Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2091 Mark of Law

Chapter 2091 Mark of Law

Yun Lintian gave a slow nod. It wasn't that he was eager to pick a fight with the Northern Demonic Lord immediately, but knowing about it in advance was definitely advantageous.

Tang Wei sighed. "We can't allow such atrocities to continue unchecked. But facing a True God like the Northern Demonic Lord…well, that's a whole other story."

"How is the Celestial Realm? Are there many demonic practitioners there?" Yun Lintian asked, his curiosity piqued.

Tang Wei shook his head. "Demons are a minority in the Celestial Realm. The righteous factions hold most of the power, making it difficult for them to act openly. However, they still try whenever they get the chance. We just deal with them whenever we encounter them."

"I see," Yun Lintian nodded thoughtfully. "The Celestial Realm seems more organized then."

"Not necessarily," Tang Wei disagreed, shaking his head again. "While there are fewer demonic practitioners, the struggles between the ruling factions in the Celestial Realm are far fiercer than what you've seen in the Nine Heavens. Ordinary people are the ones who ultimately suffer."

"How fierce are we talking?" Yun Lintian inquired, his curiosity growing.

"The True Gods there wage wars with reckless abandon," Tang Yumei interjected, her voice laced with icy coldness. "Countless lives have been lost because of their conflicts."

Tang Wei added with a sigh of helplessness, "Many have tried to escape over the years, but cannot do so."

Yun Lintian and the others exchanged surprised glances. True Gods clashing so frequently was highly unusual. It seemed the Celestial Realm wasn't as peaceful as they had initially believed.

Upon hearing this, Yun Lintian grew concerned about Master Bai and Yang Chen. He hoped they wouldn't be swept up in the conflict's whirlwind.

"If the opportunity arises, Brother Yun, you should visit us. I'd be happy to show you around," Tang Wei said with a smile. Witnessing Yun Lintian's extraordinary power fueled his desire to further solidify their bond.

"There will be a chance." Yun Lintian replied gently.

Their trek through the third region continued. The unsettling silence, broken only by the crunch of gravel underfoot, was a stark contrast to the grotesque tableau they'd left behind.

Suddenly, Yun Lintian raised a hand, halting the group. His gaze narrowed, focusing on an anomaly in the distance.

A seemingly ordinary rock formation jutted out from the barren landscape, but an unnatural aura emanated from it. It pulsed with a faint, ethereal light as if a piece of the world itself was shimmering faintly.

"What is it?" Han Bingling asked, stepping closer cautiously.

"I'm unsure," Yun Lintian admitted, his voice laced with curiosity. "But it feels…powerful. Like a dormant beast. Let me check it out."

He approached the rock formation cautiously, his senses amplifying. As he drew closer, the ethereal light shimmered brighter, revealing intricate patterns swirling across the surface of the rock. It wasn't natural.

"It appears to be some kind of inscription," Yun Lintian murmured, tracing the patterns with a fingertip. A jolt of energy surged through him, tingling at his fingertips. It wasn't harmful but carried an undeniable power.

Suddenly, a wave of information flooded his mind. Images, fragmented and fleeting, flashed before him: a celestial battlefield bathed in the light of a thousand suns, colossal figures clashing with devastating power, the earth itself crumbling under their might. Then, a sense of immense loss, of a world fracturing, and finally, a whisper… "Mark of Law."

The images faded, leaving Yun Lintian reeling. He stumbled back, a gasp escaping his lips. The others rushed to his side, their faces etched with concern.

"What happened, Brother Yun?" Tang Wei asked, his voice laced with worry.

Yun Lintian took a deep breath, trying to clear the fog from his mind. "I… I touched the inscription. It seems to be a remnant of a lost era, a 'Mark of Law' left behind by… fallen gods."

"Mark of Law?" Yun Qianxue frowned slightly and turned to look at Yun Meilan.

Yun Meilan thought for a moment and explained. "Legends speak of Marks of Law," she said, her voice hushed. "They were remnants of power left behind by the fallen gods, imbued with fragments of their immense authority. Touching one can be dangerous, depending on the specific Law it embodies."

Understanding dawned on Yun Lintian's face. "So, this Mark of Law isn't dormant after all. It reacted to my touch." He glanced back at the rock formation, the faint glow now pulsing with a more ominous intensity.


As if sensing his scrutiny, the rock formation erupted in a shower of glittering dust. The dust coalesced into a shimmering humanoid figure, its features indistinct and its eyes glowing with an eerie blue light. A booming voice echoed through the barren landscape.

"Mortal! You dare disturb the slumber of a fragment of a god!"

Tang Wei gasped, fear creeping into his eyes. "This… A True God?"

Long Qingxuan and the others stepped closer to Yun Lintian, preparing for a battle.

Yun Lintian, however, remained calm, his gaze locked on the shimmering figure. A cold glint entered his eyes. "You Long Qingxuan and the others stepped closer to Yun Lintian, preparing for a battle.

misunderstand," he said, his voice steady despite the tremor running through the ground. "I have no intention of disturbing your slumber. But if you threaten my companions, I will not hesitate to silence you."

Tang Wei looked at Yun Lintian in shock. He didn't expect Yun Lintian to be this brave to actually threaten a True God's power.

The Mark of Law let out a distorted sound that resembled laughter. "Silence a fragment of a god? Foolish mortal! You overestimate your abilities!"

With a flick of its hand, the Mark of Law unleashed a torrent of energy towards the group. The energy crackled with raw power, threatening to obliterate them where they stood.

Yun Lintian reacted with lightning speed. He raised a hand, his palm crackling with energy of his own.


A shimmering wall of distorted space materialized in front of the group, effortlessly absorbing the Mark of Law's attack. The energy dissipated harmlessly, leaving only a faint ripple in the air.

Surprise flickered in the Mark of Law's glowing eyes. "You wield the Law of Space? An intriguing power...but insufficient to defeat me!"

Yun Lintian said calmly. "We'll see about that."

He raised his other hand, and spatial energy crackled around him.


Multiple spheres of distorted space materialized around the Mark of Law, constricting it from all sides. The figure screamed in defiance, its form flickering and distorting under the immense pressure.

"You cannot contain a fragment of a god's power!" it roared, its voice strained.

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