Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2144 Shocking Revelation (1)

Chapter 2144 Shocking Revelation (1)

The battle wasn't a cacophony of brute force. It was a strategic dance, a game of inches where every movement held the potential to tip the scales.

Yun Lintian used the life-giving energy to bolster his own defenses, deflecting Shi Xuan's attacks with minimal effort.

The destructive energy, however, was reserved for precise strikes aimed at exploiting weaknesses in Shi Xuan's defenses.

Shi Xuan, accustomed to overwhelming his opponents with sheer power, found himself surprised.

Yun Lintian's attacks, while not earth-shattering, were relentless and precise. Each blow chipped away at his defenses, leaving behind a faint tingling sensation that hinted at the destructive energy lurking beneath the surface.

As the battle progressed, Yun Lintian began to experiment further. He channeled more of the life-giving energy into his spear, causing the white glow to intensify.

With a swift thrust, he pierced Shi Xuan's scaly hide, not with a deep wound, but with a burst of life energy.

"Ugh!?" Shi Xuan groaned in pain, a sound filled with disbelief.

The life energy, instead of healing him, felt like a foreign invader, disrupting his internal equilibrium. It was like a virus attacking a computer system, throwing his control over the surrounding water into disarray.

Seizing the opportunity, Yun Lintian channeled the destructive energy into the spear tip. A dark tendril of energy snaked its way through the life energy, seeking a vital point.

Shi Xuan sensed the danger and reacted with lightning speed. He channeled his divine energy, forming a blinding dome of white light around himself.


Yun Lintian's attack slammed into the dome, shattering it with a deafening explosion. The shockwave rippled across the lake, carving a deep chasm in the center.

When the dust settled, both figures remained standing, albeit worse for wear.

Shi Xuan's scales were marred by cracks and sizzling with faint black trails, remnants of Yun Lintian's destructive energy.

Yun Lintian, his breath ragged, leaned heavily on his spear, his white robe singed in several places.

"You've improved," Shi Xuan rumbled, his voice surprisingly devoid of anger. "Considerably."

Yun Lintian bowed slightly, a deep respect welling up within him. "Thank you, Senior, for the guidance."

Shi Xuan chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that echoed across the lake. "Not a bad fight, little sprout. But it's still far from enough. Train well. I'll wait."

He then submerged himself back into the lake.

"Phew…" Yun Lintian exhaled a long breath.

While his control over the Great Laws improved, it was indeed not enough to penetrate Shi Xuan's defense completely. However, he could feel the gap between him and a powerful True God narrowing. It was a positive sign overall.

Tian He approached Yun Lintian, his eyes twinkling with appreciation. "You did well. You grasped the essence of the dance between Life and Death much faster than I anticipated."

"Thank you for your guidance, Senior." Yun Lintian said gently. "It's still a work in progress. I only managed to achieve a basic level of control."

Tian He nodded. "Indeed. But your progress is exceptional. You see, most inheritors of the Primordial Gods rely on brute force and the raw power of their bloodlines. They lack the… finesse you possess."

Yun Lintian's brow furrowed. "Finesse?"

"Yes," Tian He said, his voice turning serious. "There's a reason why the God of Fate chose you. He saw a unique quality, something none of the previous inheritors possessed. Your comprehension ability… it's unlike anything I've ever seen."

Yun Lintian's eyes widened. He had always suspected something was different about him, but never had anyone pointed it out so clearly.

Tian He calmly continued. "You have an unparalleled ability to observe, analyze, and integrate new information, of which you might not be aware."

"You learn not just from practice, but also from simply experiencing the world around you. It's as if your very being is a conduit, absorbing and understanding the fundamental principles that govern existence."

Yun Lintian pondered this revelation. He recalled his journey across the continent, how he easily captured the flow of energy in every element, the delicate balance between creation and destruction present in every living being. It seemed to be the case.

"This comprehension ability," Tian He explained, "combined with your unique physique… ah, that brings us to another point."

Tian He gestured towards Yun Lintian. "You possess an anomaly even more peculiar than your comprehension. Your body… it can absorb any type of energy in the world."

"Wasn't it because of the Beyond Heaven Profound Vein?" Yun Lintian quickly asked.

"It's a part of it," Tian He confirmed with a faint smile. "The Beyond Heaven Profound Vein allowed you to gain an affinity with the elements, but absorbing and controlling them are different."

"You can absorb and refine the elemental energies of fire, water, earth, wind, lightning… even the esoteric energies like space and time without any hindrance. This makes your potential truly limitless."

Yun Lintian's shock was palpable. He had always believed his abilities stemmed solely from the Beyond Heaven Profound Vein and the relics. Now, his heart churned with turmoil and confusion.

Tian He continued, "With your phenomenal comprehension, you won't merely absorb these energies; you'll grasp their essence, understand their intrinsic properties, and weave them into your own power. It's a delicate process, but I have faith in your ability to master it."

Eager for answers, Yun Lintian interjected, "Senior, have you ever encountered the Beyond Heaven King?"

Tian He shook his head. "No, but I did meet the one who came before him."

"I see," Yun Lintian muttered, his brow furrowing deeply. "I always assumed all these abilities originated from the relics and the profound vein the Beyond Heaven King bestowed upon me."

"As I mentioned earlier," Tian He clarified, "they are a part of it, but not the whole picture. Even if I possessed all the relics and the Crown, I wouldn't be able to wield them directly. At most, I could utilize their elemental energy."

Yun Lintian's puzzlement deepened. "Why is that the case?"

Tian He offered a gentle smile. "It appears there's more you haven't grasped. It all boils down to one thing: you are special. You are the chosen one."

Yun Lintian's mind reeled, struggling to absorb this new information.

Since his rebirth, he'd viewed himself as an ordinary man fortunate enough to inherit the Beyond Heaven King's legacy. The concept of being special had never crossed his mind.

Tian He, his gaze unwavering, continued, "Let's entertain the notion that your abilities solely stemmed from the relics and the Crown. How then do you explain the presence of multiple divine beast bloodlines within you?"

"Do you understand that possessing such a multitude of bloodlines is an impossibility?"

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