Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2113 Law Dominance (1)

Chapter 2113 Law Dominance (1)


A deafening explosion tore through the chamber, momentarily banishing the otherworldly purple light. Dust billowed outwards, obscuring both Yun Lintian and the incoming attack.

Feng Jian, a smirk plastered across his face, watched in morbid anticipation. A measly Lower God daring to catch his lightning attack? Laughable.

But as the dust settled, the smirk swiftly evaporated from Feng Jian's face, replaced by a look of utter bewilderment.

Yun Lintian stood perfectly unharmed, his hand outstretched, a crackling ball of identical white-hot lightning held firmly in his grasp.

"Impossible!" Feng Jian roared, his voice laced with disbelief. "How can a Lower God withstand such an attack?!"

Although he only used twenty percent in his attack, it should be more than enough to kill Yun Lintian. Even if it failed, leaving a wound was inevitable. However, the scene in front of him defied all of his common senses.

Yun Lintian, however, remained calm. A faint amusement flickered in his eyes. "Is that all you've got? Perhaps a thousand years trapped in this tomb has dulled your edge." He squeezed his hand, causing the captured lightning to dissipate harmlessly.

Yun Lintian merely used his divine energy to neutralize Feng Jian's attack. Since the Primordial Beyond Heaven Art had reached a high level, his resistance against any elemental laws had become insanely strong as well. It could be seen that Feng Jian's Law of Lightning couldn't harm his skin in the slightest.

Feng Jian's bewilderment morphed into simmering fury. He had underestimated this young Lower God. But underestimating him wouldn't save him now.

With a snarl, Feng Jian channeled his aura, the silver armor on his body pulsing with crackling energy.

"Don't get cocky, kid!" he uttered coldly, launching himself towards Yun Lintian at an incredible speed. His fist, wreathed in crackling lightning, aimed for Yun Lintian's chest.

Yun Lintian didn't move an inch. He raised his other hand, palm facing the oncoming fist. A low hum resonated from his body, and a blinding bolt of lightning, identical to Feng Jian's own, erupted from his palm to meet the attack head-on.


The two lightning blasts collided in mid-air, releasing a shockwave that rattled the chamber. The force of the impact sent both figures staggering back.

Feng Jian, surprised by the sheer power of Yun Lintian's attack, gritted his teeth. This wasn't a mere fluke!

A fierce grin spread across Yun Lintian's face. "Looks like we have a battle of lightning on our hands. Let's see who wields it better."


The chamber became a battleground of crackling energy. Yun Lintian, his body imbued with the Law of Lightning, moved with preternatural speed, weaving through Feng Jian's lightning-infused attacks with ease. Each time Feng Jian launched a bolt, Yun Lintian would either deflect it with his own or absorb it entirely.

Feng Jian, used to dominating with his lightning prowess, grew increasingly frustrated. His attacks were ineffective, and Yun Lintian seemed to be toying with him. The arrogance that had initially colored his demeanor had begun to chip away, replaced by a dawning sense of dread.

"Who are you?!" Feng Jian roared, desperation creeping into his voice. "A Lower God shouldn't be able to control lightning like this!"

Yun Lintian, dodging another lightning strike with a casual sidestep, chuckled. "Let's just say I have a… unique affinity for it."

He raised his hand, and several bolts of lightning materialized around him, each mirroring the pulsating silver of Feng Jian's armor.

"Now," he continued, his voice laced with a dangerous edge, "let's see how you fare against your own power."

With a flick of his wrist, Yun Lintian unleashed the captured lightning, a volley of silver bolts raining down on Feng Jian.


The God Ascension Realm practitioner was forced to retreat, desperately deflecting the barrage with his own lightning. But Yun Lintian's control was unmatched. Each bolt he launched seemed to anticipate Feng Jian's movements, forcing him on the defensive.

The battle raged on, the chamber echoing with the crackle of lightning and the frustrated roars of Feng Jian.

Yun Lintian, however, remained calm throughout, his movements precise and efficient. He was a conductor in an orchestra of destruction, wielding the power of lightning with masterful control.

The Thunder symbol on Yun Lintian's Divine Core shone brightly and the lightnings around him grew fiercer.

Feng Jian, his arrogance utterly shattered, finally understood the gravity of his situation. He was outmatched, outmaneuvered, and utterly outclassed by a Lower God who wielded the very power he thought was his own.

"Go to hell!" Feng Jian was extremely furious.

With a final, desperate lunge, Feng Jian unleashed a torrent of lightning, a last-ditch effort to turn the tide. But Yun Lintian, with a flick of his finger, redirected the entire attack back at Feng Jian. The God Ascension Realm cultivator, caught off guard by the sudden reversal, was consumed by a blinding explosion.


When the light subsided, Feng Jian lay sprawled on the ground, his silver armor smoking and blackened. He looked up at Yun Lintian, his eyes filled with a mixture of shock and defeat.

"You… you shouldn't be possible," he rasped, his voice laced with a hint of fear for the first time.

Yun Lintian, however, remained unfazed. He stood tall, his own white robes shimmering with the faint residue of deflected lightning.

The battle between gods was often decided by who could control their laws better. Especially the same law. In front of Yun Lintian, Feng Jian's Law of Lightning was no different from a kid's.

Feng Jian struggled to rise, his pride taking a severe beating. Years of dominance with lightning as his weapon, only to be outmatched by a Lower God? It was a humiliation he couldn't bear. This wasn't just about the fragments anymore; it was about proving his superiority.


With a growl that echoed through the chamber, Feng Jian slammed his fist onto the ground. The silver lightning energy around him intensified, crackling with a newfound fury. The very air vibrated with the raw power emanating from him.

"Don't think this is over, boy!" he roared, his voice tinged with desperation. "I haven't even begun to show you my true power!"

As he spoke, a weapon materialized in his hand - a long, silver spear that pulsed with an even more potent lightning aura than his armor. The intricate carvings on the spear's shaft seemed to depict dancing bolts of lightning, imbued with a power that sent shivers down Yun Lintian's spine.

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