Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2090 Demonic

Chapter 2090 Demonic

Without waiting for anyone, Yun Lintian unleashed his aura, a powerful wave of energy that surged outwards, alerting the demonic practitioners to their presence.

The laughter abruptly ceased, replaced by snarls and growls as the demonic figures turned their glowing eyes towards the approaching man.

Yun Lintian's aura wasn't just a warning; it was a declaration of war. As he charged, the demonic practitioners surged forward, their twisted forms a grotesque wave of malice. But Yun Lintian wasn't interested in a brawl. He raised a hand, his palm crackling with energy.

"Law of Space: Dimensional Shear!"

The air thrummed as Yun Lintian unleashed his technique. Invisible tendrils of spatial energy erupted from his hand, weaving a web around the demonic horde. Their crazed charges faltered as they slammed into unseen walls, their bodies contorting in impossible angles.


The web solidified, slicing through flesh and bone like a razor through butter. Shrills of agony pierced the air, cut short as the demonic practitioners were sliced into unrecognizable chunks.

"Ah… Who are you…?" The remaining demons, their eyes wide with terror, tried to flee. But Yun Lintian wasn't done. He pointed a finger at one fleeing figure.

"Law of Space: Dimensional Crush!"

A sphere of distorted space materialized around the demon, crushing him inwards with an invisible force. His screams were a warped gurgle before he was compressed into a bloody pulp.

"Run!" Panic turned the remaining demons into a desperate scramble. They clawed at the ground, trying to burrow, to vanish, anything to escape the horrifying power at work.

But escape was futile. Yun Lintian moved with a chilling grace, his eyes scanning the tableau. With each flick of his wrist, a new tendril of spatial energy lashed out, ripping another demon apart.

The once boisterous bonfire became a macabre centerpiece, surrounded by a growing pile of gore.

Tang Wei and Tang Yumei watched, frozen in a mixture of horrified awe and disbelief. They had always been curious about Yun Lintian's strength, but this surpassed anything they could have imagined.

It wasn't just raw power; it was control. He wielded one of the strongest laws, the law of space, with a precision that was both terrifying and beautiful.

Finally, with a single, dismissive flick of his hand, Yun Lintian dispelled the remaining spatial distortions. The silence that descended was thicker than the stench of blood hanging in the air. He stood amidst the carnage, his clothes spotless, his face etched with a cold fury.

Lin Xinyao and the others arrived beside Yun Lintian and looked at him silently. They had never seen Yun Lintian get angry like this for a long time.

The remaining humans, freed from their horrifying ordeal, could only stare at Yun Lintian with a mixture of gratitude and terror. He was a savior, yes, but also a force of utter destruction. A dichotomy that left them speechless.

Yun Lintian glanced at them and waved his hand. A gentle green light pulsed in the air, rapidly healing the wounds of the survivors.

He retracted his hand, then looked towards the "human candlesticks" and cast a few fireballs. The fireballs struck true, reducing them all to ashes.

With a curt nod to his companions, Yun Lintian turned and headed towards the fourth region, leaving the survivors behind.

The silence stretched as Yun Lintian's group continued to move forward.

"You killed them well, Brother Yun." Tang Wei broke the silence, trying to liven up the tense atmosphere.

Yun Lintian glanced at him and asked. "Tell me everything you know about these demonic practitioners."

Meeting Yun Lintian's calm but cold gaze, Tang Wei swallowed hard and replied, "There are many demonic practitioners around the Primal Chaos. These people were just one of them. The most notorious one is probably the Blood Cult."

"They are notorious for their depraved rituals and insatiable hunger for human flesh. Their power comes from… dark sources, whispers of forbidden pacts and demonic bargains."

With a hushed whisper, his voice dropping from its usual tone, Yun Lintian recalled the gruesome scene earlier. "They're rumored to have a few True Gods backing them," he murmured, "and from what I've heard, there seems to be a connection to the Northern Demonic Lord of the Nine Heavens Realm."

"If that's the case," Yun Qianxue frowned, "how could the Chaos Goddess have allowed them to operate freely?"

As a potential successor to the Chaos Goddess, Yun Qianxue couldn't fathom her allowing such activities within her domain.

Before Tang Wei could reply, Tang Yumei interjected. "The truth is, the Chaos Goddess...well, let's just say she doesn't exactly keep a tight leash on her domain."

Yun Lintian raised an eyebrow, intrigued by this new information. "Please elaborate more, Miss Tang."

Tang Yumei nodded and replied. "Unlike some deities who micromanage every pebble and blade of grass, the Chaos Goddess allows everyone under her rules to develop freely."

"Order and disorder are two sides of the same coin for her. As long as things don't get too out of hand, she seems content to let things play out, even if it results in...unpleasant situations like these demonic cults."

Yun Lintian and the others were stunned. Though they'd never met the Chaos Goddess, they'd always envisioned her as a righteous and benevolent ruler. This revelation was unexpected.

However, when they thought of the information they obtained from the Jade Mountain God Realm, it seemed to make sense. The Chaos Goddess didn't seem to care about demonic practitioners.

Yun Qianxue's frown deepened. "But surely, allowing such atrocities to occur reflects poorly on her domain. Wouldn't it be considered a form of neglect?"

Tang Yumei said gently. "Perhaps. But that's just the way the Chaos Goddess operates. It's a chaotic balancing act. The freedom she grants allows for both wondrous creation and horrifying destruction. It's up to the inhabitants of the Primal Chaos to navigate this wild landscape."

A thoughtful silence descended upon the group. Yun Lintian pondered this new revelation. The Chaos Goddess, a being of immense power, seemingly content to let her domain exist in a state of perpetual flux. It raised questions about her motivations, her goals, and the very nature of chaos itself.

"So," Yun Lintian finally spoke, breaking the silence, "if we take action against these demonic practitioners, we're likely to confront the Northern Demonic Lord himself?"

"Most likely," Tang Yumei replied, her expression thoughtful. "With the Chaos Goddess around, the Northern Demonic Lord rarely made a move. Now that she's missing, it's no surprise he feels less restrained."

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