Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 460 If Only...



~A few minutes back~

Mr Fu had just stepped out of the shower and his wife went in after removing all her makeup and jewellery. It did not take up to five minutes when his phone on the bed began to ring.

Seeing as it was his son, he did not hesitate to pick up the phone and swipe on the receive button. Then he put the call on speaker so that he could dry his hair while talking.

"Hello, Bolin. How are you?" Mr Fu spoke first.

"This is not the owner of the phone. But am I speaking to the owner's father?"

"Yes, you are. I am the owner's father, Mr Fu. Please, who is on tye line?" Mr Fu asked.

His forehead now had three lines formed on it as his frowns. Why would someone use his son's phone to call him?

'Did Fu Bolin lose his phone at the event hall?' Mr Fu thought.

"Alright. I am the personal assistant of Mr Li Fengjin. I am calling to let you know tgat your son has been hospitalised in City S Hospital. Please come to watch him or send someone if you may be busy," the man from the other line spoke politely.

"Please can you tell me what happened that he got hospitalised?" Mr Fu asked as he massaged his temples.

"Mr Fu, your son harassed a guest of the wedding on Emperor's Palace Hotel premises. He got beaten," came the assistant's brief explanation. "I thought it was best to ball his parents instead of his wife."

"Thank you for that. She would have been worried sick. I'll quickly send someone over as I need to inform my wife."

"No problem sir. He will be guarded properly till then. Do try to have a nice day, Mr Fu."

"Yes. You too and thank you once again."

~Now in the hotel~

"How can our son be involved in a fight?" Mrs Fu questioned after listening to the explanation of her husband.

"It is what I heard. Also, according to his assistant I sent over to the hospital, Bolin got beaten pretty badly to have gotten a broken nose," Mr Fu further went on to tell his wife about what Fu Bolin had told him what the doctor said.

"A broken nose, a fractured rib and a swollen eye? Who would have dared to do such a thing to my son?" Mrs Fu raged.

"Is that what you are worried about? About who dared to beat your son for harassing a woman?"

"Yes. What else should I be worried about? Our son is in a bad shape, darling," Mrs Fu stood up from the stool in worry and anger.

"It looks like you are missing the second most important thing in all that I have just said. It is either that or you are just turning a blind eye to it," Mr Fu frowned at his wife's obvious nonchalant behaviour.

"And what is it that I am missing?" Mrs Fu folded her arms under her breasts.

"You are missing the fact that our son... 'harassed'... a guest on the premises of this hotel," he emphasised the word, harassed, for his wife to know what she missed.


"And not just 'any' guest," he interrupted her. "But a guest of Mr and Mrs Li's wedding. Do you know the gravity of what he did?"

Mr Fu made sure that his words sank deep into his wife's head so that she could get a clearer picture of the whole incident.

"And what is the gender of this 'guest' you mebtioned?"


Mr Fu was dumbfounded by the question he was being asked. He wondered what was wrong with his wife's brain. Anytime something bad happens to their son, she tends to be... stupid at times.

"You are not going to answer me?" Mrs Fu frowned.

"Well, you did not tell me that our son is homosexual," he spat out.

"W-What kind of nonsense is that?" Mrs Fu glared at him.

"I should ask you the same" came his refuting words.

"Our son is and will never be homosexual."

"Well since you know, why would you ask me what gender the guest he harassed is? Who else would a man harass if not a woman?"

"That... That is not what meant. I wanted to ask who the person is. You should know it was an honest mistake that I made there," Mrs Fu pursed her lips and frowned.

"Sigh... Alright. I'm sorry for lashing out at you like that," he apologised as he stood up to engulf her in a hug.

"But the fact that he harassed guests, no matter the name or what family she may come from, is unacceptable. What if Mr Li gets a wind of this matter?" He reasoned.

"You are right. All the more reason why we should know of the lady and her family so that we can apologise and solve the whole issue... Hat way, if ever Mr Li knows of what happened to one of his guests in his hotel, he won't be that mad since it has been solved," Mrs Fu said.

"You have a point. But the assistant did not tell me anything about the lady. Only Bolin knows and he is still unconscious," Mr Fu sighed again.

This was problematic.

"Gasp. What about our daughter-in-law? Does she knows that–"

"No, she doesn't. The assistant of Mr Li was wise enough not to call her instead. If she ever calls, let's just say he went out with his friends and told us to tell her not to wait up for him."

"Yes. But we need to call his friends to cover for him," Mrs Fu reminded him.

"That too... Now we just have to pray that Mr Li's assistant doesn't say a word to his boss."

If only they knew that Li Fengjin's assistant does not need to tell him anything as it was his wife that was the 'guest'.

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