No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 214 Weird.

214  Weird.

I picked up the steaming cup of coffee, savoring its rich aroma as it enveloped me, coaxing a sense of calmness. The cafe's ambience provided a suitable backdrop for our clandestine conversation.

'Well, this is the first time I've heard this one. Any explanation on this, princess?' Blaze inquired within the recesses of my mind.

I sipped the coffee thoughtfully before responding, "There are multiple factors to consider. It's rather insane from Alver's perspective."

Viceburg, in brief, was a city located on the border of Elishia Forest and Hestia Empire. Its history was marred by neglect and war, and it became a hub of criminal activity. After the second war, the city had been largely abandoned and subsequently claimed by Elishia Forest, which, like its predecessor, neglected the city after the war had concluded, primarily due to the looming threat of demonic forces.

With this historical context in mind, they transformed Viceburg into a military base and committed mass genocide to maintain control of the city. While these details had been merely glossed over in the game's narrative, they were significant to our current discussion.

"So, yeah, I want you to start now. If you need any advice, ask me. However, you must lay out the plan immediately," I urged.

Alver, displaying an unexpected level of enthusiasm, inquired, "And what's the plan? You must have something in mind, right?"

I questioned his readiness, prompting, "Are you up for it?"

"The hell I am, dude! If it's possible, just tell me! Need money? I'll cover all your expenses at the academy. Don't worry about it!" He nearly grabbed me by the collar before I stopped him.

"Dude, stop. Anyway, that's good, then." It was unsettling to see him so jubilant about severing a city from the empire. He didn't seem to be concerned about the potential consequences of such an endeavor.

"Hmm, you should keep in touch with court officials too. We might need—" I trailed off, and Alver interrupted.

"Wait, how did you know that?" he asked, perplexed.

I opted for a cryptic response, stating, "A secret," as I decided not to delve into the intricacies of my knowledge.

"Fucker," he muttered under his breath. My vague responses were clearly exasperating him.

"Anyways, don't purchase the land in your name. How about you buy it in the name of the church? Transform it into a charity-based organization, then acquire the land in the organization's name. Purchase the other half under the name of those adventurers affiliated with the guild," I suggested.

"How can I amass that much money while maintaining secrecy?" Alver posed a valid question.

"Multiplicity, diversify your options and streams. At times, avoid dealing with people directly. Hire intermediaries to work on your behalf, deceive them by making it seem like they work for different entities when, in reality, they all work for you," I explained the strategy for maintaining secrecy.

There was long ass pause right there.

"That's brilliant! I feel like I'm talking to someone who has formed cults, which cannot be true, haha," Alver chuckled. However, his smile waned as he raised a concerning question. "But it can't be right, can it?"

I sighed and, after a brief pause, continued, "As for the money—"

I hesitated, then concluded, "I'm not exactly an expert at making money, so don't rely on me. Do whatever you can, and remember, you have a one-and-a-half-year time frame to achieve this."

My words were met with an audible tongue click from Alver.

Alver leaned back in his chair, deep in thought, as he contemplated the task ahead. He sipped his coffee, a thoughtful expression etched across his face, while the cafe's patrons went about their business, seemingly oblivious to the gravity of our conversation.

"Time isn't on our side," I broke the silence. "The sooner you start, the better. And remember, every move you make has to be calculated. The empire's reach is extensive, and if you're not careful, your actions might lead them straight to your doorstep."

Alver nodded, his determination evident in his eyes. "You have a point, Ren... huh?" His gaze shifted behind me.

Curious, I turned to see Aron entering the cafe.

'Just ignore him,' Blaze suggested.

However, Aron seemed to have other plans and approached us, standing beside our table.

"Hey, you," he said, his presence causing tension in the air.

It wasn't a common sight to witness the masked First Prince entering a cafe to engage in conversation with someone. It drew the attention of everyone present.

"Hmm?" I raised an eyebrow. "What's up, dude?"

'What the fuck?' Even Blaze appeared taken aback.

It seemed pointless to be rude, considering Aron had saved me before. I didn't believe he harbored any ill intentions towards me.

Aron's hand moved towards my neck, but I grabbed it midway. His nails were surprisingly long,

'yours are too....cut the damn thing.'though Blaze was quick to point out my own long nails.

"Easy there. You don't want people to know that it was me at the ceremony, do you?" I smiled and applied pressure, reinforcing it with mana. His expression showed signs of struggle, yet he withstood it.


"What's on your mind? Make it quick. I'm with a friend." I turned my attention to Alver.

"No, don't worry about me. Carry on," Alver replied, appearing to back off from our conversation.

I released my grip on Aron's hand, and he withdrew it, his eyes flickering with a mixture of curiosity and mild discomfort. "You've got an interesting friend there," he commented, his tone somewhere between amusement and intrigue.

"Indeed," I agreed with a nod, my gaze shifting between Aron and Alver. The cafe's patrons continued their conversations, seemingly oblivious to the unusual aura surrounding our discussion.

With a sense of curiosity tugging at me, I leaned in slightly and asked, "So, what brings the masked First Prince to this humble cafe today?"

Aron's posture indicated that he had something to say, something important. He hesitated, clearly weighing his words as he leaned in even closer, speaking in hushed tones. "Stay away from her."

The abruptness of his warning piqued my interest. "What's going on?" I leaned forward, keeping my voice low in response to his discreet tone.

Aron seemed to hesitate for a moment, perhaps unsure whether this setting was suitable for such a conversation. Finally, he decided to continue, "Stay away from Cecelia. There will be consequences-"

My curiosity pushed me to ask, "And what are these consequences?" I maintained our hushed tone, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention.

Aron's reaction to my question was a visible grind of his teeth in evident frustration.

At that moment, I decided to break the tension. "Hey, miss, could you please bring another coffee and three cakes for this table?" I ordered, trying to lighten the mood as I felt the weight of the conversation press upon us.

I turned my attention back to Aron. "Come, have a seat. Let's talk about it. After all, we're friends, right? You've saved me, and I've saved you," I said with a warm smile. Aron appeared taken aback by my invitation.

Blaze's amusement was evident as he remarked, 'Dude... this situation is so weird.'

Feeling more at ease, I continued, 'Nah, you're the weird one,' clearly teasing Blaze.

"Take a seat," I encouraged Aron, pulling out a chair from a nearby table and placing it next to mine, gesturing for him to sit down.

'Dude just got manhandled,' Blaze humorously observed, perched on the edge of the table.

.....well it's not like I am doing it without any reason.

[A/N: Weird.... Anyways! Listen everyone,you have few seconds,go to my profile like it then check for new work that's.

"Villain's Contract With The God"

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I ain't gonna say a word for it, just give it a try for my sake and yes join the discord server too.]

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