Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 299 [Bonus Chapter]Meeting His Mother



Bai Renxiang gulped when she saw it was her mother calling her. She closed her eyes in frustration.

"Oh, no. I forgot to tell her that I was coming to your house," she said.

"Relax. Just answer it quickly or she will get more anxious," Li Fengjin said.

Bai Renxiang answered the call and placed it in her ear. As soon as she did, she regretted doing that. The loud scolding voice of her mother buzzed into her ear.

"Where are you?" Jiang Meilin shouted.

"Ouch, mum. Do you want me to go deaf?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"Yes. If that is what it will take to make you listen to me, then yes."

"Hey, that hurt my feelings. Besides, I will not be able to listen to you if I become deaf. That would only make me do the opposite of what you want me to do," Bai Renxiang said.

"Why you little brat. Do not dare to play smart with me. Where are you, for heaven's sake? I am worried sick about you," Jiang Meilin said.

"First of all, I am fine. As for where I am... I, uh, I am at Li Fengjin's house," she said.

"You are were?" Jiang Meilin shouted again.

Bai Renxiang the phone away from her ear. She could hear the incessant scolding of her mother on the phone. After a few seconds, she placed it back in her ear.

"Mum, I am fine. I am sorry that I did not tell you. I forgot. Besides, I am not the only one at his house," Bai Renxiang said to calm her down.


"Yes. Xiaozhi and her boyfriend are here. Yang Chen is here too. So, calm down."

"Is Li Fengjin there with you?" Jiang Meilin asked.

"Yes. Why?" Bai Renxiang turned to look at Li Fengjin.

"Pass the phone to him," Jiang Meilin said.

"What? Why?"

"I will not repeat myself. Do it now."

"Fine. Here. My mum wants to talk to you," Bai Renxiang gave Li Fengjin the phone.

"Ahem. Good evening, mum," he greeted. "Yes... I invited her over for dinner with friends... Yes. It was impromptu. I am sorry for not asking your permission first... I will, mum... Hmm, I will take her home personally if that happens... You are welcome. Oh! Send my regards to Xiaojin, please... Alright... Good night."

"Huh? Just like that? What did she say?" Bai Renxiang when she heard how smoothly the conversation went?

"Nothing much. Just to keep you safe. You know, mother's worried and concerned talks. That's all," Li Fengjin said.

"Are you sure?" Bai Renxiang asked again.

"Yea, I am. Is there something she was supposed to tell me?" Li Fengjin asked back.

"No. She scolded me and then talked smoothly with you. Now, I wonder if she likes you more than me," she said and puffed her cheeks.

"Stop being jealous," Li Fengjin mocked her.

"Jealous? I am not jealous. Why should I be jealous? You are the jealous one, not me," she said.

"I hear you. Hah! I missed you," he hugged her.

"I missed you too," she returned the hug.

That was when she noticed his arms. She pulled from the hug and poked at them.

"What are you doing?" Li Fengjin asked with an amused smile.

"Gosh. They are firm and hard," he heard Bai Renxiang whisper.

She was awed. Although she knew that Li Fengjin worked out. It was obvious when they hugged and the suit he always wore could not conceal his masculinity. But see them in the flesh, with any clothes covering them, she could not help but admire them.

"Do you like them?" Li Fengjin asked.

"Yes," Bai Renxiang nodded a bit.

She was still charmed by them. She did not even know when she licked and bit her lips. Li Fengjin caught that little act and before he could stop himself, his lips were already over hers.

Bai Renxiang was surprised for a moment there. But before she could reciprocate, Li Fengjin pulled away. Feeling dazed, Bai Renxiang slowly brought her up letting her fingers rest a little on her lips.


"Come on, dream girl. Everyone is at the table waiting for us," Li Fengjin said as he lightly pulled her with him.

Bai Renxiang clumsily followed as she let herself be dragged by Li Fengjin. They arrived at the dining room and caught everyone's attention.

"Sigh. What took you guys so long?" Ning Xiaozhi asked while breaking Bai Renxiang out of her dazed state.

"Her mother called. We had explained things to her," Li Fengjin said.

"Oh! Did it go well?" Ye Chaoxiang asked.

"Kind of. I did not tell her I was coming here," Bai Renxiang said.

"Bummer. I bet she scolded you," Ning Xiaozhi said and chuckled.

"She did scold me a little. But it is what I get for not telling her where I was going."


"So. My love, I have something, I mean someone to show you," Li Fengjin said.

"Who is it?" Bai Renxiang asked.

Li Fengjin smiled then he stepped aside. Bai Renxiang's eyes fell on the woman sitting on the right side of the table. She was stunned.

'This woman... Li Fengjin looks like her. She is his mother. Why did he not tell me his mother will be here?' Bai Renxiang thought.

She could feel her palms sweating already.

"G-Good evening, Mrs Li," Bai Renxiang stammered a greeting.

Ning Xiaozhi and the others were finding it hard to hold in their laughter. She looked so nervous and stiff. Mrs Li stood up from the chair and walked over to Bai Renxiang.

She started unto the young lady's eyes before she took Bai Renxiang's two hands in hers. Mrs Li frowned a little when she noticed Bai Renxiang's moist palms.

"Look at me, child," Mrs Li demanded.

Bai Renxiang gulped before slowly raising her head. She took a deep breath to steady herself.

"Now, that is better. A strong woman should never lower her head to anyone," Mrs Li said.

"But... But you are not just anyone. You are Li Fengjin's mother," Bai Renxiang said.

"Nonsense. Jin never lowers his head in front of his parents or anyone. You are his girlfriend now which also makes you, my daughter. Do be free with me, okay?"


"Just do as she says," Li Fengjin said.

"Okay. I did not bring any gifts for you. I had no idea you would be here," Bai Renxiang said.

"It is alright. I will be here for some time. You can bring what you wish another day, Renxiang," Mrs Li assure her.

"Thank you. It is nice to meet you, mum."

"It is. My son has really gotten himself an outstanding woman. So pretty," Mrs Li praised.

"Thank you for your kind words, mum. You are beautiful too."

"Is that so? Come, come, come. Sit here with me," Mrs Li took Bai Renxiang to sit on the left side of the table while she sat at the centre.

Li Fengjin could only sigh and shake his head. He wanted his girlfriend to sit beside him but his mother stole her away. He quietly sat on the chair Mrs Li sat before.

The meal started immediately. Just as they had expected, Mrs Li's cooking was superb. She brought back the feeling of home to everyone especially the boys. They kept reigning praises on Mrs Li for her excellent culinary skills.

"Oh! These are delicious," Ye Chaoxiang groaned in pleasure as he took a bite out of the beef.

"Yeah. I feel like I am home," Yang Chen added.

"I am glad you are enjoying the meal," Mrs Li said. "Eat up, my dear. You are just coming from work and you look too thin. Here, more rice," she said to Bai Renxiang.

"Thank you, mum," Bai Renxiang forced a smile.

Since the start of this dinner, Bai Renxiang's plate has not reduced a bit. Mrs Li and her son kept loading her plate with food and asking her to eat more. She could only smile at them and force herself to eat.

"You girls are too thin. Eat, eat to your fill," Mrs Li urged them.

Li Fengjin had his eyes on Bai Renxiang. He could see that she was having a hard time eating all that was served to her. He has never seen her eat so much before. It even got worse after the kidnapping.

She rarely eats like before. He then left her feeding to his mother. They engaged in discussions of random things as they are. It made the dinner more lively than it was already.

"So, Renxiang. What business are you into?" Mrs Li asked.

"Well, Jiang's Corporation are into many things actually. There is the fashion business, the skin products, hotels and resorts and a few others," Bai Renxiang said.

"Hmm. Which one are you based on? Like what department are you in? The fashion or the skin products?" Mrs Li asked.

"She runs the company, sweetheart."

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