Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2112 Encounter

Chapter 2112 Encounter

The journey to the God Tomb was arduous. Weeks bled into each other, marked by scorching desert heat, unrelenting sandstorms, and the ever-present threat of monstrous desert creatures.

With each passing lunar cycle, this place's intricate network of passageways and buildings would rearrange themselves like a cosmic kaleidoscope, making navigation a nearly impossible feat.

Finally, after a grueling trek, they reached the seeming heart of the God Tomb.

A colossal chasm yawned before them, its depths shrouded in an unnatural darkness that seemed to devour light itself. A chilling wind howled from below, carrying with it the mournful cries of unseen creatures.

Yun Lintian looked at the map and declared, his voice barely audible over the deafening wind. "This is it."

Lan Qinghe and Li Shan probed into the dark vortex in front of them and discovered their spiritual senses were completely blocked.


Suddenly, the fragment of the Soul Scepter within Yun Lintian thrummed faintly, a beacon guiding him towards the coveted artifact hidden within the vortex. However, its pull was weak, a mere whisper amidst the chaotic symphony of energies emanating from the shifting sanctum.

Yun Lintian glanced back at his companions. Long Qingxuan, Lin Xinyao, Yun Qianxue, Han Bingling, Yun Meilan, and Yun Huanxin stood resolute, their faces etched with a mixture of concern and unwavering support.

"I'll leave the gate here just in case," Yun Lintian spoke, his voice firm.

"Don't do it." Lan Qinghe spoke up. "The terrains here will continue to change. It's too risky... You don't have to worry about them. I still have the ability to protect them."

"Besides," She took a deep look at Yun Lintian and said. "Si Junyi and the others should have entered this place a long time ago. I don't think they will come out soon. On the contrary, you need to be careful."

Yun Lintian looked at everyone and said. "Alright. I'll be going in now."

"Be careful, Big Brother Yun," Linlin said softly and reluctantly left him.

Qingqing was the same. She looked at Yun Lintian with concern.

"I will." With a final nod, Yun Lintian stepped forward, his resolve hardening into a steely determination. The shimmering map dissolved into wisps of dark energy, leaving him alone before the churning vortex.

Taking a deep breath, Yun Lintian plunged into the vortex. The world fractured around him, a kaleidoscope of colors and warped realities blurring past in a dizzying display.

Gravity seemed to lose its hold as he tumbled through a maelstrom of spatial distortions.

When his disorientation subsided, he found himself in a vast cavern bathed in an otherworldly purple light. Jagged obsidian pillars jutted from the cavern's floor, their tips scraping a ceiling adorned with swirling constellations.

An oppressive silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the faint hum of residual energy.

After stabilizing himself, Yun Lintian focused all his senses on its faint pull. It led him through a labyrinthine network of tunnels, each one carved from smooth black rock.

The passageways twisted and turned in an incomprehensible manner, defying any sense of direction.

He navigated the treacherous terrain with measured steps, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger. The unnerving silence pressed upon him, magnifying every creak and groan of shifting rock. Each twist and turn of the tunnel could lead him closer to the fragment or into an inescapable trap.

Hours bled into what felt like an eternity. Yun Lintian didn't see anything noteworthy along the way. This place was more like a normal graveyard without an actual grave.


A sudden tremor shook the passage, and its form began to warp. The stone walls on either side fractured and erupted outwards, rearranging themselves in a new configuration.

As the passage rearranged itself, a pair of eyes materialized from the darkness, fixated on Yun Lintian.

Oblivious to this, Yun Lintian's perception remained entirely obscured.

The tremors subsided, and Yun Lintian found himself facing a wall. A single path branched off to his right, beckoning him forward. Ignoring the faint light, Yun Lintian pressed onwards, following the passage's course.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the passage, Si Junyi stood with a cold smile playing on his lips. "You've finally arrived," he uttered.

A ball of light glowed even brighter than Yun Lintian's before him, signifying Si Junyi had already secured several fragments.

Casting a glance at the passage to his left, Si Junyi took a step forward and vanished into the shadows.

Unaware of Si Junyi's prior observation, Yun Lintian continued following the light's guidance until he reached a vast chamber.

"So, a Lower God actually dares venture into the God Tomb?" A booming voice echoed through the chamber, laced with crackling energy.

Yun Lintian looked ahead, his gaze narrowing. A figure materialized from the shadows on the opposite side of the chasm.

Tall and imposing, the man radiated an aura of raw power, his eyes shimmering like molten gold. Clad in gleaming silver armor etched with intricate lightning patterns, he exuded an overwhelming sense of arrogance.

A condescending smirk played on the man's lips. "Strange. Why don't you turn around and run?" he declared, his voice laced with disdain.

Yun Lintian scrutinized the man, swiftly discerning him to be at the God Ascension Realm. Furthermore, the man likely possessed a few fragments, judging by the vibrant light emanating from his chest.

"Identify yourself," Yun Lintian demanded with a steady voice.

"Oh?" The man chuckled, taken aback by Yun Lintian's composure. "Never mind, you will die here anyway. I am Feng Jian. While your arrival here is impressive, consider it a misfortune to cross paths with me."

"Perhaps," Yun Lintian countered, his voice ringing clear despite the echo in the chamber. "But before you decide my fate, could you tell me how long you have been here?"

"A thousand years. Why?" Feng Jian drawled, amusement flickering in his eyes.

Yun Lintian's surprise deepened. "You haven't encountered a single True God in all this time?"

A haughty smirk touched Feng Jian's lips. "Oh, I've met a few. But none could best me… Well, let's stop it here."

With a flick of his wrist, Feng Jian conjured a crackling ball of lightning energy in his palm. The air around him crackled with anticipation. "Don't worry. It will be quick and painless."

Without further warning, Feng Jian launched the ball of lightning towards Yun Lintian. It streaked across the chamber, a blinding bolt of white-hot fury.

Yun Lintian's eyes narrowed, but he didn't flinch. He slowly raised his hand, preparing to grab the lightning ball.


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