Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2118 Desperation (2)

Chapter 2118 Desperation (2)

Yun Lintian gritted his teeth, ignoring the searing pain that wracked his entire body. The Beyond Heaven King's Crown pulsed weakly above his head, its once vibrant light dimmed to a mere flicker. Yet, within him, a fierce determination burned brighter than any fire.

He could have run to the Land of Beyond Heaven, but he wouldn't give up. Unlike in the past, running now wasn't a way to progress forward.

A decision crystallized in his mind, a desperate gamble fuelled by unwavering will.

With trembling hands, Yun Lintian reached into his spiritual sea. Within the swirling vortex of his consciousness, six vials containing shimmering blood essences floated, each radiating a powerful aura.

They were the blood origins he was bestowed upon — the Divine Phoenix God, Vermilion Bird God, Golden Crow God, Black Turtle God, White Tiger God, and the Primordial Azure Dragon God.


Ignoring the protest of his battered body, Yun Lintian channeled every ounce of remaining energy towards the vials. They glowed fiercely, resonating with the Crown's faint light.

"Seniors, please lend me your strength." Yun Lintian uttered, his voice a ragged whisper.

The six divine beasts responded with a deafening roar, releasing a torrent of celestial energy that surged towards the Crown. Ten different colored lights, each representing a Law of the Ten Elements and a Divine Beast, erupted from the artifact.


The cavern vibrated violently, the air crackling with raw power that threatened to tear the very fabric of reality.

Dian Lei, ever so slightly arrogant still, watched the spectacle with a hint of amusement. "Foolish," he scoffed. "Trying to burn divine blood origins in your current state? You'll only hasten your demise."

But his amusement was short-lived. As the divine energies merged with the Crown, the flickering light transformed into a blinding brilliance that engulfed the entire cavern.

An oppressive silence descended, broken only by the low hum of power that vibrated in every atom.

When the light subsided, Yun Lintian stood bathed in an ethereal glow. The Beyond Heaven King's Crown pulsed vibrantly once more, radiating an aura that rivaled even Dian Lei's True God presence.

This time, however, it wasn't just the Ten Elemental Laws pulsating within. The power of the six Divine Beasts now resonated alongside them, a symphony of primal power.

"Hmm?" Dian Lei's amusement vanished entirely, replaced by a flicker of genuine surprise. This was beyond anything he anticipated. Yun Lintian, pushing his limits to the absolute breaking point, had managed to tap into a power that defied logic.


Without wasting any time, Yun Lintian unleashed a torrent of attacks. A fiery phoenix, its wings burning with the combined essence of the Divine Phoenix and the Golden Crow God, soared from the Crown, its fiery cry echoing through the cavern.

A colossal black turtle, its shell shimmering with defensive power from the Black Turtle God, followed closely, its earth-shaking steps causing tremors in the cavern floor.

Behind them, a celestial white tiger, radiating the White Tiger God's ferocity and Yun Lintian's own lightning manipulation, chased a writhing black dragon – a manifestation of the Great Law of Death intertwined with the Primordial Azure Dragon God's essence.

"You are truly… a monster." Dian Lei, for the first time in the fight, felt overwhelmed. He unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts, trying to counter the onslaught.


The cavern walls became a canvas of destruction, sparks flying as lightning clashed with fire, earth rumbled as the black turtle met Dian Lei's attacks, and the white tiger and black serpent wove a deadly dance amongst the chaos.

The battle raged for what seemed like an eternity. Dust filled the air, obscuring the combatants in a swirling cloud.

However, the power of the divine blood origins proved to be a formidable force. Yun Lintian's attacks, despite his weakened state, were relentless, forcing Dian Lei on the defensive.

Fury began to simmer in the True God's eyes. He, a being who had lived for eons, was being pushed back by a mere mortal cultivator? It was unacceptable!

"Enough!" With a thunderous roar, Dian Lei unleashed the full power of his True God cultivation base.

The cavern walls shuddered, the very air crackled with raw energy. A crackling aura enveloped his body, transforming him into a majestic figure wreathed in pure lightning – the Thunder God form.

In this form, Dian Lei's power soared exponentially. His lightning attacks became devastating bolts of pure destruction, shattering Yun Lintian's divine beasts with each strike.

Boom! Boom! BOOOM!!

The cavern walls groaned under the strain, the ceiling threatening to cave in.

"Ugh!" Yun Lintian, battered and bruised, watched in horror as his creations were destroyed.

The Crown, now dimmed once again, barely managed to shield him from the full brunt of Dian Lei's attacks. He knew he couldn't sustain this for much longer. His gamble, though impressive, wasn't enough.

Desperation gnawed at him. He had to find a way to turn the tide.


"Argh!" A gasp escaped Yun Lintian's lips as the last remnant of his divine beast constructs dissipated under Dian Lei's relentless assault.

The Thunder God form crackled with an otherworldly power, its aura so oppressive that Yun Lintian felt his very life force being squeezed out.

He slumped to his knees, the Crown shimmering precariously above him, its last reserves of energy flickering like a dying candle.

Defeat gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. Yet, within the depths of despair, a spark of defiance flickered.

I can still fight!… Yun Lintian roared in his mind, urging his body to move.

"This should be the end," Dian Lei said calmly. "I must admit, you are far stronger than I anticipated. Everyone will be surprised by your heaven-defying power. Fortunately, I made the right decision to come here; otherwise, I would have remained in the dark about you."

Yun Lintian's mind spun rapidly, ignoring the agonizing pain that throbbed through his body. A split second later, his eyes turned resolute. He still had the last trump card left!

Immediately, he channeled the last vestiges of his divine energy, merging it with the faint remnants of the Crown's power. Inside his spiritual sea, two conflicting energies, one brimming with vibrant life force, the other filled with an unsettling emptiness, swirled in a chaotic dance.

The air crackled with a terrifying energy as the two Great Laws began to clash. The cavern walls groaned under the strain, cracks appearing and threatening to split the entire structure open.

Dian Lei, sensing the volatile power erupting from Yun Lintian, paused his assault, a flicker of curiosity momentarily replacing his wrath.

"What foolish attempt is this?"

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