Professor Vampire.

Chapter 127 - 127 Launch the attack! Who’s undercover?

Chapter 127: Chapter 127 Launch the attack! Who's undercover?

Next to Azkaban prison, unlike the shabby and stale surroundings, a relatively clean hut stands.

The hut is protected by airtight glass and is extremely tightly sealed. It is also surrounded by various protective magics to block the influence of Dementors on the mind. It is one of the few pure lands on the isolated island where Azkaban is located.

At this time, a relatively tall man with a long blond hair braided into a neat braid quietly appeared and came to the outside of the hut that blocked most of the influence of Dementors.

Before entering the hut, Yaxley quietly raised his sleeves, took a look at the bright red Dark Mark on the inside of his left arm, and nodded secretly.

Through the reaction of the Dark Mark, he can confirm that the Dark Lord and many Death Eaters have come to the island where Azkaban is located, so their next plan can proceed normally.

So Yaxley raised his hand and knocked on the door——

"Dong Dong Dong."

A very narrow window opened behind the door, and a wizard showed one eye from behind the window, looking out vigilantly.

"Oh, Director Yaxley, right? Come in!" Seeing Yaxley's face, the wizard let down his guard.

He opened the door a little, let Yaxley in, then hurriedly closed the door and carefully checked whether the door was sealed.

"Huh... I'm lucky that there are no Dementors nearby. Azkaban is a hellhole that is not a place for people to stay!" After the wizard finished all this work, he patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "Director Yaxley, it's really hard for you to come to a place like this to visit your relatives in prison."

"The Dementors here can clearly understand some people's words, but they never care about our instructions and absorb our happy emotions regardless of friend or foe!" He said,

"I just don't understand... The prisoners in this hellhole will be sucked out of their energy by the Dementors. It is impossible for them to escape from the prison. Why do we have to arrange observers and Aurors to guard here? Working here is simply torture!"

Yaxley smiled, ignored the wizard's complaints, and looked around the structure of the hut.

"Ogus, I bribed you... No one else knows about it, right?" He suddenly looked at the wizard named Ogus and asked, "I remember that there is a communicator here that can directly notify the Ministry of Magic."

"How could that be, Director Yaxley?" Ogus said hurriedly, "Few people come to this remote place on this poor island, and there are a lot of Dementors guarding here, so why would we need a communicator?"

He pointed to a magic bell hanging on the wall to Yaxley, "Yes, that's it. As far as I know, this thing has never been used. It has been used by people, and in my opinion it is just a decoration."

Yaxley took a closer look at the bell on the wall and nodded slightly, "I see. By the way, where are the two Aurors who are your partners?"

"They are inside, I'll take you there." Augus shrugged, and then shouted into the room of the hut, "Aurors, come out! Director Yaxley is here, remember to take your keys, the prison door cannot be opened without the keys of our two posts!"

"Got it, Augus." A rough voice came from the room in the corner of the hut.

An unkempt wizard walked out of the room, muttering as he walked: "I just patrolled among a large group of Dementors, and I didn't expect to go out again... To be honest, if Yaxley hadn't paid us enough, I would definitely not want to take people in... This is too painful!"

"Who said it wasn't!" Ogus agreed, turning to look at Yaxley, "So, Director Yaxley, don't think our price is too high. It's very risky for us to take you in!"

"I know." Yaxley said casually, "Don't worry about the reward. The Yaxley family has never been a pure blood like Weisslai who lacks money. As long as you can take me in, you will definitely get the reward."

Ogus fumbled under a messy table for a long time, found a rusty key, and held it in his hand.

"Ah, found it!" he said, "Then let's go quickly, go early and come back early, so as not to suffer from the Dementors!"

"No problem for me." The Auror next to him also nodded, and shook a bunch of keys in his hand, making a series of jingling and clanging crisp sounds.

"Wait a minute!" Just as the two were about to step out of the door, Yaxley suddenly called them.

The two Aurors and observers stationed in Azkaban turned their heads and looked at him in confusion.

"Where is the other Auror?" Yaxley asked seriously, "I gave three people the money, why are there only two of you now?"

"This..." Ogus quickly looked at the unkempt Auror wizard beside him with an inquiring look, and asked in a low voice, "Wasn't Raymond with you just now? Why didn't he come out with you?"

"Raymond was stopped by the Dementors while patrolling just now, and he was sucked dizzy. Now he has gone to sleep." The Auror wizard explained, "Mr. Yaxley, if you must let him go, I will wake him up now?"

"Going to sleep..." Yaxley thought for a moment, then waved his hand, "Forget it, no need to wake him up, let him sleep well. Just a few of us will go, you lead the way."

"Okay, then our reward..." Ogus asked cautiously.

"It's still three people's." Yaxley said simply.

Ogus nodded happily and turned to the small door of the hut.

Then, he took a deep breath and put his hand on the doorknob.

"Be prepared to face the Dementors, I'm going to open the door!" Augus had a fearless aura.

The Auror next to him also looked serious.

Yaxley stood two feet behind them and quietly tightened his wand.

Just as Augus pressed the doorknob and opened the door, and the two observers and Aurors were all focused outside the door, Yaxley suddenly raised his wand -

"Stupefy." He muttered in his heart.

Two silent Stunning Spells shot out from the tip of Yaxley's wand without interruption!

The first one hit Augus' back without any hindrance. Augus was completely unaware and fell to the ground, unconscious in an instant.

The second Stunning Spell shot directly at the unkempt Auror.

However, just when the spell was about to touch the Auror's cloak, he seemed to have been prepared for Yaxley's sneak attack, and rolled on the spot to avoid the Stunning Spell that was going to hit him!

"Hehe, are you surprised?" The Auror stood up from the ground, put his hands on his waist, and showed a naughty smile that was completely inconsistent with his unkempt face. He smiled and looked at Yaxley, "Instructor Moody is right. You are the insider arranged by the mysterious man in the Ministry of Magic, right?"


Yaxley was shocked and quickly added another spell, but was firmly blocked by the Iron Armor Spell that the Auror had prepared.

Just when the two of them were deadlocked in their attack and defense spells, Yaxley didn't notice that another Auror quietly appeared behind him and raised his wand-

A silent petrification spell hit Yaxley's back fiercely.

Yaxley's wand fell to the ground. He froze in disbelief, and heard the wooden leg hitting the ground, making a "dong, dong" sound.

A sturdy wizard with long gray hair and scars on every inch of his skin walked up to the Auror and entered Yaxley's sight.

"...Alastor Moody."

Yaxley recognized the man in front of him in despair, knowing that he could not complete his mission today.

"Tonks, you have too much desire to perform." Moody casually cast another Stunning Spell on Yaxley, making him completely unconscious, and then said seriously to the Auror in front of him, "I clearly told you during the Auror training not to talk nonsense with your enemies."

"When facing the enemy, you must defeat them as soon as possible and make them lose their fighting power. This is the best way to protect yourself! And you? You are smiling here all day long and you are not serious all day long!"

"I know, Instructor Moody--" The unkempt Auror curled his lips and stretched his body with his arms.

As his arms stretched, his short hair gradually stretched and turned into bubble gum pink, and his rough skin became white and delicate. He, or her face, gradually changed into a delicate and beautiful young witch.

These two people are the most famous legendary Auror, Alastor Moody, and the trainee Auror, Nymphadora Tonks, who has just graduated for more than a year.

They took advantage of the two Aurors stationed in Azkaban to forcibly interrupt their patrol with orders from headquarters, and sent them back to the Ministry of Magic in advance.

After that, Tonks used her innate ability to transform into the unkempt Auror wizard.

After entering the hut, she used her transformed Auror appearance to quietly use a Confusion Charm on Oggs in the house, making him mistake Moody for the previous Auror Raymond, and then the two of them successfully entered the hut, waiting for Yaxley to come.

"This is not my first time to participate in such an important operation. I am a little excited."

After the transformation, Tonks, who had become young and beautiful again, said to Moody flatteringly, "This is an operation against You-Know-Who! Instructor Moody, can I be promoted directly after participating in this operation?"

"Don't be too happy too soon, Tonks. We have to see how you perform before we can consider your promotion." Moody said, "In addition, this operation is very dangerous. You must protect your own safety first!"

"This kind of high-risk operation against You-Know-Who should not have been participated in by you, a trainee Auror. But there is a thief-proof waterfall outside Azkaban, which can remove the effect of Polyjuice Potion. Except for your Disguisemagus ability, it is difficult for us to pretend to be someone else here."

"Therefore, Director Scrimgeour of the Auror Office made an exception and let you come with us... But this does not mean that you can participate in the front-line battle!"

"But my actual combat performance is very good!" Tonks said unconvinced.

"That won't work either. Results and practical experience are two different things!" Moody said, "Follow me closely and don't get lost again like we did in the Cairngorms more than a year ago."


On the other side, Voldemort had finished his speech and led many Death Eaters out of the cemetery and walked towards the Azkaban fortress on the other side of the island.

Smelling the scent of living people, a large group of Dementors surrounded them from all directions, constantly emitting a cold and gloomy breath and absorbing the rare happy emotions in the air.

Many Death Eaters felt that the light around them was being absorbed, as if the whole world had fallen into darkness. The positive emotions in their hearts quickly faded, and nothingness gradually occupied their hearts...

However, in front of many Death Eaters, the bald wizard with scarlet eyes and no nose seemed to be unaffected by any Dementors, and walked straight into the layers of Dementors surrounding him.

"My friends, do you still remember me?" Voldemort opened his arms and spoke enthusiastically.

"I once promised you that if I ruled the wizarding world, all the Muggles in the world and those Muggle-borns who disobeyed our rule would become your food!" he said, "But unfortunately, I was framed by the bad guys and remained silent for twelve years..."

"Today, in this deep and great night, I am back again!"

"My friends, as long as you continue to help me as you promised me before, you will also get my promise as before!"

"You don't have to be confined to the small island of Azkaban, and you don't have to suppress your nature, but you can enjoy your food all over the world."

"You...are you still not tempted?"

The overwhelming Dementors seemed to understand Voldemort's words, flying around more fiercely, raising waves of cold fog, forming a thick black cloud, covering the moonlight in the sky, which was not bright to begin with.

Voldemort stood in the group of Dementors, laughing morbidly.

He watched the Dementors fly farther and farther, making a wide passage for him and the Death Eaters behind him.

The Death Eaters looked at this scene in disbelief, and came to Voldemort hesitantly. Looking up at the scattered Dementors, they felt a sense of absurdity in their hearts.

So Dementors, a species that has always been considered uncommunicative, have reached a cooperation with the Dark Lord?

"What are you waiting for? Do you want me to urge you to move forward?" Voldemort's cold voice sounded, interrupting the Death Eaters' thoughts.

They hurriedly followed Voldemort's pace and walked towards the fortress that was just around the corner.

As the Death Eaters approached the fortress of Azkaban, the prison that held countless criminals and no one had escaped so far slowly outlined an outline in the black mist, floating in the eyes of everyone present.

Azkaban Prison is more like a triangular prism-shaped tower than a fortress.

It is built of marble full of historical vicissitudes. Because this island is in storms all year round, the marble has been eroded by rain and has countless stripes, imprinting white lines of varying widths from high to low.

There is no window outside this fortress, only an entrance designed for Dementors, which is narrow and slender.

No matter how thin the wizard is, it is difficult to pass through the entrance. Only Dementors, a species without entity, can enter and exit freely to absorb the remaining happiness in the hearts of prisoners.

Seeing the unguarded fortress in front of him, Voldemort laughed wantonly, getting carried away.

"Go, Death Eaters, use your spells to blow up this fortress!" he shouted, "Go and rescue your companions from prison. The future of the wizarding world belongs to us!"

The Death Eaters' wands were all lit up with lights of various colors. They used the powerful spells they were good at and shot towards the fortress in front of them--


A huge roar sounded on this isolated island, even covering the roaring waves around the island.

However, to the surprise of all the Death Eaters, the fortress of Azkaban was completely undamaged!

A huge transparent barrier emerged, blocking many of the Death Eaters' spells--the roar just now was the sound of the spells hitting the barrier!

Voldemort stared at the barrier in front of him with a cold look, and saw a faint mist floating near the fortress. Shadowy figures in the mist walked out, and their figures became more and more obvious.

Led by two people, dozens of wizards came out of the fog to meet the Death Eaters. They were wearing the uniform of the Ministry of Magic's Auror uniforms, and their clothes and hair were rustling in the wind. Everyone's eyes were filled with panic, determination, or disbelief.

"I didn't expect you to really come back, Voldemort." A witch with a serious face gritted her teeth and said Voldemort's name, which seemed to overcome

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