Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2145 Shocking Revelation (2)

Chapter 2145 Shocking Revelation (2)

Yun Lintian remained silent, overwhelmed by the avalanche of revelations. His identity, his very core, seemed to be crumbling before him.

All this time, he had believed he was following the path laid out by the Beyond Heaven King, yet it appeared he was on a completely different, uncharted course.

Suddenly, Yun Lintian recalled Shen Huang's words from back then. He had mentioned that the Beyond Heaven King didn't possess any divine beast bloodline.

However, he also remembered Hongyue saying he had refined the Primordial Azure Dragon God bloodline faster than him. What was happening here?

Tian He, seemingly peering into Yun Lintian's thoughts, spoke. "To refine a divine beast bloodline, one must possess a qualification, such as a special physique. Think about it carefully. Where did you acquire all the blood origins?"

Yun Lintian meticulously recalled his past experiences. He realized all the divine beast blood origins came directly from the divine beasts themselves. There was no connection to the Beyond Heaven King.

"I remember the Beyond Heaven King taking divine blood origins away from those seniors," Yun Lintian frowned in confusion.

"I can make an educated guess," Tian He said gently. "Whether the past Yun Tian or the current one, they both seem to share a common personality: a love for experimentation."

"The profound arts, relics, artifacts – everything he created stemmed from the knowledge he accumulated throughout his several lifetimes. It wouldn't be surprising if he used those blood origins for an experiment."

He looked at Yun Lintian and continued. "As for the result, I have no idea."

Yun Lintian fell silent upon hearing this. The mystery he thought it was difficult to unravel was actually so simple. It made him question everything that happened to him from the beginning to the present.

"What do you think of yourself?" Tian He suddenly asked.

Yun Lintian thought for a moment and replied. "I always believe that I am an ordinary person. The legacy I've obtained so far is the greatest gift, bestowing upon me the ability to protect my people."

Tian He didn't say anything. He just looked at Yun Lintian silently.

"Who am I, then?" Yun Lintian finally asked, his voice hoarse with confusion. "If it's not the legacy that defines me, then what is it?"

Tian He placed a calming hand on Yun Lintian's shoulder. "You are Yun Lintian. That is all that matters. The legacy is a tool, a powerful one, but ultimately a tool. It's your spirit, your determination, and your unique abilities that will determine your destiny."

He looked at the calm lake and said further. "There are many secrets hidden within the fabric of reality. Secrets even the Gods may not fully grasp. Yun Tian was a pioneer, a being who dared to defy the established order. A person who tried to control his own fate. Perhaps his legacy reflects that same rebellious spirit."

Tian He's words sparked a flicker of understanding in Yun Lintian's eyes. "So, the Beyond Heaven King's legacy… it's not just about power?"

"Precisely," Tian He said. "It's about pushing boundaries, about exploring the unknown. It's about becoming something more than just an inheritor, but a true master of your own fate."

He fixed Yun Lintian with a deep look and asked, "What about you? Who do you wish to be? The Yun Lintian who inherits the legacy of the Beyond Heaven King, or the one who forges his own destiny?"

As Yun Lintian cast his mind back, he realized everything he'd done had been in service of the fate the Beyond Heaven King had laid out for him. The concept of choosing his own path had never even entered his mind.

A resolute fire ignited in Yun Lintian's gaze. The confusion and doubt that clouded his mind moments ago were replaced by a newfound determination. He may not have understood his origin, but his path was clear as day.

"I, Yun Lintian," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering, "reject the role of a mere inheritor. I choose to become the master of my own fate!"

Tian He smiled and said approvingly. "Good. Remember what you said today."

Yun Lintian nodded firmly.

With renewed purpose, he approached his training with a newfound intensity. He no longer relied solely on the Beyond Heaven Art's brute force methods. Instead, he delved deeper into the intricacies of the Laws themselves.

He spent hours observing the surrounding world, from the intricate dance of snowflakes to the powerful roar of a nearby volcano. Each element, each living entity, served as a conduit to the fundamental principles he sought to understand.

His body, with its peculiar ability to absorb all types of energy, became a test subject. He experimented with channeling the elements not just for destructive power, but to understand their intrinsic properties.

He learned to manipulate the flow of water with Water Law, coaxed life back into wilting plants with Life Law, and even began to comprehend the destructive potential of Death Law for more than just annihilation.

One bright morning, as Yun Lintian sat meditating beneath a cascading waterfall, he had a realization. He wasn't just learning to utilize the Laws; he was learning to manipulate the very essence of existence itself.

He saw how life and death were not opposing forces, but two sides of the same coin. One couldn't exist without the other.

With this epiphany, Yun Lintian began to refine his understanding of the Beyond Heaven Art. He recognized it wasn't about brute force control, but about achieving harmony with the Laws he channeled.

As he practiced, the black and white spheres within him, representing Life and Death energy, began to pulse in sync. A faint, ethereal light emanated from them, signifying the newfound equilibrium he was achieving.

Days turned into weeks, then months. Yun Lintian's training progressed at an astonishing rate. He wasn't just mastering the Beyond Heaven Art, he was evolving it, adding a layer of finesse that surpassed anything the other inheritors could have imagined.

One afternoon, amidst training, Shi Xuan poked his head out of the lake, a playful grin on his face. "Ready to test your progress, little sprout?"

Yun Lintian, his eyes shining with newfound confidence, replied, "Absolutely, Senior."

"Hmm," Shi Xuan rumbled, his eyes narrowed at Yun Lintian. "You seem different this time."

Yun Lintian bowed slightly, a respectful glint in his eyes. "Thank you for the guidance, Senior Shi. I've been focusing on refining my control over the Laws."

Shi Xuan let out a low growl. "Spare me the pleasantries. Show me what you can do."

"Yes," Yun Lintian took a deep breath, focusing his mind on achieving the perfect balance between Life and Death energy within him…

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