Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 461 Sunshine... Starlight



That night, after a couple of drinks, Li Fengjin, Bai Renxiang and the rest all retired to their rooms.

On getting to their wedding suite, Li Fengjin held the door for Bai Renxiang like a chauffeur. A loud gasp escaped her lips at the sight she saw.

Instead of most usual colours of white and red for the room, there was blue in place of red. The bed had light blue curtains like a veil hanging down from the made roof.

The floor was carpeted in soft white and red roses were aligned from the door where sge was now standing to the bed. Pretty flower-scented candles were lit at safe places in the large room.

Everything made Bai Renxiang's heart soften. The whole thing made it seem as if they were going to enjoy their wedding night in the clouds.

"Do you like it?" Li Fengjin's voice sounded from behind her.

He placed gentle fluttering kisses on her right shoulder as his hands snaked around her waist.

"Hmm. I love it. Did you come up with this romantic set-up?" Bai Renxiang replied and then asked.

"Yes. I wanted this night to be very special for us," was his answer.

Bai Renxiang sighed. That's right this night is their wedding night. The night the girls have been preparing her for.

She had to admit that she was super nervous especially now that her mind took her down memory lane to their first encounter as strangers. But then, she was not herself.

"My love," Li Fengjin's call brought her back from her line of thoughts.


"What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing. I-I was just t-thinking," she stuttered a reply.

Li Fengjin could easily guess what her 'thoughts' were about. From the slight pink his on her cheek, he knew she was thinking of what might happen from here onward.

A mischievous smirk appeared on his face. He blew softly on the back of her neck to tease her and he got the response he sought for.

A light gasp from her lips and a flushed cheek.

"Let's go and have a nice, warm and relaxing bath." Before we get down to business.

He said the remaining part in his head. Before Bai Renxiang could other a word, she felt his hands working themselves on the zip of her dress.

She shivered a little from the cold air that greeted get now exposed body. Li Fengjin turned her around to next his eyes.


Her voice came out small and soft. It was like seductive music to his ears. And like a spell cast on him, he leaned into her lips to deal them with his.

With time, what seemed to be an assuring and comforting slow kiss turned into a heated one fueled with longing and mutual desire.

Li Fengjin took her hands that were wrapped on his neck to his chest.

"Take them off," he whispered against her lips before continuing with the kiss.

Bai Renxiang's hands were clumsy due to the pleasure she felt from Li Fengjin's wandering hands on her body. But in a little amount of time, they were both standing in their undergarments.

"Shall we move on to the bathroom?" He asked.

Bai Renxiang gave him a bashful nod to show get consent. In one sweep, she was off her feet as Li Fengjin took them ti the bathroom.

In due times, what filled the bathroom and then the bedroom was nothing but their long-awaited sounds of pleasure, joining flesh, pure ecstasy and scents of intimacy.


~The next day~

The low sun shyly peeked in through the slightly parted curtains of one of the rooms in Emperor's Place Hotel.

Two naked bodies cuddled closely under the thick blue sheets. Li Fengjin's eyes fluttered open as he woke. After a few minutes of digesting what had transpired the previous night, he gazed down at the sleeping beauty that had her head nestled in his neck.

A satisfied and genuine smile bloomed on his face. He took his time to admire her face. From her smooth forehead to her long eyelashes, to her cute little nose then to her rosy lips.

Those lips he so enjoyed tasting throughout the entire night.

As he continued to engrave her face unto his mind as if he would not be seeing her again, Bai Renxiang moved in her sleep. A sigh escaped Li Fengjin's lips as he felt her two soft melons graze his hardened chest.

He could not help but plant light kisses on her forehead and lips to calm his almost awoken member. But as he did that, she woke up.

"Mm," a low whimper fell out from his sleeping wife's lips.

Her lashes flapped like butterfly wings before they parted way for the pair of beautiful black orbs to be seen.

"Good morning, sunshine," he greeted in his usual morning husky voice.

"Good morning, starlight," Bai Renxiang mumbled in a sleepy voice.

They shared a quick morning kiss like they always do.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked while his hand moved up and down her back.

"Yes, but I'm a little bit tired."

"It's normal. Gets some more sleep. I will be right here," he planted another kiss on her head this time.

"But I'm hungry. I want wonton, steamed stuffed buns, Jianbing and scallion oil pancakes," Bai Renxiang listed.

"My wife seems to have turned into a foodie overnight," Li Fengjin chuckled.

"Well, whose fault is it that I feel so exhausted and starved?"

"It's partly my fault and partly yours," he answered.

"What? How?"

"If I can remember correctly, I was not the one saying~ More... Jin, go faster... harder... Don't stop," he mimicked her sexual pleading voice.

Bai Renxiang's eyes almost fell out of their sockets at his homelessness. She blushed beet red and quickly hid her face back in his neck.

"I didn't sound like that. Stop being mean and shameless," she mumbled.

"Hahaha," Li Fengjin burst into a peak of happy laughter.

"Alright. I'm sorry for tiring you out last night," he apologised when she began to pinch his waist.

"You are the only one at fault for my empty stomach. I need a refill," she puffed her cheeks.

"I agree. I am the one at fault. And for that, I'll do everything for you," ge promised.

"Better," Bai Renxiang nodded without a second thought.

Just as she realized the little hidden words behind his words, Li Fengjin had already gathered her in his arms and strode toward the bathroom.

"Ah! Jin, what are you doing?" She quickly held unto his shoulder.

"Doing everything for you," he winked.

After another round of intimacy in the bathroom, Li Fengjin helped Bai Renxiang into her clothes and shoes before they left to meet the others in the eating area of the hotel. They were having breakfast together.

~In City S Hospital ~

Mr and Mrs Fu had left the hotel early to check on Fu Bolin's condition and to get him to tell them the name of the lady he harassed the previous night.

They wanted to settle things as soon as possible before Mr Li decide to deal with it by himself.

But as soon as they got there, they did not expect to see Han Yuri, Fu Bolin's wife there. She was feeding him breakfast when they came in.

Mrs Fu's heart jumped into her mouth when she saw her daughter-in-law. She eyed her son as if trying to ask if he kept his wife from knowing about yesterday's incident.

But before Fu Bolin could make a silent move of assurance, Han Yuri's worried voice interrupted their secret eye contact.

"Mum, dad. Thank goddess that you came. I also came here not too long ago. His assistant called me this morning," Han Yuri sighed in relief.

"Oh, dear. We also had to rush here immediately we heard it too," Mrs Fu was half kind and spoke half the truth.

"Ahem! Son, can you see how you are making your wife worry about you? Is that what I thought you?" Mr Fu scolded his son.

But Fu Bolin could understand the words behind those scolding. His father was speaking about what he is to guests on the hotel premises.

But since his wife, Han Yuri was there and they did not want her to know about this whole thing he could sigh and play along for now.

"I'm sorry for not abiding by what you thought me, dad."

"Dad, please don't scold Bolin. Also, as his wife it's my duty to care for my husband," Han Yuri said.

"You are too kind, Yuri," Mrs Fu let out a sigh.

"You are the ones who are too kind to me... Anyway, Bolin told me that he got into a fight because of a mistake he made because he was a little tipsy. But the other party did not take it well with him," Han Yuri dropped the bomb.

"Is that really what happened, Mr Fu?"

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