Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 357 Press Conference III



Xia Xinyi lead Bai Renxiang to the seats beside the podium at the front since they were coming from one of the side entrance doors. There was were would be arranged for people that that may speak during the conference and some of the high members of the company sat.

Bai Renxiang let her eyes take on the full appearance of the conference hall. Some of the reporters from different media had started trooping in and finding a good spot to seat.

Just then, the head of the security team walked up to her. He showed his respect before Bai Renxiang allowed him to speak.

"Boss, some men in black came here to guard the area," he said.


"They are not the guards sent by chairman Jiang but they claim to be here to protect their lady boss... You," the man said with uncertainty.

"Hmm. Let them stay. They are-"

*sweet ringtone for you know whom*

"Excuse me," Bai Renxiang said before the took the call. "Hello, Jin."

"Hey, my love. Your conference is about to start soon. I just called to check up on you," Li Fengjin said.

"Thank you. I am okay," she told him.

"I know you are okay. Don't be scared of anything or any reporter or whatever they ask. I am watching you so you will do exceptionally well."

"How do you know that?" She asked.

"Well, because I know you would want to show everyone that you are capable and not to be messed with. Also, you would want to impress me. So..."

He did not say more as he knew that Bai Renxiang would understand the rest. Meanwhile, Bai Renxiang chuckled St his words.

"You are so confident in your charms, huh?"

"Not only that I am more confident in you, my lady boss."

"I see. So, did you by any chance send your men to watch over me in your stead?" She asked as her eyes trailed on all the men in black suits standing like statues in the hall.

"They are protecting you in my stead not watching. I am the one that is doing the watching this time and I must say that I hate it," Li Fengjin frustratingly said.

"Don't sulk too much or eat vinegar. I feel great knowing that you are watching me.," Bai Renxiang soothed h with sweet words.

"Boss, the conference is about to start," Charlie informed her and she nodded.

"Alright. I think that it is my cue to say goodbye for now," Li Fengjin said.

"It is."

"Okay. Go for it. I love you."

"I love you too. Bye." Turning to the rest of them, she took a deep breath and nodded at them.

"Let's save our company," she said.

"We are with you, boss," Xia Xinyi said.

With that, Bai Renxiang took her seat. The conference started with the speaker's opening speech. After a quick introduction, welcoming and thanking of those present, (medical personnel, journalists, reporters and other important bodies) the agenda of the press conference was distributed to the people seated in the now-closed hall.

"The handouts given to you are the agenda of this press conference..."

The speaker and a few spokespersons were invited to the podium to speak on the issue that brought about the press conference. A few questions were also asked.

After that, the new product, Cal-Vera was introduced. Zhang Fei was invited to give a briefing on the purpose of the production.

"Mr Zhang, what is this new product you introduced?" A reporter asked.

"Thank you. Well, as the news of our company producing creams that harmed individuals was widely spread, we have come up with a remedy for the harm caused to victims' skin..."

After Zhang Fei entertained a few more questions, the CEO, Bai Renxiang was invited to the podium to address the issue and answer their questions.

Walking confidently and calmly, Bai Renxiang climbed up the two stairs leading to the podium. Another few steps and she stood at the lectern that had a microphone mounted on it.

Squaring her shoulders, she lifted her sharp gaze to the audience below the elevated podium. No hint of fear or arrogance or any unpleasant emotion.

Just a face with a little bit of smile and neutrality together.

"That's my woman," Li Fengjin said as he was watching the conference on the news in his office.

There was an evident shock on the faces of the people in the conference hall. Whispers and talks enveloped the hall. Calling their attention and request for silence, Bai Renxiang a clear unhurried voice.

"First of all, I thank you all for being present at this press conference. I am Bai Renxiang, the CEO of Jiang Corporation..."

"So the brains behind the booming success of Jiang Corporation is a woman?"

"The success of Jiang Corporation is not just from me but every employee in the company," she answered.

"CEO Bai, what do you have to say about the bad news going around about your company?" Another reporter asked.

"Thank you. To be honest, I find the news partly true."

"CEO Bai, are you saying that the production of the harmful skincare products of your company is intentional or an honest mistake?"

"Thank you, reporter Kim. I am not saying either of those."

"What do you mean, CEO Bai?"

"First of all, it is a known fact that Jiang Corporation produces the best skincare products in the whole of China. But it would not be reasonable for us to be the opposite of that. What would it profit us?" Bai Renxiang countered the reporter Kim.

Most people nodded to this reasoning. Why would a company that makes the best products sudden make bad, harmful products? Who wants to fall from their high place of recognition?

"CEO Bai, you asked what it profit your company if the news were true," another reporter asked.

"Yes, I did reporter Jung."

"Then how do you explain the harm your company's skincare products have caused to the consumers at large?"

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