Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2119 Desperation (3)

Chapter 2119 Desperation (3)

"A desperate gamble," Yun Lintian rasped, his voice barely a whisper.

With a final, agonizing push, Yun Lintian slammed the two conflicting energies together. The cavern became a battleground of creation and destruction. Vibrant light pulsed alongside an inky blackness, a chaotic symphony that defied all comprehension.


With a final, explosive crack, the chamber walls could no longer hold. The ceiling crumbled, raining down dust and debris upon the two combatants locked in a battle of wills.

"Cough!" Yun Lintian coughed violently, a cloud of dust momentarily obscuring his vision. When it cleared, he saw Dian Lei standing some distance away, a wary frown etched on his face.

The cavern had transformed into a chaotic mess of rock and rubble, the once smooth walls replaced by jagged, gaping holes. Where the cavern once echoed with the roar of their battle cries, only the ominous creaking of shifting rock could be heard.

The air crackled with a different kind of energy now. It wasn't the harsh bite of Dian Lei's lightning, nor the fiery pulse of Yun Lintian's combined might. This energy was something altogether alien, a swirling vortex of life and death that hummed with terrifying power.

Dian Lei cautiously stared at the vortex, the Thunder God form flickering with uncertainty. He had never encountered such a power before. It felt… unnatural, a violation of the natural order of things.

Suddenly, the vortex began to solidify, taking the shape of a colossal sphere. It pulsed with a vibrant green on one side, the color of life and growth, while the other side shimmered a sinister obsidian black, an embodiment of death and decay.

Yun Lintian, battered but resolute, stood before the sphere, the Beyond Heaven King's Crown resting precariously on his head. The artifact had lost its ethereal glow, its energy seemingly drained by the desperate gambit he had just initiated.

"What have you done?" Dian Lei demanded, his voice laced with a hint of fear. The raw power emanating from the sphere unnerved him, even in his True God form.

Ignoring him, Yun Lintian focused all his remaining energy on the sphere, his eyes glowing with maniacal determination. The Crown exhausted but responding to his will, hummed faintly in resonance.

"This is my final stand. Come. Let's try it." Yun Lintian uttered, his voice strained but filled with unshakable resolve.

Suddenly, Dian Lei's eyes widened in understanding. "A perfect combination of the Great Law of Life and the Great Law of Death!?"

But it was too late. With a final, desperate surge of energy, Yun Lintian launched the sphere at Dian Lei. The colossal orb, a swirling vortex of life and death, hurtled through the air, leaving a trail of crackling energy in its wake.

Dian Lei, caught off guard by the sheer audacity of the attack, could only raise his hand in a desperate block. The sphere struck his palm with an earth-shattering boom.


The impact echoed through the crumbling cavern, shaking the very ground beneath them. A blinding flash of light filled the space, followed by a deafening silence that seemed to hold its breath.

When the light subsided, the cavern floor was littered with debris. In the center, a crater filled with swirling smoke marked the point of impact. Dian Lei was nowhere to be seen.

"It… works?" A wave of relief washed over Yun Lintian, so powerful it almost knocked him off his feet. The gamble, the desperate fusion of life and death, had somehow worked.

But as he attempted to stand, a searing pain erupted in his legs, sending him crashing back to the ground. Every muscle in his body screamed in protest, the aftermath of pushing his limits to their breaking point.

He looked towards the crater again, a flicker of worry flashing through his tired eyes. Though Dian Lei was undoubtedly weakened, a True God wouldn't be easily defeated.

"Ugh…" Suddenly, a low groan echoed from the smoke-filled crater. A figure emerged, its silhouette distorted by the swirling smoke.

Yun Lintian held his breath, bracing himself for a renewed attack.

The figure, however, stumbled more than it walked, its once proud posture replaced by a hunched form. As the smoke cleared further, Dian Lei's form came into view.

Gone was the majestic Thunder God figure he had donned before. Here stood Dian Lei in his true form, his once silver hair now streaked with grey, deep furrows etched across his face.But the most alarming change was the look in his eyes – a combination of pain, disbelief, and a simmering rage.

Despite the clear signs of Dian Lei's weakened state, the battle wasn't over. They were both at their limits, teetering on the edge of collapse. One final, decisive blow could determine the victor.

"Shit…" Yun Lintian gritted his teeth, ignoring the throbbing pain. In his hand, the Heaven Piercing Sword pulsed faintly, a faint green glow emanating from the Dragon God's Soul within. It was nowhere near its full power, but it was all he had left.

He rose shakily to his feet, the Beyond Heaven King's Crown tilted precariously at an angle on his head. The cavern ceiling continued to rain down dust and debris, further obscuring the battlefield.

Dian Lei, breathing heavily and clutching his wounded arm, glared at Yun Lintian. The True God's aura that surrounded him before had dwindled to a faint flicker, replaced by a palpable frustration and a hint of fear.

"You… how could you do it?… Do you have any idea what you've unleashed?" His voice crackled with raw power but lacked the earlier conviction.

His words were lost on Yun Lintian. He was beyond reason, fueled by a desperate will to survive. His vision blurred from exhaustion, the world around him a swirling haze of pain and dust. Yet, the grip on the Heaven Piercing Sword remained firm.

A tense silence descended upon them, broken only by the groans of the collapsing cavern. Both combatants knew this battle would be decided by a single, decisive action.

"Stop struggling already!" Dian Lei, seizing the initiative, gathered the last vestiges of his power.

A ball of crackling white lightning, smaller than before but still potent, formed in his hand. He launched it towards Yun Lintian with a ragged roar.

Yun Lintian, however, didn't dodge. He raised the Heaven Piercing Sword, the green glow within it intensifying.

With a deep breath, he channeled the last reserves of his energy and the flickering power of the Crown, merging them with the lingering essence of the Great Laws of Life and Death within the blade…

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