Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2049 Endless Tenderness

Chapter 2049 Endless Tenderness

Ten years had spun by like a fleeting cloud in the secluded training room of Yun Lintian and Long Qingxuan. The air itself hummed with subtle energy, a testament to their relentless pursuit of dual cultivation.

Yun Lintian sat cross-legged, guiding the flow of spiritual energy through his profound vein. A sudden warmth, unlike anything he'd ever experienced before, bloomed in his Divine Core. His eyes snapped open, a jolt of surprise coursing through him.

Sitting across from him, Long Qingxuan promptly opened her eyes, revealing pools of cerulean that shimmered with newfound vibrancy.

"Our bloodlines," Long Qingxuan breathed her voice barely a whisper. "They've grown stronger again."

Yun Lintian nodded, a slow smile spreading across his face. A decade of their combined cultivation techniques, forged in the crucible of their love, had finally unlocked a new threshold within them.

During this period, Long Qingxuan had successfully broken through the Lower God Realm and ascended to the Middle God Realm at an exceptional pace. Meanwhile, Yun Lintian had also reached the peak level, stepping into the tenth level of the Divine Emperor Realm.

However, compared to their already profound strength, their Dragon God bloodlines and souls had improved dramatically. Their bloodlines had become purer, and their souls were several times stronger. Yun Lintian was certain he could easily compete with any High Gods in a battle of pure physical and mental strength.

They spent the next few hours exploring the newfound depths of their bloodlines. Yun Lintian discovered he could channel his energy with a newfound ferocity, his strikes imbued with an echo of draconic might.

Long Qingxuan, ever the prodigy of control, found her mastery over dragon techniques enhanced tenfold. The very air rippled with the invisible caress of her power.

Yun Lintian stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Long Qingxuan's waist from behind. He inhaled her natural fragrance, a scent he could never tire of, and said softly, "You've worked hard."

Long Qingxuan leaned back into his embrace, tilting her head to look up at his face. Her draconic eyes filled with endless tenderness. "...Ten years of unwavering dedication," she finished, her voice a gentle caress. "But the greatest reward isn't just our improved cultivation, husband. It's the journey we've shared together."

Yun Lintian chuckled, a deep rumble that resonated through the room. "Indeed. Remember when we struggled to maintain a dual cultivation session for more than an hour? Now, we can cultivate for days on end without breaking a sweat."

Long Qingxuan playfully swatted at his arm. "Don't be so boastful, husband. We still have a long way to go. The peak of the Divine Emperor Realm is just another stepping stone."

The playful banter held a familiar warmth, a reminder of the playful camaraderie that had blossomed alongside their love. Yun Lintian's right hand gradually descended, reaching for her most sensitive spot.

"Should we continue?" he whispered in her ear.

Though a decade had passed, Yun Lintian's love for her remained undimmed; in fact, it grew stronger with each passing second. He couldn't explain his newfound clinginess, his addiction to her. Perhaps it was the influence of the Dragon God bloodline, or maybe her superb physique. All he knew was that he never wanted to be apart from her again.

"Ah…" Long Qingxuan let out a soft moan, her breath ragged. She didn't resist him but rather adjusted her posture to allow him easier access. The experiences of the past ten years had completely erased any shame or shyness she might have felt. In his presence, she wasn't a dignified dragon princess but a woman yearning for her man's love.

"Do it, husband," she responded in a sweet voice.

The fire of desire in Yun Lintian's body roared to life. He gently held her waist and began his advance. Soon, ecstatic sounds once again filled the room…

A few hours later, the battle ended. Yun Lintian and Long Qingxuan cuddled on a soft futon, savoring the afterglow. This time, it was purely an act of love, devoid of any cultivation techniques.

Long Qingxuan leaned against his chest, her face flushed. "Do you want to have a child?" she asked softly.

Yun Lintian looked at her in surprise. He gently traced her soft, long hair and said, "Certainly. I've always wanted to have a bunch of cute little ones with all of you. However, the only thing holding me back is the uncertainty of our future. I wouldn't want them to face hardship."

As much as Yun Lintian longed to have children with his beloved women, his circumstances wouldn't allow it. If something happened to him or them, their children would be left vulnerable in this cruel world. Yun Lintian couldn't bear such a thought.

"What about you?" he asked.

Long Qingxuan planted a kiss on his chest and said, "I'd love to have a few children. Ideally, sons. They could carry on our Dragon God bloodline."

Yun Lintian chuckled. "I didn't expect such patriarchal leanings from you."

"Perhaps it's because I understand the challenges women face," Long Qingxuan said softly. "While women are certainly not inferior to men, we often face disadvantages and are more susceptible to exploitation. At least, with sons, I wouldn't have to worry as much."

"That's a valid point," Yun Lintian conceded. Although he personally favored a daughter, he understood the disadvantages women faced, especially in this harsh world.

Long Qingxuan raised her head to meet his gaze. "But I would wait until you have a child with Sister Xinyao."

"Why?" Yun Lintian looked at her, puzzled.

Long Qingxuan smiled and explained, "In a way, she came first. I also understand the depth of your feelings for each other. It wouldn't be fair for her if we had a child before her."

Yun Lintian kissed her head softly. "You're overthinking it. I don't believe Yaoyao would mind… Well, let nature take its course."

"Mhm." Long Qingxuan returned a sweet smile and snuggled closer.

Yun Lintian couldn't resist teasing her a bit. Even now, he marveled at how the once dignified and aloof dragon princess had blossomed into a playfully seductive woman in his arms.

A few minutes later, Yun Lintian helped her sit up. "Let's get some fresh air. I wonder what the situation is outside."

"Sure." Long Qingxuan readily agreed. They cleaned themselves up and changed into fresh clothes before walking out together…

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