Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 358 Press Conference IV



"How do you explain the harm your company's skincare products have caused to the consumers at large?" Reporter Jung asked.

All eyes immediately moved back to the petite, confident podium lady on the podium. Two same questions ran through the minds of everyone in the conference hall.

How would she explain that? What answer would she give?

With a slight smile, Bai Renxiang set her unfazed eyes at the reporter who had a right smirk on his face as he awaited her answer.

"How can I explain it, you ask... Jiang Corporation produced no such thing as the harmful skincare products sold," she said.

"Are you saying that the purchaser, those who bought directly from your company are to blame for this?" Another reporter, reporter Qi asked.

"I am not. On all the days of Jiang Corporation skincare production, there have been no harmful materials that were used during production nor do we have them in-store. Inspector- general Si from the XX inspection company and other inspectors from other verified inspection companies has done several inspections in our company and they can tell you that no harmful chemicals or materials whatsoever, were found in Jiang Corporation."

"Inspector-general Si is that true?"

"It is. Jiang Corporation has a clean record," inspector-general Si confirmed Bai Renxiang's claims.

"CEO Bai, these inspections were not done every day, was it?" Another reporter, reporter Wei asked.

"It was not."

"Then, how sure are we that on the days that there were inspections, you people did not hide those harmful chemicals?"

"I believe, inspector-general Mo could answer that in my stead," she said.

A microphone was passed to the inspector-general Mo and he spoke while on his feet.

"During the days of inspection, we had secretly installed hidden cameras to monitor their every move on the days of no inspection," the man said.

"With all due respect inspector-general, how are we sure that you are not siding Jiang Corporation?"

"What if Jiang Corporation has a hidden place the camera can' capture? What if they keep those chemicals there?"

"Maybe they are just being cautious of the camera they knew about and his the chemical at a secret warehouse far from the company?"

"Rest assured reporters, we only informed Jiang Corporation of the hidden installed cameras today. Believe inspector-general Si when he says that Jiang Corporation has a clean record," he said before taking his seat leaving no room for further questioning.

"Then how can the harm caused by those skincare products be explained? Who is to blame, CEO Bai?" Reporter Sun asked.

"That is a questioning I can't provide as we are still investigating the case. Rest assured that when the puzzle is solved, an answer will be provided," Bai Renxiang said.

"Then what about the new product? Why make them?" Another reporter asked.

"Well, is as a compensation for the consumers at large."

"So, is this a clearance that Jiang Corporation is indeed guilty of their production?" Reporter Jung asked again.

"No. Although we have no idea how things turned out to be like this, we still care for the health of the masses," she answered. "That made us put our hands together to find a solution to the negative effects those products have."

"I can see that Jiang Corporation cares for the masses," a reporter said.

"We care a lot. Without these consumers, what is the need and purpose of our production?"

At this, a round of applause resounded in the hall. Most of them were impressed. Only a suspicious few were seen frowning. As for the reason for that, only time will tell.

"CEO Bai, your company can deceive many but not a few. I still perceive something fishy in this issue," Reporter Lin's words made the hall go silent in disbelief.

Bai Renxiang's smile became more noticed but it remained professional. She tilted her head a little to the side and said, "My company and I also find this fishy. I also find it absurd why you are so adamant about painting Jiang Corporation black."

The reporter shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he avoided the gaze of the audience. Bai Renxiang took note of the three reporters- Jung, Wei, and Lin. She would ask her assistant to get the media they work for.

She found them awfully fishy themselves.

Seeing that the reporters were silenced, Bai Renxiang scoffed in her mind.

"I would entertain two more questions please," she said.

"CEO Bai, uhm why did you keep your identity from the public?"

"Although that does not relate to the issue at hand, I will satisfy everyone's curiosity. I did not totally keep my identity hidden. Jiang Corporation has done business with some companies since I became its CEO. Those companies can testify to that," Bai Renxiang explained.

"But I like my personal life to be private but I doubt it would be private anymore."

"Hahaha," everyone laughed at her remark.

"I do hope that my life remains private though," she added.

"That can't be possible CEO Bai," a journalist shouted from amongst the audience.

"Yeah. We have been eager to see the new CEO. Now that we have, we are hungry to know about you."

The once tense and suffocating atmosphere in the hall changed to a lively, calm and a bit fun one.

"CEO Bai, when are the masses going to receive this new product, Cal-Vera that your company has produced?"

"The distribution has started already. Sales are going on as we speak," she replied.

"Oh my, I must not miss out on this new product."

"How sure are we that this new product will not cause more harm than good," reporter Wei asked.

"It has undergone a variety of medical tests after production. So rest assured reporter Wei, Jiang Corporation will not give anyone the chance to bring down our hard work."

"If that would be all, thank you for your participation and time. Our security team will ensure your safety until the gates of Jiang Corporation as they should be."

She walked down the podium and left with Charlie and Xia Xinyi behind her and a few bodyguards in front, side and behind as they were ensuring her safe movement back to her office.

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