Professor Vampire.

Chapter 126 - 126 Mass graves by Azkaban

Chapter 126: Chapter 126 Mass graves by Azkaban

With a strong momentum, in a series of continuous crisp sounds, the Death Eaters present disappeared into the living room of Malfoy Manor...

The full moon was hanging alone, and the waves were surging.

On an island in the middle of the North Sea of ??England, a lonely fortress was surrounded by tall steel walls on four sides. The waves hit the iron walls, splashing high waves, but no drop of water could pass over the towering walls of the island.

Countless Dementors, covered in tattered black cloth, as if soaked in water, wandered in the sky. Wherever they passed, it seemed that all the happiness was sucked away, reminding people of the most terrible things they had experienced in their lives.

This is the most strict and most inhumane prison in the British wizarding world. Here, all prisoners are guarded by Dementors, and the success rate of jailbreak has always been zero!

Most of the prisoners inside the walls died of despair and lost the will to live. Dementors have exhausted all people's happiness and left them with the worst memories. Long-term contact usually leads to insanity or even death!

For this reason, the Ministry of Magic built a tomb outside the Azkaban prison fortress, near the edge of the steel wall, to accommodate those who died in prison.

This place is like an abandoned mass grave, with corpses lying there in a mess. Because the observers and Aurors sent by the Ministry of Magic are unwilling to get close to the range of Dementors, most of the corpses are hastily buried. Even in the cold late October, mosquitoes are still active in the corpses, and the buzzing sound is endless.

There is no trace of blood on the ground, only cold and desolate, desolate and empty... This is because all the dead wizards have no wounds. They were either drained of happiness by Dementors, and their souls died before their bodies, or their souls were sucked away by Dementors, leaving only dead bodies...

There are some scattered, low tombstones on the ground, which are left by the relatives of prisoners who are willing to visit.

No one had been to this dead silent cemetery for a long time, but on this unusual Halloween night, the air here was suddenly filled with the rustling of cloaks.

Between the dead graves, behind the rocks, and in every dark place, wizards appeared in black shadows. They all wore hoods and covered their faces, revealing no trace of themselves.

Suddenly, a thick black fog rose up!

Voldemort's figure slowly walked out of the black fog and came to the front of many Death Eaters.

"Welcome, my servants," Voldemort said calmly, but from his trembling pale lips, it can be seen that his heart was not calm either. "Hehe, it seems that as long as there are Death Eaters carrying the Dark Mark here first, Azkaban's so-called magical anti-apparition spell does not seem to be difficult to deal with."

He looked around, as if he had crossed time and saw the scene many years ago.

"Twelve years... It's been nearly twelve years since our last large-scale action. I'm glad that there are still so many loyal Death Eaters following me like they did back then... I'm glad, this shows that we are still united under the Dark Mark! Right?"

All the Death Eaters in black robes and masks knelt on one knee on the ground, knelt in front of Voldemort, and formed a circle.

"Swear to be loyal to the master until death!" They shouted loudly, scaring the mosquitoes and flies around to fly away from the center of the cemetery in a mess.

"I really miss you..." Voldemort walked slowly, looking at the faces of the Death Eaters under the masks in front of him one by one, and reading their names, "Lucius, McNeill, Nott, Avery, Crabbe, Goyle..."

He took two more steps, but suddenly stopped and looked at the gap between Lucius Malfoy and Avery - the gap was big enough for two people to stand.

"The Stranges should be standing here," Voldemort said softly, "but they are still imprisoned in Azkaban. I know they are the most loyal. They would rather go to Azkaban than betray me..."

"When Azkaban is breached, the Stranges will get rewards they can't even dream of. Do you have any opinions on this, Lucius? Avery?"

Lucius and Avery both shook their heads quickly, indicating that they had no other opinions at all.

"When we breach Azkaban, the Dementors will join us... They are our natural allies. In addition, we will recall the expelled giants... I will find all my loyal servants and regain a group of magical animals that everyone fears..."

He continued to walk, passing by some Death Eaters without saying a word, and stopped in front of others.

"McNeill... Are you still jealous of the way I paved for Yaxley's promotion?" Voldemort stared at an old wizard and asked.

"I... I didn't, Master." The wizard McNeill said in a panic, "I absolutely support Yaxley becoming the Minister of Magic!"

"Don't worry, McNeill. Paving the way for him first is just because his department is more suitable for promotion." Voldemort said with an evil smile, "Your job is to eliminate dangerous beasts for the Ministry of Magic, which is not in line with our expectations."

"But don't worry, there will be better things for you to eliminate soon, McNeill. You have a very bright future..."

"Thank you, Master... Thank you." McNeill murmured.

"And you..." Voldemort then walked to the two largest, hooded figures-"Crabbe... You will behave better this time, right? And you, Goyle, will you let it down again this time?"

They are the fathers of Crabbe and Goyle, two followers of Draco Malfoy, and they seem to be cast in the same mold in terms of size and IQ as their sons.

Both of them bowed awkwardly and muttered stupidly.

"Yes, Master..."

"I will, Master..."

"Will?" Voldemort's face turned cold.

"Ah, no! I won't let you down, Master!" Goyle immediately changed his words.

Voldemort couldn't do anything with these two fools. He sneered helplessly and turned to Lucius and said, "Lucius, keep an eye on your two old friends and don't let them ruin our plan!"

"Yes!" Lucius responded quickly.

"What about you, Nott?" Voldemort whispered to a hunchbacked man shrouded in Goyle's shadow.

"Master, I crawl before you, I am your most loyal--"

"Enough." Voldemort interrupted Nott's words of loyalty.

He walked to the largest gap and looked at it with his empty red eyes, as if someone was standing there.

"There are seven Death Eaters missing here... Three of them died for me, I still remember, they are Wilkes, Evan Rosier, and Barty Crouch Jr. Barty is buried in this desolate cemetery; there is one who is missing and the Dark Mark can't feel his existence, Regulus Black. He should be dead too; there is another one who doesn't have the courage to come back, Ingor Karkaroff... He will pay the price."

What Voldemort said was not accurate.

He didn't know that Regulus Black had betrayed him for his house elf Kreacher, and now he was resurrected by Dracula in a different way;

In addition, he didn't know that Barty Crouch Jr. was not actually dead, and the one buried in this cemetery was his mother who died for him. Now he is locked up in the house by Barty Crouch Sr., who controls him with the Imperius Curse every day, so that he does not respond to the call of the Dark Mark.

"In addition, Severus and Yaxley have their own tasks and can't come to us now..." Voldemort continued.

"Let's not talk about the two who still have a mission, and those Death Eaters who left me forever. We still have ten companions, including the Stranges, trapped in Azkaban."

"And now, the prison where our companions are imprisoned is right in front of us!"

Voldemort pointed his wand at the lonely, dilapidated fortress in the distance.

"Tonight, we must break through this prison in front of us!" He shouted to the Death Eaters present, "I will not allow my loyal servants to be bound by the politicians who are doing nothing in the Ministry of Magic."

"At the same time, rescuing those companions is also an indispensable condition for achieving our goal!"

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