Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2048 Dancing Dragons (2)

Chapter 2048 Dancing Dragons (2)

The training chamber hung heavy with the scent of celestial incense, the hot air thick with exertion. Long Qingxuan lay nestled against Yun Lintian's chest, her long, sweaty hair cascading freely around her flawless skin.

Yun Lintian, his breath ragged, fought to catch his breath. He'd pushed himself to the limit, and Long Qingxuan had matched him perfectly. They were evenly matched as a formidable pair.

Gazing down at the celestial beauty in his arms, memories of their interactions flooded his mind. From their first encounter to the present, a transformation had taken place. Where he once saw only the Beyond Heaven King's woman, everything shifted when she pressed him down.

Despite the lack of progress in their outward relationship, Yun Lintian already considered her his. However, an intangible barrier still seemed to separate them.

Yun Lintian grappled with how to bridge the gap between them. Fear of pushing her further away always caused him to hold back. This time, however, he sensed a newfound determination in Long Qingxuan. The reason for her sudden shift remained unknown, but it no longer mattered. From this day forward, Long Qingxuan belonged to him, heart and soul.

Long Qingxuan, her captivating draconic eyes locked on his handsome face, tilted her head slightly. "Curious about my change of heart, are you?"

Hesitation flickered across Yun Lintian's face before he nodded. "Yes, but that's no longer important. You're mine."

A breathtaking smile graced Long Qingxuan's lips. "No," she countered, "it is important. A barrier will remain between us if I don't explain."

"Alright," Yun Lintian agreed, his fingers gently tracing a strand of her hair as he awaited her explanation.

Meeting his gaze without flinching, Long Qingxuan began. "The first time I encountered Yun Tian, I felt an inexplicable quickening in my heart, a sensation unlike anything I'd known. From that moment, I was utterly convinced he was the man I longed to spend my life with."

Yun Lintian listened intently, a silent observer.

She continued, "I poured my heart out, leaving no stone unturned in my efforts to win him over. Even his indifference couldn't dampen my spirits. My feelings remained constant, day and night."

"However," her voice paused for a beat, "it wasn't until I met you that I realized for him, I held nothing but a deep admiration."

"Admiration?" Yun Lintian echoed softly.

"Yes," Long Qingxuan confirmed. "Legends of his exploits filled my ears even before we met, sparking a relentless curiosity within me. With each retelling, my desire to know him grew stronger. I envisioned joining him on his adventures, forging our own legend together. My yearning, mistaking itself for love, masked the true nature of my feelings."

"I understand," Yun Lintian murmured gently. The complexities of emotions were often difficult to articulate; he grasped the essence of her message.

"The first time," Long Qingxuan spoke softly, "my actions were driven by selfishness. I sought the quickest remedy for my wounded soul, and you were the only answer."

"However, that moment also plunged me into confusion. I felt a deep sense of betrayal towards Yun Tian. I desperately tried to cleanse myself, hoping he could find it in his heart to forgive me."

Her gaze met Yun Lintian's with a sincerity that pierced through him. "I apologize."

Yun Lintian smiled, his touch lingering gently on her hair. "There's no need for apologies. You did nothing wrong. To be honest, I was just as lost. A sense of guilt gnawed at me concerning the Beyond Heaven King. It felt like I'd stolen his woman. Though he wasn't truly my master, he commanded a deep respect from me. Without his power, I wouldn't have survived Misty Peak with Qianxue and the others."

"Back then, I believed your heart belonged solely to him. No matter how much I yearned for something more, I wouldn't cross moral boundaries. Even if your body was mine, your heart and soul remained distant. I was clueless on how to navigate the situation and could only retreat."

A soft smile touched Long Qingxuan's lips. "Later, I discovered an unfamiliar feeling I never experienced with Yun Tian – jealousy. Witnessing your interactions with the other sisters ignited a disquieting sensation within me. It was then I understood – I had fallen deeply in love with you."

The two of them stared at each other. The intensity of their gazes spoke volumes, a silent exchange of overflowing emotions.

Yun Lintian lowered his head to kiss her and reached out to grab her elastic buttock.

"It's my turn again." He spoke softly.

"Ah…" Long Qingxuan's breath hitched at his playful actions. Shame still lingered on her cheeks, but a flicker of something else danced in her eyes – a challenge perhaps, or maybe a spark of the same desire she'd ignited in him.

"This isn't about turns, Lintian," she finally murmured, her voice husky. "It's about…" she trailed off, searching for the right words. "Harmony. Balance."

Yun Lintian's grin softened. He understood. The forceful merge in the past had been necessary, a desperate attempt to stabilize her Dragon God Soul. This time, however, could be different. This time, it could be a journey of shared exploration, a deepening of their bond that transcended mere cultivation.

He withdrew slightly, hovering above her. "Then let's explore together," he suggested, his voice a gentle rumble. His touch, when he brushed a stray strand of hair from her face, was light and reassuring.

A slow smile spread across Long Qingxuan's lips, chasing away the lingering shame. "Together," she echoed, her voice laced with newfound resolve.

Their gazes locked, and at that moment, a silent understanding passed between them. This wasn't just about physical intimacy; it was about forging a connection that went deeper than cultivation. It was about two powerful beings choosing to explore the depths of their newfound bond, a dance as intricate and ancient as the dragons themselves.

As their lips met, it wasn't a searing kiss like before but a tender meeting of souls. It was a promise, a shared journey that began with a gentle exploration and blossomed into a symphony of emotions. Their movements, fueled by newfound desire and a deeper understanding, mirrored the celestial dance of their Dragon God Souls.

The chamber thrummed with a different kind of energy this time. It wasn't the raw power of a forced merge but a harmonious confluence of their essences. Each touch, each caress, sent shivers down their spines, not of urgency but of blossoming affection.

As the night deepened, their dual cultivation transcended the physical realm. It became a merging of emotions, a deepening of their connection that resonated on a profound level. In the end, they lay entwined, not just as practitioners, but as partners, their bond strengthened by a shared experience that transcended mere physical pleasure…

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