Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 298 Dinner



Ning Xiaozhi took in the wonderful designs of Li Fengjin's house. It was bigger than Ye Chaoxiang's.

'It seems like these guys love space. Even when they live alone, their house always has this vibe of home in it. They really are more than best friends,' Ning Xiaozhi thought.

"You have a nice house, Li Fengjin," she said.

"Thank you," Li Fengjin said.

"So, what are we celebrating for you to make us all come here?" Yang Chen asked.

"Nothing much," Li Fengjin shrugged.

"Nothing much? With the aroma oozing froY your kitchen, I bet something is going on," Ye Chaoxiang said.

"I have a surprise for you," Li Fengjin said as he operated his phone.

"What surprise?" Yang Chen asked. Li Fengjin just smiled a bit.

"The smile on your face is familiar. I know that smile," Ye Chaoxiang said.

"Really? What smile?" Li Fengjin asked.

"That smile means a lot. I can't place a finger on what it is," Ye Chaoxiang said.

"I smell something fishy."

"What is fishy?" Mrs Li said.

Ye Chaoxiang and Yang Chen turned to the source of the voice that had just spoken. Their eyes widen in shock, and surprise, call it whatever you want. Their expressions were priceless and Li Fengjin was happy he got a picture of it.

"Aunt Li?!" Ye Chaoxiang and Yang Chen called at once.

"Well, hello handsome men. You look great," Mrs Li said after a short laugh.

"Aunt," they stood up to hug her.

"Aww! Look at you two. As handsome as I remember."

"The same can be said for you, mum."

"Hmm. I wonder what magic trick she used to remain forever young." Ye Chaoxiang and Yang Chen said.

"Oh, you two. Always flattering me."

"Ah! Now I see why Li Fengjin was smiling and being all mysterious," Yang Chen said.

"True. Mum came and you did not tell us until now," Ye Chaoxiang added.

"You would not believe me if I were to tell you that I also got to know this evening after work," Li Fengjin said.

"Is he telling the truth?" Yang Chen asked Mrs Li.

"Yes. I wanted to give him a surprise. I planned everything before I came," Mrs said.

"Hmm. No wonder he invited us for dinner. Mum cooked, right?" Ye Chaoxiang asked.

"I did."

"You guys should be happy I invited you out of my good heart. If I had known that you would mock me, I would have eaten all the food my sweetheart made," Li Fengjin glared at them.

"There is no way you would be able to finish all the food," Mrs Li said.

"Then, the refrigerator will be useful. I will pack the rest and keep them. When I wake up or come back from work, I eat it."

"Stingy," Ye Chaoxiang mumbled.

"I heard that.

"I did not remember saying it for you not to hear."

"Then, why did you talk under your breath?" Li Fengjin asked.

"Because I wanted to."

"That is a lie. A big fat one."

"You two stop behaving like kids. There are ladies here," Yang Chen said.

Li Fengjin and Ye Chaoxiang were not bothered by it. He was in his home and this was his true self. If they were all going to be close friends, they should start getting used to this.

"Oh, my! Look at these beauties. How are Changying?" Mrs Li said as she walked to the two women seated at the side.

"I am fine, Mrs Li. It has been a while," Yi Changying said as they stood.

"It has. You do not have to be so formal with me now," Mrs Li hugged her.

"And this one is a new face. How are you, my dear?" She asked Ning Xiaozhi.

"I am fine, ma'am. My name is Ning Xiaozhi. It is a pleasure meeting you, ma'am," Ning Xiaozhi said with a genuine smile.

"Mum, Xiaozhi is my girlfriend and Yi Changying is Yang Chen's," Ye Chaoxiang said.

"Oh! How sweet. You both found beautiful and well-mannered ladies. Your mothers would be proud. You can call me mum or aunt. Anything is fine as far as it is not Mrs Li," she said the last part to Ning Xiaozhi and Yi Changying.

"Okay, aunt," they chorused.

"Alright. Can we set the tables now?" Li Fengjin asked.

"Now? But what about your girlfriend?" Mrs Li asked.

"She will be here in a while. Do not worry, before we eat, she will be here already," Li Fengjin said with certainty.

"How do you know that?" Mrs Li asked.

"His instincts," Ye Chaoxiang blurted out.

Everyone except Mrs Li smiled. She became curious.

"It is not my instincts this time. I have a tracker on her phone," Li Fengjin said.


"So, shall we?"

"If you say so," Mrs Li said.

They all moved to the dining table. The boys stayed there while Ning Xiaozhi and Yi Changying followed Mrs Li into the kitchen.

They brought out plates, glass cups and cutlery first. Then, the meal followed and then a bottle of wine was brought out from the time cellar at the mini bar in the living room.

Just as they were putting everything in order, the doorbell rang.

Ding! Dong!

"She is here," Li Fengjin said before leaving the dining room.

The rest of them exchanged knowing glances seeing Li Fengjin all excited. Mrs Li smiled. Once Li Fengjin got to the door, he quickly accessed his clothes and hair. Then, he opened the door with a warm smile.

"Welcome to my humble abode. Please, come in," he said before hugging her

"Thank you," Bai Renxiang returned the hug.

"Come. Everyone is here."

Li Fengjin gave her a pair of slippers to change into. After that, he held her hand and lightly pulled her to follow him inside. Suddenly, Bai Renxiang's phone rang. She raised her phone to her eye level to see the caller. It was her mother calling.

"Oh, no! I forgot to tell her I was coming to your house."

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