No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 215 Don't Fight Over Damn Cake!

Chapter 215  Don't Fight Over Damn Cake!

"I am not sitting - heh!?" He flinched as I grabbed him and made him sit down.

"Chill, dude. Explain to me why you are so grumpy." I think it's time for it now; maybe I can get something out of it too.

"Don't touch me," he brushed off my hand.

'... don't tell me you want something from this guy too?' Blaze was partially right.

Aron is a very important character in the game; he's a cruel antagonist who can do anything for his own purpose.

His story starts after Adam and his gang come back from Elishia Forest's trip a bit sad and low on morale.

Adam has a drastic change in his demeanor, like he's cautious and very easy to be provoked, and that was the reason for him to be entangled with me... I meant Ren Hilton from the game and Aron after Ren.

'And what happened there? Like they succeeded if I remember you telling me before.' Blaze asked, him purring a bit when the waitress brought a tray of one coffee and three cakes, serving us.

And I didn't get one as Blaze just pulled in front of him, surprising the waitress. I gestured her to not worry... but looks like she's already scared because of Aron.

She served and left almost immediately.

"Hmm, Alver, this is First Prince Aron, and Aron, this is Alver, my..." I looked at the raven-haired guild master who looked at me, "My friend." I smiled.

"...creep," and I got this in response. Dude, I was just trying to be nice as we are about to become business partners.

'Dude, you are just using them... I can smell it from miles away.' Blaze was right again.

"Still, it's not possible to not know who the First Prince is. I am more surprised you are friends with this... I meant the honorable prince." Alver flinched as he was about to say something in the middle which would have been offensive to Aron, I can tell it just by a look.

"I am not here for this!" He ground his teeth. Well, from his perspective, this is something not normal.

Like from the looks of it, he came here to pick a fight... I don't know the reason because I thought we were on good terms.

'Dude, he was in the spot where you were about to die, then he somehow knew the identity of the guy who stabbed you too... you both are on good terms?' Blaze questioned.

And yeah, I think it's not that bad. Simply, he was there to do something. The one who stabbed me is also lying to him, as Smokeball confirmed that he masked his identity when he was talking to Aron... so it makes it seem like he was not the main one behind it, just happened to be at the wrong place at the right time while doing his own thing.

"So you want to shout like a roadside thug rather than being civil and talking things like proper gentlemen?" I asked.

"There's nothing to talk, you bastard! I said stay away from her so you stay away from her!" Aron was... acting immature.

"From who?" I questioned.

"Of course you know who I mean," he ground his teeth. Dude's acting too off for Cecelia for some reason.

Alver raised his brows, "Prince, you should worry about your public image. Have this cake and calm yourself down. Friends should solve things..." his sentence was cut off.

"You have it then," and with a simple motion, Aron grabbed the cake slice and pushed it on Aron's face, who stopped it midway with his hand, which did not stop it from splashing all over his face.

"Oh..." Well, I did not think that this guy has the brain of a four-year-old.

"Haa," I sighed. My hand found its way to Aron's hair.

I grabbed it and pulled it back a bit, almost putting the strength enough to pull it apart from his head while Smokeball jumped on his mouth to stop him from shouting.

'We don't wanna attract gazes - shhh, sleep, just sleep, boy.' This guy was almost choking him, and his body movements made him stand out a lot.

"Talk politely, senior. We are honorable students of the Imperial Academy, and you are the royalty on top of that. We expect more manners from you." I know, I came off as a bit edgy, but if it's something that he understands, then why not.

"Hey, stop! You'll..." Alver jumped and immediately let go of Aron's hair before Alver's dirty palm could touch me.

Causing Aron to fall backward in the chair.

"...hurt him," Alver completed his sentence.

"Don't touch me with that hand," I shrugged. It's hard to wash your clothes in the dorms.

'You can dry them with your fire.' Blaze added, but there's a possibility of burning them.

I decided not to engage further with Aron's antics. Instead, I tried to de-escalate the situation and maintain a level of civility.

I need to use him wisely.....

"Aron, let's not make a scene here," I said calmly, although I was still holding his hair in place to prevent any sudden outbursts.

He seemed to struggle to get his words out, but he eventually managed to say, "I have my reasons. You should stay away from her."

I glanced at Alver, who was clearly concerned about this confrontation. "Prince, you should consider your public image," I advised, still trying to play the peacemaker. "Let's resolve this peacefully. We can discuss any issues without resorting to such actions, "

.... he's actually good at this, something expected of Aristocrat.

Aron, however, seemed to have other plans. He abruptly grabbed a piece of cake and attempted to push it into my face. I deftly blocked his hand, but it didn't prevent the cake from splattering all over his own face.

I sighed, realizing that Aron was not in a rational state of mind. I released his hair and reached out to wipe the cake from his face. Despite the tension, I couldn't help but think how childish his actions were.

Alver, who had been trying to intervene, seemed relieved that the situation didn't escalate further. "Please, let's all calm down," he urged.

With the cake incident behind us, I attempted to steer the conversation back to a more civil tone. "Aron, let's talk this out properly. We can find a solution that works for everyone."

Aron, still struggling with his temper, seemed to relent a bit.

**Aron's POV**

Damn, damn, damn. Why did I even come here? I was just angry and came here to warn him. I don't like him hanging out with her. Why can't he just stay away from her?

I had a lot on my mind these days, and I couldn't keep tabs on where Cecelia was going and who she was with. But when I saw her in the cafeteria with this overly handsome guy, I knew I had to do something. I didn't want her to hang around him; he's going to get her killed someday.

But when I entered the cafe, he actually wasn't intimidated by me even a bit. Just like that day when he said thanks to me for saving his sorry ass, he called me a friend? Me?

But I composed myself. I needed him to stay away from her. And who's this weird guy sitting in front of him? He looked handsome too for some reason. I tried to warn him, but now I was treated like a ragdoll. How strong is he?

I was pushing my whole mana into my hair to not let it break. This is the only facial feature that I have now. My precious crimson hair. I felt like crying. Hera had told me that I must learn how to control a powerful beast before she can give me the power. But until then, am I supposed to be treated like this?

"Let's go," I mumbled, ashamed that it was this easy for him to get me like this.

"Great! Alver, pay the bill, and... Prince should take a tour to the bathroom, I guess... cake isn't a suitable decor for your mask." This Ren guy, whenever he smiles, why does it feel like he's planning something creepy?

I huffed as I dashed to the bathroom in the back of the cafe. Everyone was looking at me. I am ashamed that I came here on a whim.

The cold water from the tap beckoned, and I splashed my face, trying to wash away the remnants of cake and the humiliation that clung to me.

Putting the white porcelain mask in the sink I washed it, I already locked the door from inside when I came here so no one can see me.

As I stared at my own reflection in the dimly lit restroom, the scarred side was as ugly as always.

I couldn't help but think about why I was so concerned about Cecelia. She had always been strong and independent. But lately, with all the dangers around, I couldn't help but worry.

That guy, Ren, was definitely a concern. He seemed to have a certain charm that drew people in, and Cecelia was no exception. What if he convinced her to do something reckless? What if he put her in danger?

"Fuu."I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I couldn't let this situation affect me so deeply. If I wanted to protect Cecelia, I needed to be level-headed and find a way to get him out of her life.

I know I am a hypocrite but - I have no choice.


Exiting the bathroom, I rejoined the others at the table. His friend had settled theAlver had settled the bill, and Ren had a self-satisfied smirk on his face. I couldn't shake the feeling that he was enjoying the chaos he had caused.....or I did, it's hard to explain this feeling.

Ren glanced at me and said, "Feeling better, Prince? I hope you've learned not to pick fights over cake."

Did he just compare cecelia with cake or I am just over thinking?

Whatever the reason this guy is weird for sure.

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