer, but didnt expect to receive the girl's two lines of tears. 

Jiang Zhe: Cough 

At this time, he can't help but fall into self-doubt. Did he understand it wrong before, and Qin Qing didn't like him? 

If that was the case, he had really screwed up big time tonight.

He was quite conflicted, at a loss of what to do. He wanted to go forward, but was afraid of causing the girl to retaliate. So, he could only take out his handkerchief and hand it to her, "Sorry, I was too impulsive tonight." 

"If youre not happy, I can make it up to you. As long as I have something, I can compensate you. So, don't cry, okay." 

Qin Qing shook her head, "Its not that." 

"I cried because I was happy, tears of happiness, understand?" 

Jiang Zhe:  

He didnt understand before, but he did now. 

Qin Qing grabbed Jiang Zhe's handkerchief and roughly wiped her tears. Then, like a hungry tiger hunting its prey, she pushed Jiang Zhe down. 

The lights inside the house exuded a dim warm yellow glow, and the surroundings were so quiet, a falling leaf could be heard. 

Only their heartbeats entered their ears. 

Qin Qing bit her lips, her fingers shaking. 

Jiang Zhe looked at her: "Are you afraid?" 

Qin Qing acted strong: "Im alright." 

"You just said. Youll make it up to me, anything is fine." 

"Ive thought about it. If you really want to make up for it, then give yourself to me." 

After speaking, she quickly lowered her head, kissing his pair of lips. 

This time it was not just a shallow taste. 

Qin Qing clutched his shoulder and tentatively stretched her tongue out. 

Turning around, the two positions were immediately reversed. 

Jiang Zhes breathing grew obviously heavier. He faintly caressed the corner of her mouth, saying intimately, At this time, how can I make a girl do the work? You just need to enjoy it. 

Qin Qings eyes widened: "Jiangwuwu" 

Jiang Zhe held her face in one hand, his damp tongue gently licking across her lips. Without having to put in much effort, she had already opened up.

The joy from having her wishes fulfilled, along with the sweetness of the kiss, Qin Qing only felt that her consciousness was being conquered. 

Jiang Zhes hand on her face gradually moved down, slowly sliding to her neck, gently rubbing, causing the person below him to tremble. 

He was in a good mood, slowly got up and sat on the edge of the sofa. 

His eyes looked down. Under the light, the woman's face was flushed, and tears were pooled in her eyes, sparkling. 

Jiang Zhe lovingly wiped the tears off the corner of her eyes, gently asking: "Are you alright?" 

No one responded in the living room. After a long time, Qin Qing finally turned her eyes and showed a happy smile. 

"Jiang Zhe." She called. 

The sound was soft and sweet, just like the honey, drowning people in its sweetness. 

Jiang Zhe leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Im here." 

Qin Qing met his eyes. She could easily see her reflection in his eyes. 

Qin Qing: "Tonight" 

She was very embarrassed. The unfinished words were simply too shameful for her to say it. Her initially red cheeks flushed a further red. 

Jiang Zhe didnt need to touch it to know that her cheeks must be hot, like a fever. 

In fact, love could sometimes make people feel dizzy, their heads hot. 

Because, he also thought that he wasnt normal any more. 

He didn't hold back, dipping his head to kiss the girl's mouth again. 

Jiang Zhe: "Qing Qing." 

Qin Qing: "En." 

Jiang Zhe: "Let's get married." 

Qin Qing: "En, en???" 

She widened her eyes, her disbelieve reaching maximum levels.

Jiang Zhe stroked her sweat-filled hair, his eyes deep, After being with you these days, I feel that I really like you. I want to marry you, want to sleep with you on a bed every night. I hope that you will be the first person I see every morning after I wake up. So, are you willing to marry me?" 

Qin Qing had completely gone crazy. 

Today was a really stimulating day! 

Qin Qing: "But why, so suddenly?" 

Other than surprise, there was a deep uneasiness. Happiness that came too fast could be easily broken, not true at all. 

Jiang Zhe: "Because I want to protect Qing Qing. In the future, I will share all your joys and sorrows together with you. So don't be sad because of an unimportant friend." 

Upon mentioning Ke Ke, Qin Qing's chaotic brain woke up somewhat. "Jiang Zhe, if you are doing this because you pity me" 

Jiang Zhe: "Theres many pitiful women in the world. If I pitied every woman and wanted to get married with her, maybe I would have a harem of three thousand women by now. Even more so, I would probably have long been split into pieces by people." 

The sudden joke succeeded in breaking Qin Qings walls. She lightly hit the man in embarrassment, "Don't be naughty. Im talking about serious business with you." 

Jiang Zhe: "Im also talking about serious business. 

Would you like to marry me? Qing Qing . 

Qin Qing snorted in dismay and covered her face with her hands. Youve already eaten me whole, could I still run?

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